A place to post any NPCs created for TE80s, these can also go in the #rp-characters channel in the Discord.
[Big Rig - "The Sinister Recluse"]
A towering behemoth living in an isolated cabin. When not at home, he transports crops and livestock around the county.
A towering behemoth living in an isolated cabin. When not at home, he transports crops and livestock around the county.
Reputation - slight spoiler warning!
It is confirmed that Big Rig was incarcerated for nearly six years. The charge? Attempted murder. The place? That old diner out in the Chaparral. The story goes that he threw an entire table into an out-of-towner, then picked him up and swung his body like a bat into another stranger. Once released from prison, the trucker came back to reclaim his rickety cabin in the country. Legend says he found it thrashed by local teens and developed a venomous grudge for the younger generations. Sightings of him are immensely rare, and when encountered, it's said he hardly speaks. He is among the scary stories told at camp: that "Big Rig stalks these woods, snatching up campers and counselors, popping their heads like melons between his monstrous hands" 👻
It is confirmed that Big Rig was incarcerated for nearly six years. The charge? Attempted murder. The place? That old diner out in the Chaparral. The story goes that he threw an entire table into an out-of-towner, then picked him up and swung his body like a bat into another stranger. Once released from prison, the trucker came back to reclaim his rickety cabin in the country. Legend says he found it thrashed by local teens and developed a venomous grudge for the younger generations. Sightings of him are immensely rare, and when encountered, it's said he hardly speaks. He is among the scary stories told at camp: that "Big Rig stalks these woods, snatching up campers and counselors, popping their heads like melons between his monstrous hands" 👻

Moderators: Raerae Cosmonautilus