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Specialists & Ranks

  • Note: #hashtag links will take you to the linked room in our Discord server.

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    Clearance levels determine where you can go within the Omphalos, as well as which missions you're cleared to take part in. They are based on the amount of experience you’ve had, your individual skills, and the level of care and responsibility you show to your fellow beings. They also often determine order of command during missions and emergencies, ensuring that those with the most experience and level headedness are watching out for those who may still be finding their feet.

    Destructive and reckless behavior that endangers yourself and others will result in reprimands being placed on your record. Too many or severe enough reprimands may result in you being stripped of your security clearance until you can prove that you are once again fit for that sort of responsibility.

    (OOC Notes & How to Register)

    **A Reminder: You don't have to wait for staff to put up new missions! You can create and even play your own out as long as you have at least one other player to join you! Check out how here!**

    Clearance Levels
    If your character is a civilian in Sanctuary, then this is not an aspect of the game you need to worry about. If your character is an agent, they, like civilian guests, will be assigned a security level of 0 when they first arrive, severely limiting the places they are able to access within the Omphalos. They will be able to travel back and forth through level 0 gates, but until they gain security clearance, they will not be placed on any missions.

    A character can gain their first security rank by registering with the agent database, which will place them at Clearance Level One. All requirements are per character. OOCly, you can do this by submitting the following to staff:

    Name/Alias: What your character goes by in character. This does not need to be their real name, and characters are not forced to reveal secret identities. Please include a link to your agent's character sheet. You're also welcome to include a personal plot or limits page for yourself if you have one!

    Pronouns: What pronouns your character prefers to be referred to by.

    World Number: The world they came from. You can make this number up. This is mostly just flavor text, but comes in handy if you want to play characters from the same universe, as well as make it easier for them to find one another IC. If you are using the same world number as another person, please make sure that they're okay with it first, and that your particular flavor of AU or Canon matches up. You can check for repeat world numbers in the ⁠#personnel-database on the Discord, and the Interdimensional Database on our forum, or you can simply ask staff to assign a number for you.

    The database's character information is considered in-world information, and can be accessed by other characters IC, so please keep this in mind when submitting.

    Once submitted, your character's clearance level and specializations can be found in the #personnel-database room on the Discord, as well as any other agent specific IC info about them. If you feel you have met the requirements for a clearance level or specialization, or you notice that your character's information needs to be updated, feel free to DM staff.

    Veteran & Janitor of Justice Slots
    Veteran Slots Open: 7/10 Remaining - - - Janitor of Justice Slots Open: 5/5 Remaining

    Though most new characters will have to work their way up the Ranking System, we also occasionally have special spots open in order to ensure that there's a population of more experienced characters for the newbies to work with. If you would like to claim one of these spots, you may do so by contacting Jabberwookie.

    You may select any clearance level for your character and any role for them beneath Clearance Level Five. To ensure that everyone gets a chance at these slots, you are limited to one character claim every two weeks. Please note that some of the highest level roles do have special IC requirements. If there are such requirements listed, then you must still supply those before claiming that ranking for your character.

    The Veteran slots only apply to characters taking part in the Research & Development or Field Specialization branches, while Janitor of Justice slots apply to any role within the Home Team branch.

    Additionally, if you would like to have your character in either a mentorship or chaperone role, please make sure to let staff know via private messages. Players with a character in either role get an extra Veteran or Janitor of Justice Slot.

    Reprimands & Losing Security Clearance
    First, to note: reprimands are an In Character occurrence to make the game more interesting and realistic. They do not mean that you are in trouble or did anything wrong OOCly. They may mean that your character will face in character consequences for their behaviors (or for the character doling out reprimands if they're abusing the power), but you will never be in trouble OOCly for them.

    Reprimands can only be given to a character by another character level three or above. Each has an expiration date whose duration depends on the severity of the reprimand, after which they'll be removed again. They can be found next to the character's name in the #personnel-database on the Discord.

    They may also be removed in character by someone higher ranking than the person who made the record-- sometimes for exemplary behavior, sometimes because the reprimand in question has been disputed. You can have characters add, remove, or dispute reprimands by DMing staff with the details.

    Enough reprimands in a short enough time can result in a character losing their security clearance. Characters will only ever be stripped of their security clearance if the character in question has done something ridiculously bad or has consistent reckless behavior and a whole butt ton of reprimands. It can also only be done by a Guardian. You will receive an OOC warning before this happens in case you want to do something to avoid it if that's an available possibility.

    If this happens to your character and they lose their clearance, they won't lose their specialization progress too, just their ability to go on specific missions and enter certain areas until they earn it back again. They will not be able to gain new specialization roles until they qualify for them again. Security clearance levels may be regained the same way they were gained the first time.
  • 84apckexpo4.pngZero Clearance
    (Guests, New & Unregistered Agents)
    (Select to Learn More)

    Note: Roleplays used in previous clearance level requirements cannot be reused for later levels. You gotta make some new ones! You can however, reuse the same roleplay for multiple requirements within the clearance level. Roleplays used to gain specializations may also be reused for security level clearance

    If you would like to skip the leveling process, consider using a Veteran or Janitor of Justice slot if one is available, or you can gain a free one for yourself by having a character become a mentor or a chaperone.

    Most new characters start at this level. Either they're brand new agents who are still completing their orientation, or they're guests, either from Sanctuary or from other dimensions. Characters who have zero clearance have likely not been assessed for their combat or survival capabilities and have not received their health exams yet, and as such are not vetted for missions and cannot go on them.

    Likewise, the Hazard Simulator will not allow level zeroes to access any of its training programs unless another agent is present with higher clearance who can adjust those levels for them. Level zero clearance means that only the public facing areas of the Omphalos can be accessed without accompaniment, such as the lobby and recreational areas.

    Level Zero agents are sometimes affectionately called ‘goose eggs’ by more experienced agents.

    None. This is automatically a given for all new arrivals.

