
1. Humans.
2. Centaurs.
3. Satyrs.
4. Nymphs.
5. Minotaurs.
6. Gorgons.
7. Harpies.
8. Merfolk.
9. Sirens.
10. Cyclopes.
11. Fauns.
12. Giants.
13. Lamia.
14. Basilisks.
15. Chimeras.
16. Sphinxes.
17. Elves.
18. Dwarves.
19. Demigods
20. Tieflings.
21. Vampires.
22. Werecreatures.

The most populous and versatile race, humans possess adaptability and ambition, excelling in various roles and professions.
- Humans are known for their adaptability and versatility. They possess no innate racial abilities, but they have the freedom to excel in any class or profession.
- Humans are known for their ambition and desire for greatness. They possess a natural drive to achieve personal and societal goals, seeking power, wealth, influence, or honour. This motivation often leads human characters to take on leadership roles, become renowned warriors, or strive for mastery in their chosen fields.
- Humans value community and social connections, forming strong bonds with family, friends, and allies. They excel in building relationships, forging alliances, and navigating the intricacies of social dynamics. These traits can be advantageous for diplomacy, gathering information, or rallying support.
- Humans are mortal beings with limited lifespans compared to some other races.This inherent mortality drives them to make the most of their time and leave a lasting impact on the world. It also means they must contend with the fragility of their existence, facing mortality's shadow and grappling with the consequences of their choices.
- Humans possess resilience and determination in the face of adversity. They can endure hardships, overcome challenges, and adapt to changing circumstances.

Half-human, half-horse beings, centaurs are known for their speed, archery skills, and affinity for the natural world.
- Centaurs excel in archery and warfare due to their innate grace, speed, and exceptional marksmanship. Their horse-like lower bodies provide them with incredible mobility on the battlefield, allowing them to engage in hit-and-run tactics or unleash devastating charges.
- Centaurs have a profound affinity for nature, often residing in wooded areas, plains, or mountains. They possess an innate understanding of flora and fauna, making them skilled trackers and survivalists in the wild. They may also have the ability to communicate with animals and draw upon nature's blessings.
-Centaurs typically live in tight-knit tribal communities, valuing honour, loyalty, and the preservation of their ancestral traditions. They have strong bonds with their fellow centaurs and often operate within a hierarchical structure led by respected tribal leaders or chieftains.
- Centaurs are often entrusted as guardians of sacred sites, such as ancient forests, mystical springs, or hidden groves. They take their role as protectors of these places seriously and defend them fiercely against any who would desecrate or harm them.
- Centaurs possess knowledge of herbalism and natural remedies,using their understanding of plants and their healing properties to tend to the wounded or cure ailments.
- Due to their unique appearance and cultural differences, centaurs may face challenges when interacting with human societies. Prejudice and misunderstanding can lead to tensions and conflicts, although some centaurs may actively seek peaceful coexistence and understanding.

Goat-legged creatures with a love for revelry and music, satyrs excel in agility, stealth, and enchanting melodies.
Goat-legged creatures with a love for revelry and music, satyrs excel in agility, stealth, and enchanting melodies.
- Satyrs possess exceptional agility and nimbleness Their goat-like legs allow them to traverse challenging terrains with ease, making them skilled climbers and surefooted in treacherous environments. They excel in acrobatics, allowing them to perform impressive feats of dexterity.
- Satyrs are known for their love of music, dance, and revelry. They often carry musical instruments like flutes or lyres, and their melodies have the power to captivate and enchant others. Satyrs are frequently found in festive gatherings, where their music and lively presence enhance the atmosphere.
- Satyrs have a mischievous streak and are known for their playful and sometimes unpredictable behaviour. They enjoy pranks, tricks, and light-hearted mischief. However, their intentions are rarely malicious, and their playful nature often brings joy and laughter to those around them.
- Satyrs have a deep connection with the natural world. They are attuned to the rhythms and cycles of nature, and they possess a unique understanding of plants and animals. This connection grants them heightened senses and intuition when navigating natural landscapes.
- Satyrs are adept at stealth and tracking due to their intimate knowledge of the wilderness. They can blend seamlessly into forest environments, using their agility and natural camouflage to move silently and remain unseen. They excel in scouting missions and navigating through dense terrain.
- Satyrs embrace life to the fullest and celebrate its pleasures. They have a zest for exploration, adventure, and experiencing new sensations. Satyrs are often seen as free spirits, unburdened by societal conventions, and they inspire others to embrace their own passions and joys.
- Satyrs are often associated with sacred groves and wooded sanctuaries. They act as protectors of these hallowed places, ensuring their preservation and safeguarding the ancient wisdom and magic that resides within them.

