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Shibusen - DWMA

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    These rules apply to all members. You will be given penalties for breaking them, and if given enough penalties will be kicked from the group.

    ABSOLUTELY NO GODMODDING I do NOT tolerate it! If you are in a fight do not dodge every move without logical meaning. If your character is amazingly powerful, tell us why. Was it something that happened in an experiment? Background story helps with this! Just don't Godmod!!

    Do not be mean to other people in the group! If their character needs some work, then it needs some work. Grammar issues? Ignore it and move on. Roleplay is for fun, not to annoy people.

    If somebody needs help, try to help them out as much as possible!

    If you see someone acting up and against the rules SCREENCAP IT and send it to me telling me what happened, and if necessary I will kick them from the group.

    Please don't spam, it's infuriating.

    Try to be literate? Normally I don't use pictures to roleplay, I try to describe things. Grammar isn't everything but try to make it so we can tell what you're trying to say and get at. -Just warning, I may correct someone if it gets bad.-

    If you haven't read or watched the Anime or Manga, please do! It's a great series and will help you understand the rules of this universe so as to better story-lines!

    Please try to have fun, if we get enough members to roleplay with.

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