Hey, guys!
So, I've gone through a lot lately; in the last 2 years, things have taken quite the downward spiral. Someone burnt our house down, I lost everything and my service dog can never be a service or protection dog again because he has PTSD and is traumatized. So, I'm in desperate need for another personal protection / Service dog for my PTSD. This dog is roughly $12,000 after all expenses (estimated anyways) and is trained to keep my anxiety down, myself calm, as well as do what he must to keep me safe. (The personal protection aspect)
Now, when I was younger, I went through an assault that I wont talk about due to trigger reasons. But with the fire in 2020, where a man tried to kill my family due to his gang affiliation and putting it in their heads that my father is FBI so he MUST be investigating them, we don't feel safe. Only one person is in jail for this because the only evidence they have was from the one who did the deed.
SO!! I've been trying hard to reach out for help for my gofundme. If you can't donate, sharing my story would be amazing...
Thank you
Link: https://gofund.me/54393b49
Can't wait to RP with you aaaalllll
So, I've gone through a lot lately; in the last 2 years, things have taken quite the downward spiral. Someone burnt our house down, I lost everything and my service dog can never be a service or protection dog again because he has PTSD and is traumatized. So, I'm in desperate need for another personal protection / Service dog for my PTSD. This dog is roughly $12,000 after all expenses (estimated anyways) and is trained to keep my anxiety down, myself calm, as well as do what he must to keep me safe. (The personal protection aspect)
Now, when I was younger, I went through an assault that I wont talk about due to trigger reasons. But with the fire in 2020, where a man tried to kill my family due to his gang affiliation and putting it in their heads that my father is FBI so he MUST be investigating them, we don't feel safe. Only one person is in jail for this because the only evidence they have was from the one who did the deed.
SO!! I've been trying hard to reach out for help for my gofundme. If you can't donate, sharing my story would be amazing...
Thank you

Link: https://gofund.me/54393b49
Can't wait to RP with you aaaalllll

Moderators: Raerae Cosmonautilus