    Clearance Level One
    (Registered Agents/Home Team still in training)
    (Select to Learn More)

    Note: Roleplays used in previous clearance level requirements cannot be reused for later levels. You gotta make some new ones! You can however, reuse the same roleplay for multiple requirements within the clearance level. Roleplays used to gain specializations may also be reused for security level clearance

    If you would like to skip the leveling process, consider using a Veteran or Janitor of Justice slot if one is available, or you can gain a free one for yourself by having a character become a mentor or a chaperone.

    These characters are now entering the training phase of their time with the AotM, where they will be shown the ins and outs of multiverse life. They can go on missions rated for them (level one), or up to level three if there is at least one higher ranking agent with them. They may begin pursuing a specialization if they would like to.

    Their name or chosen alias is officially 'in the system', and they have been paired with a mentor or a chaperone and a team if they are a minor. They are still somewhat limited in where they can go for safety reasons, but they have further access than guests.

    Register your character's agent information so that it may be entered into the #personnel-database on the Discord server.

    Clearance Level Two
    (Regular Operatives/Home Team)
    (Select to Learn More)

    Note: Roleplays used in previous clearance level requirements cannot be reused for later levels. You gotta make some new ones! You can however, reuse the same roleplay for multiple requirements within the clearance level. Roleplays used to gain specializations may also be reused for security level clearance

    If you would like to skip the leveling process, consider using a Veteran or Janitor of Justice slot if one is available, or you can gain a free one for yourself by having a character become a mentor or a chaperone.

    These characters have completed their training phase and are now considered full fledged operatives. They can go on missions ranked to them and lower (level two), or up to level five if there is at least one higher ranking agent with them.

    They can also become mentors to new agents or chaperones, and go most places within the Omphalos. They're still somewhat learning the ropes, but they've got a pretty good grasp on existing within the multiverse at this point.


    The character has been in play for at least one (1) full week.

    The character has reached previous security clearance levels.

    Take part in at least three (3) different roleplays on the server or the forum.

    Take part in at least one (1) successful away mission.

    The character in question has no current reprimands for reckless or irresponsible behavior on their record.

    Reprimands can only be given to a character by another character level three or above. Each has an expiration date whose duration depends on the severity of the reprimand, after which they'll be removed again. They can be found beneath the character's name in the #personnel-database on the Discord.

    They may also be removed in character by someone higher ranking than the person who made the record-- sometimes for exemplary behavior, sometimes because the reprimand in question has been disputed. You can have characters add, remove, or dispute reprimands by DMing staff with the details.

    Clearance Level Three
    (Senior Operatives/Home Team)
    (Select to Learn More)

    Note: Roleplays used in previous clearance level requirements cannot be reused for later levels. You gotta make some new ones! You can however, reuse the same roleplay for multiple requirements within the clearance level. Roleplays used to gain specializations may also be reused for security level clearance

    If you would like to skip the leveling process, consider using a Veteran or Janitor of Justice slot if one is available, or you can gain a free one for yourself by having a character become a mentor or a chaperone.

    Senior Operatives have been around a while and have seen some stuff. Many of them are natural leaders, even if they don't always opt to take that position, and they look out for the people around them.

    There are few places they can't go within the Omphalos, and they're trusted with more dangerous missions (level three), or up to level five if there is at least one higher ranking agent with them.. They also have access to the Senior Operatives Lounge, and the Senior Operatives Comm Channel.

    The character has reached previous security clearance levels.

    Take part in at least five (5) different roleplays on the server or the forum.

    Take part in at least one (1) roleplay where your character's leadership skills are on display. This could be helping new recruits, leading an away mission, or any other similar activity.

    Take part in at least one (1) successful away mission (this must be different from the Corrupted world).

    Take part in at least one (1) successful away mission to a Corrupted World.

    Take part in at least one (1) training roleplay where your character is the student.

    Achieve the beginning level in at least one Specialization.

    The character in question has no current reprimands for reckless or irresponsible behavior on their record.

    Reprimands can only be given to a character by another character level three or above. Each has an expiration date whose duration depends on the severity of the reprimand, after which they'll be removed again. They can be found next to the character's name in the #personnel-database on the Discord.

    They may also be removed in character by someone higher ranking than the person who made the record-- sometimes for exemplary behavior, sometimes because the reprimand in question has been disputed. You can have characters add, remove, or dispute reprimands by DMing staff with the details.

    Clearance Level Four
    (Special Operatives/Home Team)
    (Select to Learn More)

    Note: Roleplays used in previous clearance level requirements cannot be reused for later levels. You gotta make some new ones! You can however, reuse the same roleplay for multiple requirements within the clearance level. Roleplays used to gain specializations may also be reused for security level clearance

    If you would like to skip the leveling process, consider using a Veteran or Janitor of Justice slot if one is available, or you can gain a free one for yourself by having a character become a mentor or a chaperone.

    Special Ops are some of the best agents the Omphalos have. They're trusted to go on dangerous solo missions, and deal with other delicate matters (level four and five missions) that would be considered over other operative's heads. They tend to have special skills that set them apart, or are otherwise experts in their fields.

    The character has reached previous security clearance levels.

    Take part in at least six (6) different roleplays on the server or the forum.

    Take part in one (1) successful away mission (this must be different from the Corrupted Worlds).

    Take part in two (2) successful away missions to Corrupted Worlds.

    Take part in at least one (1) roleplay where your character rescues another character, gathers important intel or valuable resources, or helps to destroy a full grown Behemoth.

    Take part in one (1) training roleplay where your character is the teacher (don't forget to claim your points for this!)

    Achieve above the beginner's level in any specialization for your character.

    The character in question has no current reprimands for reckless or irresponsible behavior on their record.

    Reprimands can only be given to a character by another character level three or above. Each has an expiration date whose duration depends on the severity of the reprimand, after which they'll be removed again. They can be found next to the character's name in the #personnel-database on the Discord.

