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How to Play

‘How to play,’ information that either didn't fit on our Discord or is a repeat of the info on our Discord for easier access and your convenience.

This is an OOC forum.

Topic Author Replies Last Reply
The Rules Jabberwookie 0 Jabberwookie January 9th 2024, 8:29pm
Read Me First Jabberwookie 0 Jabberwookie January 9th 2024, 8:02pm
Arrival Prompts Jabberwookie 1 Jabberwookie June 28th 2024, 1:41am
AotM Size Guide Jabberwookie 0 Jabberwookie June 15th 2024, 11:54am
Active Agent List Jabberwookie 0 Jabberwookie February 8th 2024, 8:06pm
Setting & Lore Jabberwookie 0 Jabberwookie January 9th 2024, 8:59pm
Creating & Joining Missions Jabberwookie 0 Jabberwookie October 29th 2023, 1:00pm

Moderators: Jabberwookie