Going back...

"Girl, you're the one I want to want me
And if you want me, girl, you got me"
Justin James is a popular singer with sold out shows in most places, his new tour is bringing him back to his hometown but people here is anything but happy to see the star! 8 years ago Jason left the place without a warning to pursue his music career see this wouldn't have been a big deal if it wasn't for the fact the he left on the exact day he was supposed to get married to his fiancee! She waited at the alter but Justin never showed up and people here haven't forgot. Because not alone did he leave his fiancee she was also pregnant! Justin didn't knew he had a kid because his ex-fiancee was to pissed at him to ever reach out after he just left her

Justin Johnson better known as Justin James

Jane Atkinson, The abandoned fiancée and upcoming singer

Eloise Roberts, born Amber Eloise Roman. Eloise now owns the supermarket in the town. She is known as being really grumpy

Kaylee Rhodes, Kaylee went to high school with Justin and his fiancee back then no one would have thought she would follow in her families footsteps. She took over as the sheriff of the town from her dad two years ago

Allison Roman, The sister and popular musician, whom is in town to rekinded what was lost with her sister

Megan Clarke, enjoying a vacation with her wife Allie and it's their first vacation since two became three, their little baby daugther Sienna is also with them

Evie Brooke, officially Evie Brooke is just in the town for a vacation. Unoficially she is here to see her and Justins parents

"Girl, you're the one I want to want me
And if you want me, girl, you got me"
Justin James is a popular singer with sold out shows in most places, his new tour is bringing him back to his hometown but people here is anything but happy to see the star! 8 years ago Jason left the place without a warning to pursue his music career see this wouldn't have been a big deal if it wasn't for the fact the he left on the exact day he was supposed to get married to his fiancee! She waited at the alter but Justin never showed up and people here haven't forgot. Because not alone did he leave his fiancee she was also pregnant! Justin didn't knew he had a kid because his ex-fiancee was to pissed at him to ever reach out after he just left her

Justin Johnson better known as Justin James

Jane Atkinson, The abandoned fiancée and upcoming singer

Eloise Roberts, born Amber Eloise Roman. Eloise now owns the supermarket in the town. She is known as being really grumpy

Kaylee Rhodes, Kaylee went to high school with Justin and his fiancee back then no one would have thought she would follow in her families footsteps. She took over as the sheriff of the town from her dad two years ago

Allison Roman, The sister and popular musician, whom is in town to rekinded what was lost with her sister

Megan Clarke, enjoying a vacation with her wife Allie and it's their first vacation since two became three, their little baby daugther Sienna is also with them

Evie Brooke, officially Evie Brooke is just in the town for a vacation. Unoficially she is here to see her and Justins parents

Jane Atkinson, The abandoned fiancée and upcoming singer

Allison Roman, The sister and popular musician, whom is in town to rekinded what was lost with her sister.

Evie Brooke, officially Evie Brooke is just in the town for a vacation. Unoficially she is here to see her and Justins parents
Omringet af en mindre hær af folk går Justin ind på den lokale diner der ligger midt i byen. Da han kommer ind kigger han lidt rundt og udbryder "Mayn, this place hasn't changed at all" hans bodyguards er i gang med at flytte nogen borde sammen så de kan alle kan sidde sammen. Han kigger rundt og får øje på flere kendte ansigter båt han kan godt mærke stemningen er alt andet end varm faktisk føles luften iskold. Han mumler lidt "Guess they didn't forget...." og nej, han er ikke stolt af wåt han gjorde dengang båt han vil gøre det igen for det blev startskuddet på hans karriere og han kunne virkelig ikke forestille sig at være blevet i byen, den er bare for lille til ham
Amber Eloise Roman (played by Twenty3)
Topic Starter
Grumpy owner of Eloise Market
December 16 2023
At Justin ikke er den eneste der er "vendt hjem" var ikke gået Eloises næse forbi. Alle de fucking teenagere i den her røvsyge flække af en by kan ikke tale om andet end at hendes såkaldte "søster" også er vendt hjem. Hun står i kassen og snerrer af en ældre dame der spørger pænt om hun har flere julestjerner på lager "The fuck do I know!, if there isn't anymore in the flower and produce section we don't!, else they would have been put up, don't you think? Use the inside of your fucking brain, lady!" damen foretrækker ikke en mine men smiler bare tilbage og ønsker Eloise en god jul, det er ret tydeligt at folk her i byen er vant til den tone. Og uden Eloise selv er klar over det er det faktisk blevet lidt af et tilløbsstykke også fra de nærliggende byer at man handler og bliver svinet til i Stars Hollow

Megan Clarke, enjoying a vacation with her wife Allie and it's their first vacation since two became three, their little baby daugther Sienna is also with them
Moderators: Twenty3