    They may also be removed in character by someone higher ranking than the person who made the record-- sometimes for exemplary behavior, sometimes because the reprimand in question has been disputed. You can have characters add, remove, or dispute reprimands by DMing staff with the details.

    Clearance Level Five
    (Guardians & Trusted Leaders of other Organizations)
    (Select to Learn More)

    Guardians are the highest-ranking members within the organization, responsible for making critical decisions and overseeing all aspects of the Omphalos. This level of security clearance is also sometimes, though rarely, given to trusted leaders of other organizations outside of the AotM.

    This Clearance Level can only be awarded within roleplay, and is usually awarded for some distinguishing act or level of service to trusted and responsible individuals after the existing Guardians vote on it. It can only be gained once the other Clearance Levels have been reached. Likewise, a Guardian can only be stripped of their rank if the majority of the Guardian Council votes on it.
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    (Select to Learn More)

    Note: Roleplays used in previous specialization requirements cannot be reused for other roles within that specific specialization. You gotta make some new ones! You can however, reuse the same roleplay for multiple requirements within the same role, or for different specializations if it checks the box for more than one requirement. Roleplays used to gain security level clearance may also be reused for specializations.

    Points note: If you made some art or wrote a short story, share what you've made somewhere outside of this community, like on DA or Tumblr, and link back to us to gain some points and give this game a signal boost at the same time. Sharing is caring!

    Junior Steward is an observational and assistance role. They help fully trained stewards with whatever task they've been set to, taking direction and learning the general ins and outs of how things behind the scenes on the Omphalos work.

    It's not unusual for them to get stuck with the more tedious tasks of whatever is being worked on at the time.


    Achieve Clearance Level One with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character assists with cooking, cleaning, gardening, animal care, or supply delivery.

    The Stewards of the Omphalos are a role with many roles. They do a little bit of everything, from laundry, to gardening, to cooking, cleaning, animal care, mail delivery, and supply acquisition, and their tasks may change from day to day, depending on who they're scheduled to serve under or what they're best at.

    They may help a head gardener plant new trees, cut carrots for one of the head chefs, pick up a supply drop for the provisioners, parcel out animal feed with the zoologists down at the Stables, or half a dozen other things. Some days are more exciting than others, but it's always honest work.


    Achieve 'Junior Steward' with your character.

    Create four (4) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character assists with cooking, cleaning, gardening, animal care, or supply delivery.

    The head gardeners are in charge of all of the food and ornamental crops within the Omphalos, and many of the medicinal plants as well, ensuring that they're being well cared for and properly harvested and prepared.

    They also often accompany science teams out into the field to acquire new plants to grow and make use of.


    Achieve 'Steward' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Two with your character.

    Create three (3) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character works with plants or fungi within the Omphalos's gardens.

    Head Chefs rule over the Omphalos's kitchens, planning menus, directing staff, and ensuring that there's enough nutritious food for each of the various species and dietary requirements they may encounter.

    Since there's only so much room for the Omphalos to grow its own food, and imports are often unpredictable, Head Chefs must be clever and resourceful with their ingredient usage, and it's not unusual to find them pressing an away team to allow them to come along to look for new ingredients to play with.


    Achieve 'Steward' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Two with your character.

    Create three (3) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character helps to prepare a meal for the greater population of the Omphalos.

    Head Provisioners are responsible for almost all of the domestic supplies going in and out of the Omphalos, and even some of the raw materials for the engineering team, such as the Gadgeteers. Their jobs are partially to keep an eye on finances, but also to buy, sell, and trade with various Worlds in order to keep the organization well supplied.

    They are always looking for new lines of supply, and many of them are ferocious hagglers.


    Achieve 'Steward' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Create three (3) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character helps to procure new supplies for the Omphalos or an Enclave.

    Head Stewards tie the whole team together, ensuring that all the various hands in the game, from the cooks, to the provisioners, to the gardeners are getting along, being fair to one another, and not at each other's throats over things like supplies and wants over needs.

    They coordinate efforts between the different teams, soothe tempers, and when needed, put their foot down to settle disputes as the final word. They have a lot to juggle just on an everyday basis, nevermind when they're called upon for things like events.


    Achieve either 'Head Gardener', 'Head Chef', or 'Head Provisioner' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character engages in a cleaning or restoration related task in the Omphalos or an Enclave in a way that benefits the greater whole.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character engages in a cooking related task in the Omphalos or an Enclave in a way that benefits the greater whole.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character engages in a garden or animal care related task in the Omphalos or an Enclave in a way that benefits the greater whole.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character procures supplies for the Omphalos.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character plans and runs a social or wellness event for the Omphalos or an Enclave.

    (Select to Learn More)

    Note: Roleplays used in previous specialization requirements cannot be reused for other roles within that specific specialization. You gotta make some new ones! You can however, reuse the same roleplay for multiple requirements within the same role, or for different specializations if it checks the box for more than one requirement. Roleplays used to gain security level clearance may also be reused for specializations.

    Points note: If you made some art or wrote a short story, share what you've made somewhere outside of this community, like on DA or Tumblr, and link back to us to gain some points and give this game a signal boost at the same time. Sharing is caring!

    Security Trainees are still learning the ropes. Their role is mostly an observational one, as well as to provide assistance when requested by more experienced members of the security team while they learn the ins and outs of the Omphalos's security protocols.

    They provide support in monitoring the Omphalos's access points, such as the lobby and the gates, ensuring that returning agents and guests adhere to safety protocols and regulations. They are also responsible for helping to solve non-violent disputes between team members, as well as bringing larger problems to the attention of other specialty branches if necessary.


    Achieve Clearance Level One with your character.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) showcasing your character training, observing others work, or otherwise improving upon the skills they will need to be useful in their security position.

    Security Officers are experienced personnel entrusted with maintaining order within the Omphalos. They handle routine security matters, including access control, and are prepared to respond to minor threats. While trainees tend to monitor the Gates on the Omphalos's side, Security Officers often get the chance to get out into the field more, watching over Enclaves and other similar outposts, and occasionally accompanying research teams as protection.