Ethereal and elusive, nymphs are associated with natural landscapes and possess magical abilities related to flora and fauna.
- Nymphs are ethereal beings, embodying grace, beauty, and enchantment. They are often associated with natural elements such as forests, springs, rivers, and mountains. Nymphs possess an otherworldly allure that captivates and entrances those who encounter them.
- Nymphs have the ability to communicate with the natural world. They understand the language of animals, can sense changes in the environment, and possess a deep intuition when it comes to nature's secrets. This ability makes them skilled guides, trackers, and observers of the natural world.
- Nymphs are attuned to specific elements of nature, depending on their subrace. Each subrace has unique traits, abilities, and appearances tied to their elemental affinity. Some examples include:
Dryads: Nymphs of the trees and forests, closely bonded to the flora. They possess a deep connection with trees, often being guardians of sacred groves.
Naiads: Nymphs of freshwater sources, residing in lakes, rivers, and springs. They possess the ability to purify and heal through their connection to the waters.
Oreads: Nymphs of mountains and rocky landscapes, drawing power from the earth itself. They exhibit great resilience and strength.
Naiads: Nymphs of freshwater sources, residing in lakes, rivers, and springs. They possess the ability to purify and heal through their connection to the waters.
Oreads: Nymphs of mountains and rocky landscapes, drawing power from the earth itself. They exhibit great resilience and strength.
- Nymphs have a natural affinity for healing and restoration. They can harness the rejuvenating energy of nature to heal wounds, cure ailments, and provide solace to those in need. Their touch has a soothing effect on others, promoting physical and emotional well-being.
- ]Nymphs possess the power of illusion and shape-shifting. They can manipulate their appearance and blend seamlessly into their surroundings. This ability allows them to elude danger, deceive their foes, or assist allies by providing camouflage or distractions.
- Nymphs often serve as guardians of sacred natural sites. They protect and preserve these sanctuaries from desecration or harm, safeguarding the ancient magic and wisdom that resides within them. Nymphs will defend these places with great determination, calling upon their elemental powers when necessary.
- While nymphs are long-lived, they are not immortal like some other mythical beings. They experience the passage of time, though their lifespan is considerably longer than that of humans. This limited mortality imbues them with a unique perspective on life, the cycles of nature, and the value of time.

Bull-headed and muscular, minotaurs embody strength, ferocity, and a warrior's spirit.
- Minotaurs are often associated with ancient mazes and labyrinths. Legend tells of a cursed lineage and their connection to a mythical labyrinth where they were once imprisoned.
- Minotaurs are renowned for their incredible physical strength.They can overpower opponents with raw power, using their brute force to overcome obstacles and engage in close-quarters combat.
- Minotaurs are adept at charging into battle, using their powerful horns as formidable weapons. They can unleash devastating charges, goring their enemies and causing significant damage.
- Minotaurs possess a remarkable endurance and resilience, allowing them to withstand and recover from injuries at an accelerated rate. They have an innate toughness that makes them formidable adversaries.
- : Minotaurs often live in tightly-knit tribal communities, where they value strength, honour, and loyalty. They have a strong sense of kinship and follow a strict code of conduct within their society.
- Minotaurs value honour and loyalty above all else. They are known for keeping their word, adhering to agreements, and maintaining strong bonds with their allies. They uphold a sense of justice and fairness within their tribes.
- Minotaurs have a deep connection to ancient wisdom and traditions. They possess knowledge passed down through generations, which helps them navigate the complexities of their tribal life and understand ancient mysteries.
- Minotaurs often struggle with their dual natureβa blend of human intelligence and bestial instincts. They must find a balance between their primal urges and their rational minds, as the beast within can be a force to be reckoned with.

