Current Map With thorough scanning, you have found a path down the first hallway Made by me using Sébastien Bénard's "RPG MAP" program. Link to the download page linked here!
Legend and Points of Interest
-The players are entering from the North, but the map has North at the top. Keep this in mind.
-The map will be updated as the game goes on, with features detailed in the area specific notes below
-The green pools will be used to represent pitfall traps
-Characters in location-specific trouble will be shown. If clarification is needed, please ask.
Central entrance:
-Most key points of interest are now roughly labeled with textboxes! Additional details will still be presented below as they are noticed!
-The red debris indicates the red path winding along the floor
-The red wall section represents the wizard's work room imagery. The protruding bronze box is in the center of this section.
-The door and grey wall section represents the torture chamber mural, with the door representing the position of the door in this image.
-The black wall section is the wolves-eating-a-corpse scene. The one being eaten resembles someone the viewer cares for and who is not with them. If they have no loved ones, the figure seems vaguely familiar, and their death is unexpectedly upsetting for reasons which are not clear.
-The green at the end of the hall represents the open-mouthed devil face. It's mouth lets no light in or out...
-The magenta at the bottom left is the position of the mist-filled arch. Its two base stones and its keystone are distinctive, and somehow give the suggestion of faint colour despite being dull... for now. -
Detail views
Images of specific locations or situations which need more clarification. May be images from the original or 5e adventure modules, sketches, dioramas built in Minecraft, or other representations that will hopefully be helpful