    Achieve 'Security Trainee' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Two with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character takes part in a sparring, training, or Hazard Simulator session as a student.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character deals with a security incident or threat either within the Omphalos or elsewhere.

    Being a member of the Special Guard means that you are often assigned to look after VIPs. Sometimes they're visitors, other times they're rescued from Corrupted Worlds, but figures such as politicians, royalty, or diplomats need looking after-- just as much to keep them out of trouble as to keep them safe.

    Members of the special guard are trained to handle these sorts as well as protect them. They are also called upon occasionally as extra support for more dangerous missions or Enclave locations.


    Achieve 'Security Officer' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character takes part in a sparring, training, or Hazard Simulator session as a student.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) that showcases your character learning a new skill that's socially oriented or interacting with a politically oriented character.

    Armory heads keep track of the Omphalos's stable of weapons, gear, and other similar supplies. They ensure that those who are meant to be maintaining them are doing so, and that agents aren't taking them out for frivolous reasons. They're also who repeat offenders get sent to for dressing down and reparation work when they develop a habit of destroying or misusing gear.

    Armory Heads assist operatives in gearing up before missions, and when new gear is needed, they assess the unique needs of individuals against the existing resource supply, take measurements, and put in orders to the engineering team for the creation of that new gear, facilitating communication between both parties while also assuring that neither get too carried away with their creations. They are the only ones outside of the Guardians who can order new gear to be made using the Omphalos's resources-- though of course, operatives are welcome to have things made on their own time and dime.


    Achieve 'Security Officer' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) showcasing your character assisting another character in charge of gear or weapons in some way with their task, such as one of the gadgeteers, or showcase them bringing new gear in.

    Security Chiefs are in charge of supervising all of the other security personnel, and ensuring that they all work together seamlessly and ethically, both in times of peace and in times of emergency. They safeguard sensitive information and coordinate security operations during times of major threats, like evacuations, working in tandem with others of their station to fulfill their duties. They are often employed to worlds where total Corruption infection is inevitable, helping to evacuate as many innocents as possible in still untainted areas before they are overtaken.


    Achieve either 'Special Guard' or 'Armory Head' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Four with your character.

    Take part in four (4) successful away missions to Corrupted Worlds.

    Take part in at least one (1) successful mission where your character is in a leadership role.

    (Select to Learn More)

    Note: Roleplays used in previous specialization requirements cannot be reused for other roles within that specific specialization. You gotta make some new ones! You can however, reuse the same roleplay for multiple requirements within the same role, or for different specializations if it checks the box for more than one requirement. Roleplays used to gain security level clearance may also be reused for specializations.

    Points note: If you made some art or wrote a short story, share what you've made somewhere outside of this community, like on DA or Tumblr, and link back to us to gain some points and give this game a signal boost at the same time. Sharing is caring!

    Counselor in Training is an observational and assistance role. They help fully trained counselors solve disputes and give advice to those who seek it. Though they may have the training to do more, the purpose of this role is to learn to navigate the unique problems that often come with a co-mingling of different species, eras, and cultures under the guidance of a more experienced individual.

    Your character may access the healer's retreat on the Omphalos after gaining this or further levels in this field.


    Achieve Clearance Level One with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character assists with social problem solving, dispute resolution, or gives a morale boost to those around them.

    Counselors help deal with day to day, short term problems among the population of the Omphalos, offering a friendly ear, good advice, and occasional mediation for disputes, leaving the facility's psychologists free to tackle deeper, more long standing problems.

    They are often also tasked with morale upkeep, such as planning recreational events and organizing activities that are good for mental and emotional health, working in tandem with the stewards to see these events and activities through.


    Achieve 'Counselor in Training' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Two with your character.

    Create four (4) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character assists with social problem solving, dispute resolution, or gives a morale boost to those around them.

    Psychologists in training work with more experienced psychologists and psychiatrists within the Omphalos while they learn to navigate the more complicated aspects of acting as a therapist for a multitude of different beings from different backgrounds. Many have their own patients, but report back to a mentor who monitors their interactions and helps to make suggestions and adjustments where needed in a patient's care.


    Achieve 'Counselor' with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character engages in the mental wellness of another character.

    Psychologists/Psychiatrists play a vital role in offering emotional support and mental health services to team members dealing with stress and trauma. They are experts in bridging cultural gaps and facilitating cooperation among individuals from vastly different backgrounds. In the challenging multiversal environment, their role is critical in maintaining the mental well-being and cohesion of the team.


    Achieve 'Psychologist in Training' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Your character must have at least one (1) regular patient that they see, with at least three (3) roleplays, drawings, or short stories between them.

    Attending Psychics are therapists with the unique ability to directly access the minds of their patients. Beyond regular therapy work, they are often called upon to tend to psychic injuries, help train and shield others against telepathic attacks, and act in an advisory capacity when an away team must deal with an enemy with psychic abilities. They are also often employed to act as a living communication link during missions where the usual technology may not be a viable option.

    Attending Psychics perform the duty of memory wipes for the Omphalos's relocation program when a suitable universe is found for the interested party. Because of this, they have a little bit of a boogeyman status sometimes within the ranks.


    Achieve 'Psychologist in Training' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Your character must have at least one (1) regular patient that they see, with at least three (3) roleplays, drawings, or short stories between them.

    Your character must have some kind of ability that lets them directly access the minds of others, such as empathy or telepathy.

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    (Select to Learn More)

    Note: Roleplays used in previous specialization requirements cannot be reused for other roles within that specific specialization. You gotta make some new ones! You can however, reuse the same roleplay for multiple requirements within the same role, or for different specializations if it checks the box for more than one requirement. Roleplays used to gain security level clearance may also be reused for specializations.