Snake-haired beings with the ability to petrify their enemies, gorgons possess a mix of beauty and danger.
- Gorgons are legendary beings with snakes for hair. Their unique appearance sets them apart from other races, making them instantly recognizable and often feared.
- Gorgons possess a powerful ability known as a petrifying gaze. When they make eye contact with a living being, there is a risk that the victim may turn to stone. This ability serves as a potent defense mechanism and can be a formidable deterrent against potential threats.
- Gorgons have reptilian characteristics, such as scaly skin, fangs, and a forked tongue. Their reptilian heritage grants them enhanced agility, speed, and resilience. They are adept at stealth and can navigate through treacherous environments with ease.
- Gorgons possess innate mystical abilities tied to their serpentine nature. They may have the ability to communicate with snakes, control serpents, or unleash venomous attacks. These abilities can vary among individuals and may manifest in unique ways.
- Gorgons often bear a curse that isolates them from society. Their petrifying gaze and monstrous appearance can elicit fear and prejudice from others. As a result, Gorgons may struggle to find acceptance and face discrimination throughout their lives.
- Gorgons are often associated with guarding ancient temples, hidden tombs, or sacred artifacts. Their fearsome reputation makes them effective protectors of these places, as their presence alone can deter intruders.
- Gorgons often face a personal journey of self-acceptance and finding their place in the world. They may grapple with the fear and isolation their abilities bring, seeking understanding and overcoming societal prejudices.
- Gorgons possess an inner strength that stems from their serpentine nature. They have a remarkable resilience, both physically and mentally, allowing them to withstand hardship and persevere in challenging situations.

Half-human, half-bird creatures, harpies are known for their speed, aerial agility, and their haunting cries.
- Harpies are skilled flyers, soaring through the skies with grace and agility. Their wings allow them to navigate aerial environments, survey large areas, and engage in aerial combat.
- Harpies have sharp talons on their feet and a beak that serves as a formidable weapon. Their talons can rend flesh, while their beaks can deliver powerful pecks or piercing bites.
- Harpies possess exceptional eyesight, able to spot details from great distances. They have a keen sense of observation, making them adept at scouting, tracking, and detecting hidden threats.
- Harpies have a haunting and melodic voice that can carry through the winds They can use their vocal abilities to communicate over long distances, issue warnings, or unleash a piercing scream that disorients or terrifies opponents.
- Harpies have a strong nesting instinct, building nests high in trees, cliffs, or other elevated locations. They are protective of their nests and fiercely defend them from intruders.
- Despite their avian characteristics, Harpies retain some primal instincts. They have a deep connection to nature and can exhibit behaviours akin to their avian counterparts, such as territoriality, flock dynamics, and rituals.
- Harpies often form communities and operate within a social hierarchy. They have leaders or matriarchs who guide their group, making decisions and enforcing rules. Harpies value loyalty and cooperation within their community.
- Harpies are notorious for their scavenging and thieving tendencies. They have an affinity for shiny objects and may hoard precious items or use them as currency in their communities. Their nimble fingers and keen eyes make them expert thieves and pilferers.

Humanoid creatures with the lower body of a fish, merfolk excel in aquatic environments and possess underwater adaptations.
- Merfolk are perfectly adapted to the underwater environment. They can breathe underwater indefinitely and have enhanced vision, allowing them to see clearly even in the depths where light is scarce.
- Merfolk possess exceptional swimming abilities. They can move through water with incredible speed and agility, making them swift and graceful in aquatic environments.
- Merfolk have a natural affinity for water and can manipulate it to a certain extent. They can control small bodies of water, shaping currents, creating waves, or even conjuring water-based projectiles.
- Merfolk possess the ability to communicate with marine creatures. They can understand and speak a melodic language that resonates with the natural rhythms of the sea, allowing them to interact and cooperate with various oceanic beings.
- The scales that cover the merfolk's tail provide them with a natural armour. offering increased protection against physical attacks. This resilient armour helps them navigate the hazards of the underwater world and withstand the challenges they may face.
- Merfolk possess the ability to emit sound waves and perceive their echoes, allowing them to navigate dark or murky waters with exceptional precision. This ability aids in detecting hidden objects, locating prey, or avoiding dangerous underwater obstacles.

