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    The Frontier, although a fictional setting, often draws from real world events that have taken place in the past as well as events from the game series itself. However, this does not mean that we condone certain behaviors, terms, actions, etc. This is a place of escape and shouldn't feel like an unsafe environment for anyone.

    Utopia Preset:
    The Frontier follows a purely 'wonderland where everything is wonderful' basis, albeit not literally. This means we've decided that certain things do not exist in this world we've created for ourselves: Racism, sexism, ableism, antisemitism, etc.

    You're free to explore all these themes is your own personal private rps away from the group, but for the sake of excellence and providing a safe environment for our members its humbly asked you do not bring it here. This doesn't exclude things that have happened in the past to your characters, but I again I ask that it not be brought into the group for the sake of a safe player environment.
    Better Understanding
    With the setting comes some very outdated terminology and misconceptions of different topics. Please be mindful of outdated terms, references and other such things when rping in the setting because it can be easy to misuse a phrase or term by mistake when it is no longer socially acceptable.


    The rules are pretty simple and straight forward, lets go over them:

    • Be excellent to each other. There are people who aren't going to get along but keep it between yourselves in your closets, ya filthy animals.

    • Any OOC harassment will not be tolerated.

    This is a 18+ IC/OOC Continuity

    • IC actions have IC consequences: Be mindful of this before you conduct your humongous killing spree or destruction of property.

    • There are no expectations when it comes to activity. Muses wane, stuff happens, our brains are not kind and sometimes we need a break.

    • IC does not equate to OOC; its said numerous times but it still occasionally MUST be said.

    • Please keep rp to appropriate channels!

    • Keep things that you learn OOCly to yourself

    • This continuity is self contained

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