    Points note: If you made some art or wrote a short story, share what you've made somewhere outside of this community, like on DA or Tumblr, and link back to us to gain some points and give this game a signal boost at the same time. Sharing is caring!

    Engineering Interns typically possess a basic understanding of a range of different technologies. While starting out, they work alongside more experienced professionals and assist in maintaining and designing technological systems and gear both for away missions and for life within the Omphalos.

    While some may have a deeper understanding of their craft, working with the wealth of new technology that comes from interacting with multiple universes as well as dealing with the unique challenges multiversal travel can cause takes time to adjust to.


    Achieve Clearance Level One with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character assists with a technology based problem, helps with maintenance, or assists in creating or studying new technology for the Omphalos.

    Systems engineers maintain and design the technology the Omphalos itself is made of, ensuring that everything continues to function smoothly, and applying new solutions to problems as they arise, like designing specialized living environments for species with specific needs, or creating containment units for lifeforms brought back from missions.

    They are also employed to help work on improving newly reclaimed Enclaves and outposts.


    Achieve 'Engineering Intern' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Two with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character either works on maintaining, or creates something new that positively impacts the Omphalos and falls within in their area of interest (housing, environments, enclaves/outposts, etc).

    Gadgeteers design and build gear, both for the purpose of combat, and for adaptivity in cases where environments may otherwise be unsuitable to an individual, such as creating specialized rebreathers for aquatic species so that they can spend a longer time on land, or modified translators for an individual who can only communicate through electromagnetic signals. They are the ones who fulfill the requests that Armory Heads put in for new gear.

    They are the batarang builders of the Omphalos, so to speak, and many of them are very passionate about what they do.

    They also study and figure out how to implement new technology brought in from other worlds, which can often be dangerous and unpredictable work, and repair and maintain the Omphalos's already existing supply of vehicles and gear.


    Achieve 'Engineering Intern' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Two with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character either works on maintaining, or creates something new that positively impacts the Omphalos and falls within in their area of interest (creating new gadgets and gear, studying new technology, etc.).

    Cyber Security Experts handle the software and data side of the Omphalos, ensuring that its systems are working well and defended from outside incursions. They're also who the AotM tap when they need experts in artificial intelligence, hacking, or other similar issues, both within the Omphalos itself and on missions.

    They helped design the systems that run the Key Gauntlets, the Multiversal Beacons, and other incredibly useful technology, and they often work hand in hand with the Omphalos's Gadgeteers.


    Achieve either 'Systems Engineer' or 'Gadgeteer' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character either works on maintaining, or creates something new that positively impacts the Omphalos and falls within in their area of interest (security, artificial intelligence, computer programs).

    Heads of Engineering ensure that the whole team is working fairly with one another, and openly communicating. They're who the rest of the engineering teams report to, but they're also invaluable coordinators, and experts in their chosen fields.

    They're often employed on away missions where there is likely to be unknown or complicated technology, and often they must make snap decisions to protect the lives of their teams when things go wrong.


    Achieve either 'Systems Engineer', 'Gadgeteer', or 'Cyber Security Expert' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character helps coordinate work efforts between one or more of the engineering departments.

    (Select to Learn More)

    Note: Roleplays used in previous specialization requirements cannot be reused for other roles within that specific specialization. You gotta make some new ones! You can however, reuse the same roleplay for multiple requirements within the same role, or for different specializations if it checks the box for more than one requirement. Roleplays used to gain security level clearance may also be reused for specializations.

    Points note: If you made some art or wrote a short story, share what you've made somewhere outside of this community, like on DA or Tumblr, and link back to us to gain some points and give this game a signal boost at the same time. Sharing is caring!

    Arcane Novices typically possess a basic understanding of a range of different skills within magic and the occult. While starting out, they work alongside more experienced professionals and assist in maintaining and creating wards for the Omphalos, studying magical items brought back from away missions, and working in tandem with the engineering crew to interlace magic based gear with their technology when able.

    While some may have a deeper understanding of their craft, working with the wealth of new magic systems that come from interacting with multiple universes as well as dealing with the unique challenges multiversal travel can cause takes time to adjust to.


    Achieve Clearance Level One with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character assists with a magic based problem, helps with the creation or maintenance of wards, or assists in creating or studying new magic based supplies or gear for the Omphalos.

    Arcane specialists focus on object intake mainly, warding and studying magical objects brought in from away missions, both so they don't cause trouble and so that they can potentially be reverse engineered and put to use for the AotM's cause. They often work in tandem with the Omphalos's engineering team, weaving the magical gear they create into the technology the Gadgeteers come up with, and teaching those unfamiliar with magic how to utilize that gear when needed.


    Achieve 'Arcane Novice' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Two with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character either works on maintaining, or creates something new that positively impacts the Omphalos and falls within in their area of interest (the study of magical objects, new gear and supplies).

    Arcane consultants are employed more on the field than in the labs, acting as boots on the ground wells of knowledge to help deal with any magical challenges that may be encountered on away missions. They also help secure and ward Enclaves and outposts, offering another layer of protection to these places, both against the Corruption and any potential local trouble. They tend to be proficient in both offensive and defensive magics, and certainly brushing up on local myths, legends, and folktales doesn't hurt.


    Achieve 'Arcane Novice' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Two with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character helps to secure and ward an Enclave or an Outpost, or acts in either a combat or advisory capacity on a mission in some way that involves their knowledge on the arcane.

    Arcane Adepts are the masters of their craft, able to work with magics often considered too advanced or dangerous for most others. They seem to almost innately know the ins and outs of the arcane world, including knowledge inaccessible by many others. They also have good enough leadership skills to help encourage those under their oversight to work peaceably together, even in moments of duress, and have developed a working grasp of how to deal with the challenges of magic throughout the multiverse, including in worlds where it doesn't exist.


    Achieve either 'Arcane Specialist' or 'Arcane Consultant' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Four with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character deals with a particularly difficult or dangerous magical problem successfully.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your assists another in a magical based problem or challenge.