Enchanting and seductive creatures of the deep sea, sirens possess captivating voices that can lure unsuspecting sailors to their watery domain.They differ from merfolk in appearance as their body is tentacular in nature.
- Sirens are captivating beings, known for their mesmerising beauty and enchanting voices. They possess an irresistible charm that can seduce and enthral those who hear their songs.
- Sirens are creatures of the sea, with a close connection to the ocean and its depths. They are often found near coastlines, rocky shores, or hidden coves. Sirens have a natural affinity for water and possess enhanced swimming abilities.
- Sirens have extraordinary singing voices that possess a magical quality. Their melodic songs can evoke a range of emotions in listeners, from joy and bliss to sadness and longing. Sirens can use their voices to soothe, inspire, or even manipulate others.
- Sirens have the ability to create illusions that can deceive and confuse their targets. They can project images, alter perceptions, or create mirages to mask their true nature or manipulate the perception of their surroundings.
- Sirens possess a hypnotic charm that allows them to exert a subtle influence over others. This charm can make individuals more receptive to their suggestions, enhancing their persuasive abilities.
- Sirens are often associated with sailors and seafarers, using their enchanting abilities to lure unsuspecting ships and crews towards rocky shores or treacherous waters. However, not all sirens are malevolent, and some may use their powers for different purposes, such as guiding lost souls or warning sailors of impending dangers.
- Sirens are highly sensitive to emotions and can be deeply affected by the emotions of others. They are vulnerable to emotional manipulation and may struggle with their own intense feelings. This sensitivity can make them susceptible to empathetic bonds with others or lead to internal conflicts.

