As you appear here you are... swimming in the vast ocean of information cascading to your senses... the smell of frozen rose petals thawing out in a hot bath... the sound of a blade being sharpened on the stone... the feeling of liquid trickling down into unspeakable places... the taste of tears and snot... and sights untold. These, and much more await your reactive mind as your swim in this convoluted sea of information. How will you translate it? Will you use it to navigate your way? What if your chances were up to a set of dice, but you still had to devise what you were rolling for? Would that give you a sense of control? For even if you fail; you could say you tried. The goal is to stay alive for most characters, and players alike. NPCs' can be another story. Would you wish for companions for whom which would watch your back to back actions as the plot thickens, and the dice rolls time along at a snails pace? Have you alternatives to course the change into any possibility of stagnancy? What would you like to get out of a game that challenges you to measure your risks?