    (Select to Learn More)

    Note: Roleplays used in previous specialization requirements cannot be reused for other roles within that specific specialization. You gotta make some new ones! You can however, reuse the same roleplay for multiple requirements within the same role, or for different specializations if it checks the box for more than one requirement. Roleplays used to gain security level clearance may also be reused for specializations.

    Points note: If you made some art or wrote a short story, share what you've made somewhere outside of this community, like on DA or Tumblr, and link back to us to gain some points and give this game a signal boost at the same time. Sharing is caring!

    Field Journalists document the team's missions and maintain records. They are permitted on first contact teams but serve in an observational and support capacity while they learn the ropes and the ins and outs of multiversal travel.


    Achieve Clearance Level One with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or entries) that contribute somehow to either a Mission Log or one of the database entries, such as world information. This can be something as simple as an entry on a new area or animal of note, or as complicated as something like a local map. It's entirely up to you how creative you want to get.

    Life within the multiverse is complicated and often hazardous, and yet it also provides an unprecedented opportunity for study in various fields, from biology to archeology, often intersecting between those fields in unpredictable and unexpected ways. Many of the Omphalos's research team held passions for their fields long before life in the multiverse, and strive to put those passions and skills to use for the greater good in their new lives as well.

    The areas of expertise of the Omphalos's research division are as diverse as their backgrounds, and their specific contributions differ depending on field and personality.


    Achieve 'Field Journalist' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Two with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character engages in an activity related to their field of study, be it research or field work.

    Head Researchers are leaders within their chosen fields. Their value lies not just with their added experience and expertise, but with their ability to work with others in a way that benefits the whole, even when the subject at hand is not something that they are knowledgeable about. Living in the multiverse has given them the experience to see the interconnectivity of things.


    Achieve 'Researcher' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Create four (4) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character engages in an activity related to their field of study, be it research or field work.

    Bio-Recovery Experts play a vital role on missions to fully corrupted worlds. They locate and collect specimens that have resisted corruption, with the aim of studying their methods of resistance and preserving species that would otherwise be lost.

    Due to space limitations, currently only smaller specimens can be taken back for housing in the Stables and the preserve around it unless they can significantly contribute to the Omphalos's mission, or they are a species that comes close to sapience.


    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Achieve 'Researcher' with your character.

    Create three (3) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character secures or studies a new specimen.

    Exosystem Specialists focus on understanding, maintaining, and when needed, potentially manipulating the complex interplay of ecosystems and individuals across various dimensions or universes.

    They play a critical role in preserving the balance of life in the multiverse, and they are usually the ones consulted before making any big changes to a world's natural state, such as allowing someone new from that place to become aware of the greater multiverse at large by joining the AotM.


    Achieve Clearance Level Four with your character.

    Achieve 'Head Researcher' with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character deals with a multiversal challenge or threat.

  • my2pcxgrrg7.png

    (Select to Learn More)

    Note: Roleplays used in previous specialization requirements cannot be reused for other roles within that specific specialization. You gotta make some new ones! You can however, reuse the same roleplay for multiple requirements within the same role, or for different specializations if it checks the box for more than one requirement. Roleplays used to gain security level clearance may also be reused for specializations.

    Points note: If you made some art or wrote a short story, share what you've made somewhere outside of this community, like on DA or Tumblr, and link back to us to gain some points and give this game a signal boost at the same time. Sharing is caring!

    Junior Medics typically possess a basic understanding of either scientific or magic-based healing procedures, as well as first aid skills. They often work alongside more experienced professionals and assist in providing medical care during both away missions and within the Omphalos. While some may have a deeper understanding of healing, applying those skills in a multiversal travel setting takes practice.

    Your character may access the healer's retreat on the Omphalos after gaining this or further levels in this field.


    Achieve Clearance Level One with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character treats another character's injury or ailment.

    Medics have gained experience through traveling and working on members of various species, including those with different healing methods, both scientific and magical. They assist in coaching new trainees and are valuable both during away missions and in the Omphalos's med bay.


    Achieve 'Junior Medic' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Two with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character treats another character's injury or ailment.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawing, short story, or roleplay) where your character treats the injury or ailment of a species that is different from their own (e.g., treating a non-human if the character is human). The two pieces used to fulfill the other requirement cannot be reused.

    Senior medics are old hat at the weirdness game by now. They've seen it all, and they're adept at working on multiple species other than their own. If they can't solve a problem on their own, they typically know where to go to find someone who does, and they're a boon to any away team, always thinking on their feet and always keeping a cool head.


    Achieve 'Medic' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character treats another character's injury or ailment.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawing, short story, or roleplay) where your character treats the injury or ailment of a species that is different from their own (e.g., treating a non-human if the character is human). The two pieces used to fulfill the other requirement cannot be reused.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawing, short story, or roleplay) where your character must treat an injury or ailment that is life threatening.

    Head Medics are the primary medical authorities, whether on away missions or in the Omphalos's med bay. They have extensive experience with multiversal travel and are well-versed in handling the challenges it presents. They maintain a robust database of information on multiple species, both magical and mundane, and remain composed in dangerous situations.


    Achieve 'Senior Medic' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Four with your character.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawing, short story, or roleplay) where your character must treat an injury or ailment that is life threatening.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawing, short story, or roleplay) where your character must treat an injury or ailment during a dangerous situation.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawing, short story, or roleplay) where your character must deal with a stubborn or difficult patient.

    (Select to Learn More)

    Note: Roleplays used in previous specialization requirements cannot be reused for other roles within that specific specialization. You gotta make some new ones! You can however, reuse the same roleplay for multiple requirements within the same role, or for different specializations if it checks the box for more than one requirement. Roleplays used to gain security level clearance may also be reused for specializations.

    Points note: If you made some art or wrote a short story, share what you've made somewhere outside of this community, like on DA or Tumblr, and link back to us to gain some points and give this game a signal boost at the same time. Sharing is caring!

