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  • Notes

    In Aedrexus, racism is really, really uncommon. It isn't completely unheard of, but the vast majority of people are not racist, and racism is not allowed in RPs held in the setting. Just saying this upfront.

    Regarding the rest of this page: For some races, I'm going to use the D&D Beyond simple description (as found on this page) as a placeholder. Many races either will or already do differ from their Forgotten Realms counterparts. Compared to the rest of the lore thus far, this page is probably the most subject to change, as we develop and/or change the races' details and everything. So just keep that in mind.

    If a description says [D&D] afterward, that means it's lifted straight from D&D Beyond. If it doesn't have anything after it, I wrote it, unless I fucked something up. <3
  • List of Races

    Aarakocra - A winged people who originated on the Elemental Plane of Air, aarakocra soar through the sky wherever they wander. [D&D]

    Aasimar - A race possessed of celestial blood, aasimar wear their lineages on their bodies as anyone does, though they face a unique danger: Many will hunt and kill aasimar, selling their celestial body parts on the black market at high demand. The danger varies depending on the area. Aasimar are sometimes able to fly, or have other celestial powers.

    Abarak - The Abarak are a race of arthropodal bipeds. Semi-nomadic, they live in robustly organized underground tunnel systems in colonies of approximately fifty to a hundred, though outsiders will seldom see even half their number. Their colonies operate with a hivemind whose radius is directly proportional to the colony’s queen, and individuals who stray far enough away from the colony will lose direct contact with the hive, though their gained knowledge and experiences will be reintegrated upon their return. More information can be found here.

    Centaur - Half human, half horse, all centaur.

    Changeling - For some changelings, a new face is only a disguise. For other changelings, a new face may reveal an aspect of their soul. [D&D]

    Dragonborn - Dragonborn look very much like dragons standing erect in humanoid form, though they lack wings or a tail. [D&D]

    Dwarf - Often choosing to live underground or in tunnel systems built into mountains, Dwarves usually stand from three to four feet tall, and like gnomes and halflings, they walk on a second set of hands instead of feet.

    Elf - Elves are a magical people of otherworldly grace, living in the world but not entirely part of it. [D&D]

    Giant - Large and often considered sullen due to their gaunt features, giants stand taller than any other mortal race. As such, they often have difficulty navigating cities built by other races, which often don't take giants' size into account. They often live nomadic lifestyles, as they always have. Their language is very efficient, often requiring fewer words to express complex ideas.

    Githyanki - Once enslaved by illithids, the githyanki and githzerai used to be one people, but eventually grew culturally and genetically distinct from one another as their beliefs drove them apart. The githyanki, led by their powerful psionic lich queen, made it their collective duty to wipe out the mindflayers from the face of Aedrexus, as well as any other plane in which they find them. The githyanki have a warrior culture, valuing strength and their strict code of honor.

    Githzerai - Once enslaved by illithids, the githyanki and githzerai used to be one people, but eventually grew culturally and genetically distinct from one another as their beliefs drove them apart. The githzerai refused to follow the githyanki lich queen, instead placing their focus on honing their psionic abilities and pursuing personal and group enlightenment. Though the githzerai are often capable in combat, and their psionic abilities often outweigh those of the githyanki, they are often hesitant to fight, valuing peaceful resolutions to most conflicts. They, too, have a code of honor, though its enforcement is much less severe, and it is not unheard of for some githzerai to abstain from it entirely.

    Gnome - Usually standing under three feet tall, gnomes must be resourceful in a world largely built for people larger than they. Gnomes are responsible for many technological advancements, usually best with small, intricate machinery. Like halflings and dwarves, they walk on a second pair of hands instead of feet. Gnomes also have thin, rodent-like, prehensile tails.

    Halfling - Halfling shoemaking techniques are viewed as the standard among both hand-footed and foot-footed individuals. Like gnomes and dwarves, they walk on hands instead of feet.

    Human - They're humans alright.

    Illithid - Known colloquially to many as "mindflayers," illithids are a strange people, their motives and appearances alien to most. No one knows for certain from whence they came, but most assume that they are of otherworldly origin. Many illithids have displayed interest in dominating mortals' minds for their own gain, either not able to understand the worth of others' lives, or not caring to. However, their numbers on Aedrexus are scant after centuries of the revenge conquest of the githyanki, and for good reason, illithids keep to themselves in hidden colonies. These colonies are governed by elder brains, which have the psionic capacity to manage and communicate with many illithids at once--the githyanki maintain that one elder brain can nurture a colony of thousands. The illithids remain poorly understood by the vast majority of Aedrexus.

    Kenku - Kenku look like large ravens, lacking wings in favor of a pair of arms. Legend tells of the loss of their wings, a punishment for greed and hubris, though no one can remember when they had wings, so no one is really sure if they had them at all. Kenku maintain that they did, however, and the ultimate goal of any kenku is to achieve flight once more.

    Kobold - Kobolds are the smallest of all dragonkin. Due to their small stature, none of the intimidation of most dragonkin tends to translate, unless they are trying to scare something small, like a baby, or a pill bug.

    Orc - Among all mortals, orcs are the most closely related to angels, whose oft monstrous appearance has trouble molding to an organic form. This is why they have craggy and harsh features.

    Tabaxi - Catfolk.

    Tiefling - Tieflings are distant descendants of devils and demons. Their appearances vary, but some of the most common features include horns on the head, prehensile tails, claws or hooves, and non-circular pupils. Some tieflings have wings, but they are often too small to support their bodies in flight, rendering them largely vestigial.