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Forums » OOC Lounge » Can someone give me some crit for the Oc design??

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(I am a big fan of horned creatures, so, ha...)

The only constructive criticism I can give is one tiny detail (as a person that draws art that has blood a lot).

When the blood is on the cloth, it shouldn't look the same as it does on fabric. The blood on the fabric should look a little washed-out(?) if that makes sense, and possibly, the overall blood should look darker, depending on how long it's been there. If it's been there a while, it should be shaded darker and with more brown, and if it's fresh, the color it is or maybe slightly darker should be fine. :)

I really like how you draw eyes and noses!
Very interesting. :D I usually draw ram-like horns when I draw them, but maybe I should try more horns like those?
Oml, thank you for the crit!
My camera does make everything look a bit lighter but I still probably should of selected a more brown-reddish color-
And Also I have a extra question if you don't mind, what color should I make the eyes?
HoneyBlossom wrote:
Oml, thank you for the crit!
My camera does make everything look a bit lighter but I still probably should of selected a more brown-reddish color-
And Also I have a extra question if you don't mind, what color should I make the eyes?

Hm, it looks cool the way it is, but if you want to color it... Red, grey or yellow would look nice. :)
Thanks! :DD