    Junior Historical Consultants accompany teams in the field on an observational basis, typically accompanying more experienced historical and cultural experts. They serve in an assistance capacity, and are meant to observe both the more experienced members of their team, and to take personal notes on the way history and culture may be affected by the presence of agents on the ground, the Corruption, and other inter-universe phenomena.


    Achieve Clearance Level One with your character.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) showcasing your character's engagement with history, such as reading books, time-traveling to pre-modern eras, or interacting with historical artifacts, demonstrating a genuine interest in the topic.

    Historical Consultants are responsible for advising away teams on the customs, laws, and limitations of the eras and areas they are traveling to. They may possess working knowledge of specific historical periods and must be adaptable in the face of temporal discrepancies. Historical Consultants may also be expected to accompany away teams to these eras.


    Achieve 'Junior Historical Consultant' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Two with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) showcasing your character's engagement with history, such as reading books, time-traveling to pre-modern eras, or interacting with historical artifacts, demonstrating a genuine interest in the topic.

    Cultural Advisors share a deep and continually evolving interest in the cultures, languages, and customs of worlds, including pre-modern era Worlds. They are adept at picking up on cultural norms, and their role in a team is often to keep the rest of their team-mates out of trouble, both locally and politically, though many also take advantage of their opportunities to travel between universes to take on personal studies too.


    Achieve 'Junior Historical Consultant' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Two with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) showcasing your character's engagement with different cultures, such as reading books or observing other cultures in the field, demonstrating a genuine interest in the topic.

    Temporal Scholars are experts in various eras and cultures and possess a working understanding of temporal mechanics and anomalies. They assist in navigating challenging away missions where time travel could alter critical past events or repair damage caused by temporal disruptions.


    Achieve both 'Historical Consultant' and 'Cultural Advisor' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Take part in at least two (2) successful pre-modern missions with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) showcasing your character's active engagement with history and expertise in handling time travel-related problems.

    Multiverse Archivists are the authority in things time and history related, providing advice and guidance in the face of particularly sticky temporal problems. They are also in charge of the Omphalos's library and data records, including magical volumes and other restricted materials that may only be taken out by experienced practitioners. They collaborate with Exo-system specialists to ensure the safety and well being of the various worlds that the AotM must work with, and their opinions hold heavy weight within the Omphalos.


    Achieve 'Temporal Scholar' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Four with your character.

    Take part in at least three (3) successful pre-modern missions with your character.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) showcasing your character's active engagement with history and expertise in handling time travel-related problems.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) demonstrating your character's mentorship of another character in matters related to time or history.

    (Select to Learn More)

    Note: Roleplays used in previous specialization requirements cannot be reused for other roles within that specific specialization. You gotta make some new ones! You can however, reuse the same roleplay for multiple requirements within the same role, or for different specializations if it checks the box for more than one requirement. Roleplays used to gain security level clearance may also be reused for specializations.

    Points note: If you made some art or wrote a short story, share what you've made somewhere outside of this community, like on DA or Tumblr, and link back to us to gain some points and give this game a signal boost at the same time. Sharing is caring!

    Junior Agents accompany teams in the field on an observational basis, typically accompanying more experienced agents. They serve in an assistance capacity, and are meant to observe both the more experienced members of their team, and to take personal notes on how the rest of their team deals with the Corruption and other inter-universe phenomena and challenges.


    Achieve Clearance Level One with your character.

    Create one (1) piece of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) showcasing your character training, observing others work, or otherwise improving upon the skills they will need out in the field.

    Search and Analysis Experts investigate anomalies, artifacts, and potential threats in new dimensions. They are not permitted to directly interact with threats above level 2 without backup and are primarily tasked with observation and reporting, but they do get the privilege of often being the first boots on the ground in any new place. Many agents pass through this role while they're still proving their combat capabilities, but others opt to stay within this role to offer field support in a non-combat capacity. They often assist Enclave Recovery Specialists in setting up and clearing out reclaimed Enclaves.


    Achieve 'Junior Agent' with your character.

    Achieve Clearance Level Two with your character.

    Take part in at least three (3) successful away missions.

    Rangers and Survivalists have superb field skills, particularly where nature is concerned. They're adept at handling difficult environments and often have good foraging and hunting skills, and at least enough medical knowledge to do quick patch up jobs out in the wilds until more official help can arrive. They are often employed on missions where teams will be roughing it, and it's their job to act as a guide through difficult terrain, while also ensuring that their team doesn't eat poisonous berries or pet venomous snakes.


    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Achieve 'Search and Analysis Expert' with your character.

    Take part in at least two (2) successful away missions (these must be different from the Corrupted worlds).

    Take part in at least two (2) successful away missions to Corrupted Worlds.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character practices non-combat related survival skills.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character advises or helps others practice their non-combat related survival skills.

    Artifact Hunters track down objects (and on occasion, people) who have been touched by the Corruption. These artifacts tend to have a life of their own, and often possess dangerous powers. They are capable of calling to and influencing the people most likely to cause an instability within their world, opening a Rift so that more of the Corrupted can come through. Artifact Hunters themselves must have a strong enough will to resist these temptations and influences.

    Agents in this role often deal with a need for stealth, cleverness, and the ability to hold one's own in combat situations. Artifacts can be anywhere, from antique shops to museums, and when they fall into the wrong hands, things tend to get messy.


    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Achieve 'Search and Analysis Expert' with your character.

    Take part in at least four (4) successful away missions.

    Information Expert's deal in intel, be that extracting that from people or places, they have to know how to work around stubborn individuals, or otherwise not get caught getting what they need. They usually have some experience in both technology and psychology, and they are who the Omphalos send when they need to get information from point A to point B when usual routes are cut off, so they’ve got to be stealthy.


    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Achieve 'Search and Analysis Expert' with your character.

    Take part in at least three (3) successful away missions.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character successfully gains information from a new or difficult source, be it through interrogation or subterfuge.

