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Minato speeds along the course, seeming to finish it in a matter of milliseconds.
Kimon was at the start of the course..he was a little confused but once he learned it was was a speed test, he would quickly finish, his time coming just under above 8 seconds "I thought I was faster than that-" he sighs " Well that is to be expected..I dont really fight anymore-"
A strangely shaped Kunai lands next to Kimon, and Minato appears with it an instant later. “Hello. Kimon Lotus, wasn’t it?”
He smiled as his friend had appeared "Yes, hello minato!" He says his voice became bright again "How are you doing friend?"
“Not bad, I must say. This place is rather nice, isn’t it?”
"Id probably just use it was a place to nap..-" he joked "But yeah its such a pretty place.."
Minato chuckles. “Well, you could Get a bunch of sleep in here, and barely a day would pass out there, correct?”
" According to The saiyans who opened this place to us, yes, quite odd but its a nice little place!" He was wrong about it being just... A little-
Minato laughs. “My friend, this place is anything but little. Even with the flying raijin, I haven’t seen an end to it yet.”
"I mean I could try and teleport to the end but theres no telling if I can.., I could try if you wanted to come with me-"
Moderators: SoulHeart57