This group has been archived by its founder. It may still be viewed, but can no longer be joined or posted to.
Featured Members
- Veliar Makingdore (played by SuperManTaco2121) Visitor
- Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1) Chamber B Student
- kyoukan (played by sadadadako) Chamber C Student
- Dolion (played by Just-A-Lebian) Chamber B Student
- Raziel Steven Davis (played anonymously) Chamber A Student
- Rorrim (played by WickSys) Chamber C Student
- Gamba Adeyemi (played by AkumaBear) Chamber B Student
- John Jackringer (played anonymously) Caretaker (10-12+)
- Theresa Elliot (played by BloodLightning74) Member
- Mathius Kothinto (played by VoliminalVerse) Fate's Circle Recruiter
Welcome to Villareal De Meath's Academy for Powerfully Gifted Beings.
Please, if you are invited to join or have seen a flyer, make sure to check out the rules and have your character at least halfway prepared before accepting the invitation and joining into the academy. The main inspirations for this group is the following: "The Umbrella Academy" "The Mysterious Benedict Society" "Twisted Wonderland" "My Hero Academia" "Harry Potter" and "Marvel" and you do not have to know any of these to join, as this is only to set a bit of a setting. (The following playlist is by ""Invadable Harmony"" available on YouTube.
Warning: This group contains Violence/Blood, Extremely Dangerous and Brutal superhero training, dark themes such as the following; Mother Gothel-esque parenting, bad flashbacks, rigorous training that could injury (or worse, kill) the students if not careful, a lot of crying (bunches of it), family issues (The...students/siblings don't really get along like they should.), and may contain science experimentation and/or body horror, if the story chooses to go that way with said character.
You have been warned.
But that said, this is still an all-ages group and cannot get but so dark.
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Please contribute to our group treasury!
Villareal De Meath's Superheroic Academy for the Powerfully Gifted Beings | Founded by Villareal himself, co-founded by Gracefield Aaron. | Reserved for the Powerfully Gifted only.
Villareal De Meath's arriving at the Event Stage!
Posted By Gracefield Aaron (played anonymously) on Feb 7th 2023
Gracefield Aaron here!
Villareal De Meath is arriving soon to answer some questions from the students, and he wanted to let the others know that Teachers and Employees are not allowed to ask questions, and that Villareal can dismiss any question asked that he deems not worthy of an answer.
Please...Surveying the Students and Employees!
Posted By Gracefield Aaron (played anonymously) on Jan 20th 2023
Hello, Gracefield Aaron here.
I'm hoping to receive some answers for a survey to help make this place a better environment! Please send the letters to my office and be honest about them students (and employees!)
What I'll want to know from your survey is;
What is your favorite thing about the...Training Regimen Updates~!
Posted By Gracefield Aaron (played anonymously) on Jan 18th 2023
"Hello, Gracefield Aaron here!
Finally finished the three regimen training rooms set up in Chamber C, and I hope that this training will do well in your mission to become a wonderful and powerful superhero!
Gracefield Aaron (co-founder of Villareal De Meath's Academy for Powerfully Gifted Beings)"Welcome Back!
Posted By Gracefield Aaron (played anonymously) on Jan 18th 2023
Hello, Gracefield Aaron here!
After a little while of downtime, it seems the academy is back to being normal, as it should! It's wonderful to see it so lively in here again, isn't it?
~ Gracefield Aaron, Co-Founder of Villareal De Meath's AcademyNew Teacher
Posted By Gracefield Aaron (played anonymously) on Dec 12th 2022
"Hello, Gracefield Aaron here!
We are pleased to welcome our new teacher who will be working in Combat Classes, please give him a warm welcome at both his Welcoming Ceremony and when he will teach his first class session."
~ Gracefield Aaron, Co-Founder of Villareal De Meath's Academy -
Recent Posts
- New Teacher/Caretaker by Mathius Kothinto (played by VoliminalVerse) September 3rd 2023, 2:32pm
- "Hiya" by Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1) August 31st 2023, 3:06pm
Azurite Kent(played by etherally) March 28th 2023, 4:21am - This kid has powers? by Red Hood (played anonymously) March 1st 2023, 11:43pm
Um.. Hello?
Aegean Apirary(played anonymously) February 28th 2023, 10:48am
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