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  • The Realm of Aedrexus is a “high cosmic grim fantasy” setting, homebrewed from Forgotten Realms (along with other extant canon e.g. Planescape) but with the intent to eventually move toward being as unreliant on FR as possible. It is a world inhabited by many races: human, elf, orc, tiefling, and so on.

    Aedrexus—known to its denizens as the Mother—is a small planet situated on the precipice of the Void. As such, Aedrexus is heavily influenced by the Void, manifesting in weird happenings and tears in reality across the realm. People’s souls are more sensitive to divinity. Rarely, even eldritch beings reach out their tendrils to touch the minds of mortals.

    There are forces of good, evil, law, and chaos, but chaos is something that goes way further over everyone’s heads—more of a cosmic horror type chaos. The Void can hold chaos and is associated with it.