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Relocation Program

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    Hello, and welcome to Sanctuary! If you are reading this, you have likely recently been displaced from your world. You may be a single survivor or one of many. Either way, everything you have ever known, you have been forced to leave behind. The path ahead of you will be hard, but no harder than the challenges that you have already faced. You are here, you have survived, and you find yourself in a city of survivors. Whatever lies behind you, "astra inclinant, sed non obligant". The stars incline us, they do not bind us. Your story is not finished yet.

    If you have found yourself here in Sanctuary and you have not elected to join up with the AotM, then you have automatically been placed in our Relocation Program. When the time comes, and an appropriate match is found for you, you will be given the option to relocate to a new life in a new universe, or you may stay here in Sanctuary like many others have chosen to do. There is a chance that someday your world may be recovered. There are no guarantees, but there is always hope, and the AotM will continue to fight for that hope, but these alternate options remain for you, should you wish to pursue them.

    In the meantime, we offer you a home in Sanctuary. This land can be a challenging one, but it remains a challenge that you will not face alone, and with the same tenacity you have always shown, we know that you will find a way to thrive here, and make this community better for all.

    Upon arrival, newcomers to Sanctuary are provided with some basic necessities to help them get started. Some of these provisions may be gently used or a little big where clothing is concerned, but all are clean and well maintained. Newcomers are housed in temporary lodging provided by existing residents, which will vary. Occasionally you will be housed with room-mates or other families. Food and basic living necessities will be provided, but all able bodied residents are asked to help with the city gardens and other community resources where able.

    All newcomers are entered into a program to provide newly built housing, either in the form of a cabin or a bower, but waits can be long, and individuals may wish to pursue their own ventures should they have the skills.

    Most newcomers receive:

    ✦ 5-7 days worth of warm, weather resistant clothes, and a pair of boots. More or less depending on availability.

    ✦ A pair of snowshoes for those who are able to wear them.

    ✦ Three Glowstones. These magically charged quartz crystals are a heatless light source common around Sanctuary, and may be recharged through personal magics, or by leaving them out in Crackle Storms (you can read more about what Crackle Storms are here. They are useful as well as dangerous. Be sure not to be caught out in one.).

    ✦ A tinderbox (new or used), a block of dried ink & a feather pen, a bar of soap, a waterskin, a hand axe, and a small travel pack.

    Playing a villain? Want a little more wiggle room?
    "Psst-- hey you. Yeah you. You look like you're our kind. If you can keep a secret, I can show you another option. For a price of course. I don't do no work for free. You can't keep a secret though, you should know that we stuff an' eat pigeons around here, so don't go cooin' in the wrong ear, got it?"
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    Sanctuary's residents tend to prefer to barter for their goods, as it can prove difficult to find a common currency between so many worlds and cultures. As such, you will likely find yourself being paid in goods, or in coinage that tends to have a common enough value across various worlds, such as copper, silver, and gold. Places that accept coin will often have prices set under these three types of metal, and trinkets or jewelry of equal size and purity are also usually accepted.

    Healers & Doctors of Both Body and Mind
    Please report to one of the new arrival stations, the city houses of healing, or the bathhouse.

    Search & Rescue
    It's easy for newcomers and the inexperienced to get lost out in the wilds beyond Sanctuary, and though numbers have dwindled in the last few years, Sanctuary still gets new arrivals slipping into this universe through the occasional rift. Experienced survivalists are always needed to patrol the area in case of animal or monster attacks, or lost travelers. Interested parties should apply at the Adventurer's Guild.

    Expert Gardeners, Animal Specialists, & Field Hands
    Sanctuary's food supply has been better secured over time, particularly with the ongoing trade with the AotM, but these are cold and unforgiving lands sometimes, and clever gardeners and hard working field hands are always needed in multiple parts of the city, as are those who have a talent with livestock or working animals.

    Engineers & Architects
    Sanctuary is somewhat limited on the space it can use to build out. Outside of the hearthstones there is no protection against wildlife, monsters, or the terrible, twisting effects of Crackle Storms. As a result, the city's builders have had to get creative, and they are always looking for like minded thinkers to dream up new solutions for Sanctuary's many unique problems.

    Odd Jobs
    There are many other jobs within Sanctuary, some which pay better than others. Work can usually be found as a:

    Stable hand, hunter or fisher, map maker, travel guide or escorts, builder, mail carrier or messenger, baker or cook, glowstone enchanter, entertainer or bard, street sweeper, teacher, town crier, or woodcutter.

    Crafts & Goods
    The following goods are often in high demand in Sanctuary. If you have a talent for them, you may find work selling at one of the markets, or in joining up with the Artisan's Guild, which also helps to supply goods to newcomers.

    Soap, candles, carved quartz for decorative glowstones, ink & dyes, textiles, clothing & blankets, herbs & spices, teas, lanterns, survival gear & low tech weaponry, furniture, wine & spirits, toys & distractions, sleds & sledges


    Sanctuary Guides provide a special and often difficult service to the city, and therefore are compensated well for it. Their task is to help new arrivals settle in, and often they bounce between securing resources and housing, answering questions, finding jobs, and acting as a grief counselor, often all in one day. If you find yourself interested in becoming a Sanctuary Guide, please apply at the city office building.

    If you find yourself in need of a Sanctuary Guide, the following individuals can likewise be contacted at the city office.

    Arthur "Rusty" Donaughue (Player Character)
    Psiwolf - He/Him

    Kawaakari (NPC)
    Sunbird - They/She

    ☉ OOC Notes

    If you would like to sign your character up as a Sanctuary Guide, you may contact Jabberwookie to do so, and your character's name will be added to this list. However, your character must have had at least three roleplays under their belts in order to apply so we know the chances of you vanishing on us without warning are lower.

    You don't have to answer every new roleplay that crops up, but if you take on this role, we do expect you to at least make an effort to engage with new players writing in Sanctuary when you can.

    For those who would like help for their characters but there aren't currently any player character Sanctuary Guides available, feel free to utilize one of the NPCs listed instead. You may not kill or seriously harm listed Sanctuary NPCs, or have them kill or seriously harm another character without speaking to staff first.