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World Infomation


    Alpha: Highest rank in the Clan. In order to keep the balance within the Clan, there has to be a pair. This Pair doesn't have to be mated nor bonded, although it’s a common practice.

    Beta: Second Highest Rank in the Clan. They can step in as an acting Alpha in case one or both Alphas or the Alpha’s mates are unviable. As the same with the Alpha, there has to be a pair. They don't have to be mated or bonded.

    Omega: the Omega has different jobs within the clan. Each Clan treats the Omegas Differently. Their powers are average.

    Queens: New Mothers who have had pups or nursing pups. They can be any rank.

    Elders: They are the older or retired wolves who provide wisdom to the young and often times enough , the Alpha or Beta. They can be of any rank.

    Special Roles:

    Consort: The mate of the Current Alpha who can act on the behalf of the Alpha if they are unavailable. They are above the Beta but below the second Alpha if they are not mated.

    Prince/Princess: Offspring of the current Alpha pair. slightly higher then the Beta. Able to choose their roles, other than Herbalist

    Herbalist: The second most respected of the roles that all four clans held in high regard. Unlike the Head Guards, Hunters and Warriors, the Great Guardian choose the future healer when they are born. They will have an eclipse on their shoulders. Any wolf can be born with that mark. They are in charge of keeping the clan healthy and share wisdom as well as read signs from the Great Guardian. There can be a max of 2 Herbalist and two apprentices.

    Guard: They are small in numbers , they have a crescent moon on their shoulders that appears on a pup's first moon celebration. They are loyal to the alphas and have a good balance of strength, speed, agility and stealth. often times there is as most two guards for the Alpha, each having one. They will have an Elements will suite the role

    Hunters: They are in charge of keeping the pack fed and the prey stocked, often times they would be helping the Herbalist in gathering herbs on their hunts. They will have an arrow. They will have an Elements will suite the role

    Warriors: They are in charge of keeping the Clan and territories safe. They are the strongest of the wolves and are prideful of that fact. One warrior would escort the Herbalist when they leave the territory or escorting the Alpha pair to the Moon High. Three triangles interlocked with each other will appear on their shoulder. They will have an Elements will suite the role

    Pup Sitter: They are wolves who would rather spend time watching and helping the queens and their pups if their mothers need to leave or hunt. They are able to fight and defend the pups if needed but rather avoid it. They have basic herb knowledge to help with birth and nursing.

    Rouges Wolves: who have been banished or defected from a clan. They can be helpful or mean, kind and harsh. they have little or no respect for the rules and sometimes get into scuffles with Clan Wolves.

    Loners: Wolves who don't belong to a clan, lost their clan, or have been chased or sepreated from a Clan. They still respect the Clan rules and tend to avoid scuffles with Clan Wolves in hope of having a choice to join a clan. If they are lucky enough, they catch the eye of a clan wolf

    Pack speific roles

    Royal Guard: is a group that serves the royal family of Lilith Kingdom and a part of the Lilith Government. Those in the Royal Guard are loyal to the royals such as Queen and King Royce. There are several different groups within the Royal Guard, such as the Royal Honor Guard


    Cloud-Empire lies on the east of Miraland. This is one of the oldest civilizations on the continent. In the history of the ancient empire, it merged some ethnic cultures, derived out some new as well. Both eastern ancient city and comfortable town can be seen. People here are good oriental style. "an ancient but elegant civilization in the new era. Cloud Empire's nobility consists of the Great Four Families Of Cloud: Yue, Bai, Zhu, and Ming. Each holds a key position in the government and/or society of Cloud.

    This is a country in the north of Miraland, advocating military and fighting. Royal army, local warlords, mercenaries, pirates... the war horn and heroic epic never disappear on this piece of land. Northern Kingdom usually does not get much involved in situations on mainland. But when something is imminent, this "northern wolf under the baptism of storms and fire" cannot stay outside the whirlpool this time...”
    Located in the north of Miraland, this war-like kingdom covered in snow. It is run by the King of North. The emblem resembles a large stylized cross or four-pointed badge with a sphere on each tip and an N in the middle, resting above the word "KINGDOM". Two guns cross in front of it, while a ribbon and crown reside on the top. Behind the design is a leaf circlet or wreath.

    “Apple Federal is the largest country on the mainland, with diverse terrain, four distinct seasons and the largest population. Cities and towns here are simple but fashionable, as well as the wearing style. Apple Federal advocates diversity and independence because it is an immigration friendly country. It is known as "a modern and powerful civilization based on reasonable technology". The Apple style is a simple, fashionable, and modern one. Its emblem is a diamond shape made of several small diamonds. In the center is a stylized A next to the name Apple Federal.

    “Lies on the eastern coast of Miraland, is Lilith Kingdom! Lilith Kingdom was founded by a group of peace-loving wolves, and from there, they developed a unique dreamy, romantic, cute, and fairytale style. The nation is like a fairyland, namely 'a dreamy homeland that heals everything'. Lilith Kingdom is represented by an emblem of a squirrel sitting before a large gate decorated with playing card symbols. A long ribbon sits beneath the squirrel with an acorn in the middle.

