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  • Aedrexus is a small planet. The majority of the territories occupy the mainland, with some island nations existing as well. If there is a place you want to go, so long as you have safe transport, you can probably get there. Of course, safe passage may depend vastly on where you want to go, and travel can still take plenty of time.
  • List of Countries

    Norova - A small country with a tough arctic climate that subsists year round made up of many small tribes lead by elders who govern together through the acquired trait of telepathy. The people are tough, hardened, and familiar with close range combat and the thick snow storms that often hinder visibility make it difficult for ranged combat to exist without endangering friendlies. Oftentimes Norovans will make use of the low visibility to engage in guerrilla warfare in the bleak tundras they call home. They are simple people who have a strong ideal and image of home. Their lands belong to them and they are a people governed by the traditions of old.

    Narfell - A land as lawless as it is cruel, the city states are disheveled and chaotic whilst constantly at war. The lack of solid government outside of the rule of the King who fancies to rule by the law of the fittest heeds the beckon and call of violent and malevolent creatures. While all the same, the land has little to no rules on immigration and citizenship. Fugitives from countries near and far are not turned away at the border and encouraged to come for an infusion of fresh blood. The strongest rise to prominence as warlords regardless of origin and creed.

    Raulklands - A tropical country to the South of the continent with technologically advanced circulations interwoven through it’s jungle. Nature itself is alive and the inhabitants have reached a symbiotic relationship with it. The nature here is unlike that which is found in the rest of the realm. This country is effectively a fortress, constantly moving and protecting its people confusing and effectively rerouting entire armies back to the borders.

    Leverette - Mountainous region consisting of multiple small settlements and robust trade routes. The people here mine the mountain for precious resources often coveted by the rest of the world. The price of their exports balance out the cost of a living in a difficult place.

    Planarstead - They are a military and expansionist focused people. A warrior civillization that is focused on one singular thing: expanding their lands and focusing on the subjugation of those around them. Their failures, although many do not dampen their spirits. They are strong in combat but lack the organization required for full scale sieges in order to take over strongholds. Planar mercenaries are highly sought out by nations, they’re the spearhead of an assault and have an excellent track record as long as they are managed properly by their leaders.

    The Empty Territory - The name suggests whatever it’s supposed to be, but not what it is. The barren wasteland was deemed unlivable many years ago after a near apocalyptic cataclysm lost to the ages, belonging to a time before history was written. Tales of its demise have survived through spoken word passed down by those who had survived, they mused about the darkness that had consumed the lands and swallowed people whole leaving nothing behind as the swarm took them. Rapture, punishment, purge, whatever name they had given it was not enough and over the years the truth had possibly warped out of proportion. There is no recognized government, only criminals of different kinds and sorts and black market trades. Bounty hunters frequent these lands searching for their targets; they are protected by their sovereign nation and maintain relative safety from those around them. Why risk your neck for somebody you don’t even know?

    Kleotone - A kingdom where the legitimacy of the throne has been under question and scrutiny for 250 years. Power consistently flows back and forth between two separate arms of the Royal family tree and its citizens have spent more than half of that time engaged in a civil war. It is a nation ruled by unrest and it’s dedicated worship to a goddess named Veruka, a karmic force to be reckoned with. It is one of four holy nations identified by the city state of Bhenovst.

    The Flowing Isles - A large island nation, sun kissed and distinguished in its practice of the arts. The rough seas play their guardians and gods of the Deep act as their protector. Magic flourishes through ancient arcane means steeped deep in the blood of ancestral song. Families are secondary to the cults that either rule or exist. Cults are the only way for those not born in the Isles to tap into its power and have since replaced the simplistic and barbaric concept of utilizing bloodlines as the only way to establish familial relationships. The Isles are run by the Republic, a circle of magi who have served on court war councils throughout the realm.

    Ryujo - A once imperial island nation that has closed its borders to outsiders to contend with itself. Not much is known about the country’s current state as it has been sealed for 20 years at the first sign of destabilization for fear it was the result of espionage. It was once hailed as a strong and spiritual nation, but now they only allow half a dozen people to enter their borders in the pursuit of trade and intellect every few years. As far as it is known, there are warlords who rule under a single Emperor, there have been no updates on the current political situation in at least a decade.

