Notice: This forum channel is not member's only, so anything said here can be seen by the public.
To submit an event:
PM Zatz with this information:
Event Title:
Date and Time:
BBCoding welcome but not necessary, and must be submitted at least 3 days in advance.
To start an Adventure:
Create a Topic
Title, with (Open - how many spots) or (Full) - please update when full or closed!
Write an introduction, usually an IC starter!
Want something more private?
Head over to the Safehouse!
RP's here are exclusive to only Cipactli members!
Plotting is for Group Events and Adventures.
A member hosted group scene held in-client, posted on the calendar, possibly cross-posted to TGT's if the host feels appropriate. Can be casual or plot developing, a great way to schedule a scene.
To submit an event:
PM Zatz with this information:
Event Title:
Date and Time:
BBCoding welcome but not necessary, and must be submitted at least 3 days in advance.
An Adventure is a long term plot driven scene hosted on the forums here, meant to be something people can drop in and out of over the course of the scene's run time - multiple can be ran at the same time, the Cipactli's version of an "Open RP".
Will be closed after two weeks with no replies, so run time varies and there is no limit to how long a scene can go!
Will be closed after two weeks with no replies, so run time varies and there is no limit to how long a scene can go!
To start an Adventure:
Create a Topic
Title, with (Open - how many spots) or (Full) - please update when full or closed!
Write an introduction, usually an IC starter!
Want something more private?
Head over to the Safehouse!
RP's here are exclusive to only Cipactli members!
Moderators: Zatz (played anonymously)