    “From north to south, the eastern part of this country stretches across the Urpa Mountains. The canyon here, known as the wind valley, is the most humid place and gives birth to the largest forest on the continent - the wind valley forest. For a very long period, Republic of Wasteland is isolated from the mainland and therefore its people retain an original way of life, fully ancient and mysterious. /b].
    It is located southwest and secluded from other countries by Ulpa Mountains. Its people value nature and deity and are skilled at tribal and aboriginal style. The emblem of Wasteland is circular and resembles a sun, with a face in the center.

    Located in the south of the mainland, the Pigeon Kingdom has rich forest and marine resources and mild and moist climate. People live in manors and ancient cities, participating in prom and outing - regardless of nobility and civilians, Pigeon people meet themselves with the most classical and decent way of life. Under the rule of Queen Elle and her Iron Rose" Pigeon Kingdom is founded in the south part of Miraland. Its residents prefer complex magic style. The emblem resembles an oval-shaped window with an ornate border that has gems hanging from the bottom and a flower-shaped top that has a cursive P in the middle. A pigeon design is drawn in the middle. Surrounding this shape are large wings with ornate details.

    The League Tyr: An assocation of outcast, rouges and rebals, whose base in in North Kingdom and follow the General as an army. They have members from all nations and ranks.

    The Basic Elements are: Air, Fire, Earth, Water

    The Lesser Elements are: Frost, Clay, Magma and Lighting

    The Special Elements: Light and Shadow

    The Untouchable Elements: Demonic and Divine, Life and Death Throughout a wolf’s life, they have the ability to gain up to 3 powers

    When a Wolf is born, they are blessed with one element that is either Basic or Lesser. Once they reach their coming-of-age ceremony, they may be blessed with a secondary element by the Great Guardian that will be weaker than their main.

    When a Wolf becomes an Alpha, they will automatically gain 1 or 2 more powers that will best suite their Clan’s needs by the Great Spirit. Healers are born with the element of Spirit due to their connection with the Great Guardian, the Ancestors, and sending the dead off to the Great Beyond. Their element will be able to heal any wounds or minor injures and be able to predicted the future through prophetic dreams and prophies given by the Ancestors. They are also able to sense taint to an extent.

    No mortal wolf, regardless of their rank can obtain Divine or Demonic or Life or Death which are only for the spirits of beyond. Either element can influence a Basic or Lesser element by taint the owner’s soul or heart and that wolf will become able to see the spirit. Healers may be able to sense or see the influence if they are more entuned with their element(s)


    The Blazing Sun: Alphas have to go through a ceremony and if they pass it, A filled blazing sun will appear on their shoulder. Once in while, although very rare, a wolf can be born with the mark that is empty and once they past through a ceremony, it will become filled.

    Full Moon: To Counter the Sun is the Moon. The ones accepted as Beta will gain the full moon on their shoulder. When the alpha choses his beta, he will give the mark in front of the Clan on a full moon

    Eclipse: Neither Alpha nor Beta, they hold the secrets of both. When the future healer is born, the symbol will appear for they are prechosen by the Great Guardian. Once they are a weaned off of their mother, the current healer will start mentoring them until the reach a year old when they move into the den. Only one the current healer deems the apprentice ready, they will face the last test.

    Crescent Moon: Guards are the ones who are trusted to protect the Alphas and their pups outside of the Clan base and while on patrol or traveling to other territories. Often times, a Guard is a puphood friend or sibiling that the alpha trust the most

    Arrow: Hunters have one of the most important jobs to the Clan. They ensure that the kill pile is stocked and the pack is feed. They will often times help the herbalist gather herbs while they are out hunting. Hunters and Herblist are often seen together
    Three Triangles Interlocked: Warriors are those who guard and protect the Clan and territory. At least one warrior will escort the herbalist, Alpha or Beta if they leave the territory


    Alpha Ceremony: This is when the Alpha pair is chosen by the Great Guardian who will possess the Herbalist. This is a Clan only ceremony that takes place in a special place within the den and will last one full night. After accepting, the others, expect the Alphas will leave.

    Beta Ceremony: This is when the Alpha choses the Beta and they gain their mark. The alpha and the beta will spend a night within the Special Place.

    Guard Ceremony: A Clan only ceremony when the Alpha pair chooses or names their own personal guards for themselves and/or their pups.

    Courtship: This is when a wolf desires another wolf for their mates. The wolf will first offer a gift to the chosen and if the chosen accepts, the courting will start. During which, the wolves strive to impress each other and to become familiar with each other. It will last for 4 season.

    Mating Ceremony: When two wolves have decided to mate after courting of 4 seasons, or if they have an arranged mating that will join two packs. Each Clan has their own version of the mating ceremony

    Naming Ceremony: Each wolf two name ceremonies. When an new born becomes a pup and a pup becomes a young adult, their names will drop the -pup and the -paw to get their name chosen by the Great Guardian.

    Herbalist Test: Before an apprentice can become the new healer, they must go through a Test that is decided by the Ancestors. Every Herbalist tests are different so the current one can’t help the apprentice.

    Herbs (Using Warrior Cat Herbs):
    All Credits to Specklestorm on Amino!