    Rettiken - A nation whose expansive coast line allows it to heed the title of the mightiest nation while also being the source of most of the piracy practices on the Malachite Sea. Their methods of procuring nearly every port on the coast had allowed them to control sea trade to most countries inland but their inability to properly control and guard every single one of them have allowed for pirates and small private traders to slip by mostly undetected. After 50 years on a useless war, zb allowed for “businesses” that were not part of the organization of trade conglomerates to apply for licenses to dock and unload for tax. But that's only if there was an official to present them with a bill. The red sands and green waters are a sight to see, next time you drop by, pick up a postcard for your wife.

    Khitta - An arid desert dotted with frequent oasis rumored to have sprung from the tears of an Overgod. Most settlements are planted along the river and it’s many paths but the city in the Northmost region of the country, Idolens, is located by the largest lake in the tri country area and owns an advanced irrigation and aqueduct system to maintain all of it. Idolens is a bastion of cultural and architectural excellence and home of the most prestigious, non-magical colleges. Great thinkers and innovators of science, mathematics, and design have graduated from the halls of the university and have decided to call Idolens their home (edited)

    Treigh- A peaceful land ruled by silver tongued diplomats. The people here value language and culture above all, the lingua franca of the country consists of 18 languages and most citizens are polyglots with the average number of languages being 4. The more you know denotes the level of your education and as much as it does your family’s wealth. The courts are stringent but the law is negotiable as long as you find the right words to say.

    Urai - Rolling hills and jutting rock faces in a cool and temperate climate is home to many small and consistently warring kingdoms in this large nation. They haven't officially drawn lines as every time a new map is drawn to place borders it is challenged by another king. Cartographers from elsewhere have decided to leave the ever shuffling borders to be decided by themselves as they plotted out the large piece of land as one country for some peace of mind. There is nothing here in terms of large scale politics other than constant sieges popping up over a small disagreement at a feast. A young noble oversteps his boundary and courts the princess, the furious King’s blood boils. The noble’s family allies with the neighboring King who grants fiefdom to the family and grants them an army. A bloody cycle for a bloody country.

    Alur’zoth - The surface of these lands are hard and unlivable, the plains made of glass due to a god attempting to raze it all asunder. For the god’s crimes, she was buried alive doomed to eternity, while the people she tried to extinguish flourish in the underground. They have vast and complex underground cave systems that have been refined and expanded over centuries. The people here are skilled in building, planning, and civil engineering able to make the stubborn earth suit their needs in beautiful ornate ways.

    Toghes - A strict monarchical society that rules nearly exclusively through matriarchal powers. Home to merchants that deal with all of Aedrexus the country is flush with riches and often does not deal in war and maintains neutrality in nearly every conflict. Their neutrality and reluctance to help either side allows the mercantile class to profit off of the conflicts in full force.

    Eralus - Heavily wooded country known to be tough and inhospitable to both outsiders and citizens alone due to the thick brush and thorny bramble. Eralian settlements are often found up in the trees among the canopy of leaves. It's people are nimble and quick footed allowing them to traverse the thickly tangled branches with ease. If the woods don't spit you out into a mangled mess, the ambush of bandits will.

    Eloeg - Eloeg is a large island nation off the northwestern coast of Aedrexus. It is 12 days’ travel from the nearest port, and though it is not exactly trying to hide its existence, many are unaware of it outside of the northwestern portion of Aedrexus, considering it lacks major exports, and emigration is challenging, given the country’s general poverty, and the rarity of scheduled trips off of the island due to the danger of the surrounding waters—sea monsters are prevalent, and there are many deceptively rocky areas which have been the cause of many a lost ship. In Eloeg, the soil is suffused with a unique form of magic. Over generations of living off of the land, the DNA of Eloeg residents slowly begins to mutate. This mutation allows for the genetic presence of a phenomenon known as Eidolonism. The Eidolons are capable of channeling the memories and experiences of the creatures—and people—that they kill into three schools of power, which gradually affect their physical appearance in unusual ways. They also wear their morality on their bodies, as it impacts their features and warps them.