    Enclave Recovery Specialists are tasked with securing the Walker safe houses known as Enclaves. Corruption cannot enter into enclaves, nor can the Corrupted detect them, which make Enclaves invaluable in any world agents visit. Only a Walker can create a new Enclave, and before their fall, it would often take several to see the process through. With only Krepta left, it's an exhausting and drawn out process that can only be done in dire emergencies.

    However, there are many pre-existing Enclaves scattered throughout the multiverse from before the fall of the Walkers, which can be detected using the Key Gauntlets if one happens to get close enough to one. Sometimes they are discovered through chance, and other times old texts and other clues can lead to reclaiming one.

    In many cases they have fallen into disrepair, or they were abandoned for a reason. Enclave Recovery specialists take teams in to clear out anything nasty within these reclaimed Enclaves and make them livable again, including doing their best to secure the surrounding area, as an Enclave is not much use if no one can get to it in the first place.


    Achieve Clearance Level Three with your character.

    Achieve 'Search and Analysis Expert' with your character.

    Take part in at least three (3) successful away missions.

    Create two (2) pieces of content (drawings, short stories, or roleplays) where your character discovers the location of an Enclave or is on a part of a team helping to restore one.

    Special Ops are some of the best agents the Omphalos have. They're trusted to go on dangerous solo missions, and deal with other delicate matters (level four missions) that would be considered over other operative's heads. They tend to have special skills that set them apart, or are otherwise experts in their fields.


    This role is automatically awarded when your character gains Clearance Level Four.


    (Select to Learn More)

    In Character Duties
    Each new character that reaches Clearance Level One receives a Mentor no matter their innate skill level. Mentors are agents who have been around the Omphalos for a while, and can help newcomers adjust to life dealing with the pros and cons of living in the Multiverse. Someone who is proficient in magic, for example, may have never encountered the level of technology on display in the Omphalos, and vise versa when it comes to magic. A person from a tech heavy universe may feel strange about being suddenly thrust into a world with werewolves and vampires.

    Living on a floating island populated by beings from all across time and space is a challenging thing to adapt to for anyone, particularly if you've just lost your own home. A Mentor shows their trainee around and answers what questions they can, as well as generates opportunities to help get them used to their new reality safely. They may encourage training classes or other growing opportunities to help them get a better foothold as an agent, and it's up to a trainee's Mentor to keep an eye on them until they find those feet, reporting any dangerous behavior or medical emergencies to the proper channels.

    Out of Character Duties
    Often if you play a mentor character, you wind up as a lot of newbie's first roleplays on AotM, so make sure to be extra nice! Introduce yourself, and discuss how your want your Mentor/Trainee relationship to go between your characters.

    While every new agent who reaches Clearance Level One is required to have a mentor for one real life week, that doesn't always have to be directly roleplayed out if folks are busy or that's not desired. You can plot and do actual roleplaying, or you can kind of hand-wave events that might have happened between your character and theirs. It's up to you two! You're also welcome to extend your character's Mentor/Trainee relationship longer if you'd like!

    Please note that if you find yourself opting to 'hand-wave' on the Mentor side of things often because you're busy or don't feel like roleplaying with new people, then this role is probably not for you. This is an active role, and should only be picked up by people who have the time for it.

    As a bonus for those who put in the effort, whenever you make a Mentor character, you unlock for yourself a free Veteran or Janitor of Justice slot to use on any existing or new character, and you can collect special points to use in the supply store!


    Only players who have the time and energy to take on this role should apply for it.

    Other players may be more comfortable with real-times or slow posters. If you're signing up for the mentor role, you should ideally be comfortable at least experimenting with both.

    Your character must be above Clearance Level One and have been in play for at least two weeks with at least two roleplays under their belt.

    Your character doesn't have any active IC Reprimands on their record, and they don't have a history that would make them a bad fit as a mentor (an ex-supervillain would be a hard sell, for example, unless they've seriously proved themselves.)

    You have contacted staff via DM indicating that you would like to make your character a Mentor.

    (Select to Learn More)

    In Character Duties
    Chaperones act as team leader and surrogate parent to their charges. They share a dorm cluster with about four children, with a small apartment of their own situated on the end, and like a parent, they are responsible for the emotional and physical well being, education, and behavior of these minors. Along with traditional education, they are responsible for ensuring that their charges receive proper training to help keep them safe on missions, as well as developing and controlling their respective abilities.

    Chaperones also determine which missions their charges can go on, and often accompany them when they're able. No one under Clearance Level Five can override a Chaperone's judgement on this, and even the Guardians hesitate to do so without a very good reason.

    Chaperones are responsible for ensuring that their charges follow the Codes of Conduct set out for agents in the AotM. If repeat violations occur, it is both the Chaperone and the minor agent who find themselves under scrutiny.

    Out of Character Duties
    Communicate with the players of your charges! You determine a lot of what goes on in their character's lives, so open communication and flexibility are important here. People can be shy, so try to take the initiative when you can, but respect player boundaries if someone truly isn't interested. There's only so much you can do, but as a 'leader' character, you do have an extra little bit of responsibility here. Be sure you're respecting your own boundaries too-- no one has fun if you burn yourself out trying to be everywhere at once.

    As a bonus for those who put in the effort, whenever you make a Chaperone character, you unlock for yourself a free Veteran or Janitor of Justice slot to use on any existing or new character, and you can collect special points to use in the supply store!


    Only players who have the time and energy to take on this role should apply for it.

    Other players may be more comfortable with real-times or slow posters. If you're signing up for the Chaperone role, you should ideally be comfortable at least experimenting with both.

    Your character must be above Clearance Level One and have been in play for at least two weeks with at least two roleplays under their belt.

    Your character doesn't have any active IC Reprimands on their record, and they don't have a history that would make them a bad fit as a Chaperone (an ex-supervillain would be a hard sell, for example, unless they've seriously proved themselves.)

    You have contacted staff via DM indicating that you would like to make your character a Chaperone.