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Forums » General Prompts » RULES BASE

This group has been archived by its founder. It may still be viewed, but can no longer be joined or posted to.

[justify]1️⃣ // This group is meant to be written in [color=red]3rd Person[/color], and can be [color=red]Adjustable Length[/color] most of the time. Please do not do chatspeak or script format. We ask of you to [color=red]try and match post lengths[/color] the best you can, but is okay if you can't. 2️⃣ // Please inform the group of any [color=red]triggers, subjects you find uncomfortable[/color], or anything similar to these things, before we roleplay. We don't want anyone to be uncomfortable while we are roleplaying, so [color=red]it's better to inform us before the roleplay starts[/color] than during it. 3️⃣ // [color=red]Be patient, and we'll be patient back.[/color] We all have our own busy lifes, and we're sure you do too! If it seems like someone's ghosting you, don't worry, they might just have [color=red]forgotten[/color] about the roleplay, or are having [color=red]real life distract them[/color] from being able to reply. Don't be afraid to [color=red]hit someone up and ask about them[/color], and they will probably do it in return for you as well. 4️⃣ // Please [color=red]do not take any roles of anyone else.[/color][/justify]

Because I've had trouble writing rules myself in the past, I figured I should help others write their rules with a nice base to go by! Please credit me if possible if used!

Moderators: twistedvictorian