'We are Vigilant'
"Brothers. Sisters. We face an enemy, the size of which we haven't seen in many years, and once more we stand alone. Take heart however, for there is no one else I'd rather stand beside in the defence of these halls. Remember your oath, remember our calling.
We are the rock and stone, heirs of a duty that cannot be forsworn.
We are the fires that burn bright against the night, beacons against the darkness.
We are the shield that guards the realms, the blade that cuts through chaos.
We are Vigilant."
-Recorded words of Grandmaster Everest, during the 668th Siege of Karuzgard.
For over 1000 years, the Order of the Vigilant have defended the civilised world from what lies beyond the World's End Mountains, from feral orcs, goblins, undead, and the creatures of darkness. Tales are told across the world of their martial prowess, with each member able to slay hundreds of enemies, once attracted only the most distinguished knights and heroes from across the world. However these days, very few regard the Order as a worthwhile organisation, and their support has waned in recent years. With the losses from consecutive sieges, the Order has taken to conscripting the very worst sort, thieves, murderers. Only the very lowest in society these days volunteer to join them, seeing them more as an escape from poverty and starvation. Only when they pass the Ascension do they realise the severity of their duty.
As the nations of the world continue their wars and politics, Karuzgard continues their solemn duty, however recently the nearly yearly sieges have stopped, the last siege coming in nearly 20 years ago. Rather than be delighted, the Grandmaster and his Masters are increasingly worried and have extended their scouting details into the Forsaken Lands to find out what's going on. Despite the decrease in activity, recruitment and conscription has continued unabated so that for the first time in many years, the Order has reached a strength they haven't seen in a long time. This is where your story begins.
Wether you were conscripted from the dungeons of the Kingdom of Rocks and Rivers, the coliseum of the Imperium or joining willingly, you travel with Blademaster Oren Stormwind back across the Causeway to Karuzgard. What you did in your old life is forgotten, as you begin your new life as a Initiate. Here you will bond with Initiates in your division, train and live with them as you prepare for your Ascension. Blissfully unaware that a fortress that has stood since the time of the Dwarves, is about to fall.
In the months and years to come, Karuzgard will be breached, taken by an enemy not seen in this world for many years. As one of the few survivors, it falls to you to enlist the aid of the kingdoms and nations across the continent for the great battle to come, and to rebuilt the Order. Hard enough as this will be, your superior has also tasked you with investigating the rumours of still living Dwarves hiding somewhere in the world, to plead for their aid in defending Karuzgard and reinstating the runes on the Great Gate.
The road will be long, and your task is not easy. Remember your vows, stand with your brothers and sisters, and save our world. -
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- Elanir of the Woods (played by BayLeafBard) Member
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- Ashley Maundrel (played by BloodLightning74) Member
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