Welcome to the Questions and Answers board!
Please ask your questions in this forum. Please try to be precise with your questions, as it will make answering more accurate! You will be answered as often as one of the Mods are able to get to your question, which could take a few days or a week, depending how busy our weeks are.
If you're not a moderator, please do not answer questions yourself.
Once questions are fully answered, the thread will be locked, but kept up so that it can help others.
Please keep drama and complaints out of this forum (and all forums), and remain respectful at all times to others questions and the answers received. This is not the place to bring up disputes with other players.
If you have a question, others probably have it too, so feel free to ask away! Even if it sounds dumb to you, it probably isn't, so ask away!
If you're too hesitant or shy to ask your question here on this public forum, feel free to message Trishields directly on discord (Trishields#9205).
Please ask your questions in this forum. Please try to be precise with your questions, as it will make answering more accurate! You will be answered as often as one of the Mods are able to get to your question, which could take a few days or a week, depending how busy our weeks are.
If you're not a moderator, please do not answer questions yourself.
Once questions are fully answered, the thread will be locked, but kept up so that it can help others.
Please keep drama and complaints out of this forum (and all forums), and remain respectful at all times to others questions and the answers received. This is not the place to bring up disputes with other players.
If you have a question, others probably have it too, so feel free to ask away! Even if it sounds dumb to you, it probably isn't, so ask away!
If you're too hesitant or shy to ask your question here on this public forum, feel free to message Trishields directly on discord (Trishields#9205).
Moderators: Trishields Halikai (played anonymously)