Powerful one-eyed giants known for their immense strength and craftsmanship. Cyclopes are often skilled in forging weapons and armor.
- Cyclopes are known for their incredible physical strength. Their single eye grants them exceptional power, allowing them to wield heavy weapons, lift massive objects, and deliver devastating blows in combat.
- Cyclopes have the ability to deliver powerful strikes with their enormous fists or weapons. Their immense strength combined with their focused precision enables them to deal crushing blows that can incapacitate or even defeat their foes.
- Despite having only one eye, cyclopes possess incredibly acute senses. Their remaining eye has exceptional vision, allowing them to see great distances and perceive even the slightest movements with remarkable clarity. Their enhanced hearing and sense of smell also contribute to their overall sensory prowess.
- Cyclopes possess a remarkable resilience and endurance. They are capable of withstanding significant physical trauma and shrugging off the effects of injuries more effectively than most races. Their formidable constitution allows them to persevere through strenuous activities and endure harsh environmental conditions.
- Cyclopes are known for their skill in craftsmanship. They have a natural aptitude for working with their hands, creating intricate and durable objects. Whether it's forging weapons, constructing structures, or crafting intricate designs, their innate talent allows them to excel in various artistic and practical endeavours.
- Cyclopes have the ability to see clearly in low-light conditions, including darkness. This gives them an advantage in nocturnal environments or areas with limited light sources, as they can navigate and perceive their surroundings with ease.
- Cyclopes possess a strong mental fortitude, making them resistant to psychic manipulation and mind-altering effects. Their formidable willpower allows them to resist attempts to control or influence their thoughts and emotions.
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Towering and robust beings, giants are renowned for their colossal size, strength, and endurance. They often have a deep connection to the mountains.
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Towering and robust beings, giants are renowned for their colossal size, strength, and endurance. They often have a deep connection to the mountains.
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Serpentine creatures with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a snake. Lamia are associated with cunning, dark magic, and seduction.
- Lamia have the lower body of a snake, granting them enhanced agility, speed, and the ability to slither and coil with grace. They can move swiftly through various terrains and possess remarkable flexibility.
- Lamia possess a natural charm and alluring aura that can captivate those who gaze upon them. Their seductive presence can influence the emotions and thoughts of others, allowing them to manipulate and enchant those around them.
- Lamia have venomous fangs that they can use as a formidable weapon. Their bite can inject a potent venom that can paralyze or weaken their enemies, giving them an advantage in combat.
- Lamia have an inherent connection to dark and occult magic. They possess an affinity for spells and abilities related to illusions, enchantments, and manipulation. This magical prowess makes them formidable sorcerers or enchantresses.
- Lamia have exceptional night vision, allowing them to see clearly in darkness or low-light conditions. This ability enhances their stealth and makes them proficient in navigating and operating in dimly lit environments.
- Lamia are often viewed with suspicion and fear by other races due to their association with dark magic and their reputation for seduction and manipulation. They often face prejudice and discrimination, forcing them to navigate society with caution.
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Fearsome reptilian creatures with the ability to petrify their foes through their gaze. Basilisks are known for their deadly nature and protective instincts.
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Fearsome reptilian creatures with the ability to petrify their foes through their gaze. Basilisks are known for their deadly nature and protective instincts.
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- They have an increased chance of becoming marked and hunted by Diana.
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Chimeras are extraordinary creatures that embody a fusion of multiple animal forms. They possess features from different animals, combining them into a unique and often fearsome appearance.
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Chimeras are extraordinary creatures that embody a fusion of multiple animal forms. They possess features from different animals, combining them into a unique and often fearsome appearance.
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- They have an increased chance of becoming marked and hunted by Diana.
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Sphinxes are enigmatic and mystical beings known for their wisdom and guardianship. They possess the body of a lion and the head of a human, often adorned with a regal headdress.
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Sphinxes are enigmatic and mystical beings known for their wisdom and guardianship. They possess the body of a lion and the head of a human, often adorned with a regal headdress.
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There is currently a limit of one demigod per player.
There is currently a limit of one demigod per player.
Demigods, begotten of the love between a mortal and an immortal, breathe with the fire of duality in their veins. Possessed by a power that few in the world can fathom, they are both blessed and cursed; adored and feared.
As demigods grapple with their ambiguous identityβhalf immortals, half mortalsβthey must confront the expectation of men, who try to claim them as divine property or hasten to annihilate them. They may seek solace in a destiny of their own making or accept the challenge of turning their phenomenal abilities into a weapon for justice. Beholden to no one but themselves, these heroic figures stand poised on the threshold between worlds, inspiring all those who call upon them with hope.
- Demigods possess a trace of divine essence within them, granting them heightened attributes and supernatural capabilities. They have increased strength, speed, and resilience compared to ordinary mortals..
- Demigods radiate an aura of awe and inspiration, captivating those around them. They possess natural charisma and a commanding presence that can influence the emotions and actions of others. - Demigods possess unique abilities or traits inherited from their divine parent. These can range from elemental affinities to specific blessings associated with their parent's domain. They may have the ability to shape-shift, command animals, or manipulate the fabric of reality. - Demigods are bestowed with the favor of their divine parent, granting them access to divine magic and abilities . They can call upon their deity's powers to perform miracles, heal wounds, manipulate elements, or summon celestial allies. |
- Despite their divine heritage, demigods still retain mortal aspects. They can be injured, fall ill, and age like any other mortal. While their resilience may be higher than regular humans, they are not invulnerable.
- Demigods possess a fraction of the power of their divine parent, but they are not equal to full gods. Their abilities and divine magic may be potent, but they are limited compared to the vast powers of their immortal counterparts. - Demigods often carry the weight of their divine parent's expectations and responsibilities They may be pulled into divine conflicts or used as pawns by more powerful deities, forcing them to make difficult choices that affect their own lives and the mortal realm. - Demigods often struggle to fully control or harness their divine powers. Their immense strength can be difficult to control, and they may inadvertently cause unintended destruction or harm if they lose control or become overwhelmed with emotion. - Demigods are often subject to the attention and interference of other deities, both benevolent and malevolent. They have an increased chance of becoming marked and hunted by Diana. - The relationships between divine parents and their demigod offspring can be complex and strained. Demigods may face conflicts with their divine parent, half-siblings, or other gods who view them with jealousy, suspicion, or disdain. These conflicts can pose emotional and psychological challenges. - Demigods often form deep connections with mortal companions and loved ones. These mortal relationships can become vulnerabilities, as enemies may target these individuals to harm or manipulate the demigod, exploiting their emotions and attachments. - Demigods may struggle with their identity and sense of belonging. They exist between the mortal and divine realms, never fully fitting in either world. This internal conflict can create a sense of isolation, longing, or purposelessness. |