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OOC Information

TypeTopicsRepliesLast Post
How to Play ‘How to play,’ information that either didn't fit on our Discord or is a repeat of the info on our Discord for easier access and your convenience. OOC 8 9 In: Content Warning Guide
By: Jabberwookie
At: August 15, 2024 8:26am
Character Sheets Don't want to use up one of your character slots on RPR or utilize something like Google Docs? Feel free to park your character sheets here! OOC 0
Misc Roleplay Stuff Thread trackers, plotters, whatever you want, as long as it pertains to the roleplay. OOC 2 5 In: Character Sheet Templates
By: Jabberwookie
At: September 26, 2024 6:21pm


TypeTopicsRepliesLast Post
The Interdimensional Database IC 8 9 In: World #MHR153 - Kamura Village of Aya
By: Krepta Eve Walker
At: September 17, 2024 7:45am
Mission Logs & Research Files IC 17 20 In: Research File: Switchback Forest Pack
By: Krepta Eve Walker
At: September 18, 2024 10:40am
The Omphalos The headquarters of the Agents of the Multiverse, located in a world between worlds. IC 8 69 In: High Score
By: Aluel Deng
At: September 26, 2024 6:58pm
Sanctuary Sanctuary is exactly that-- a haven for those who have been displaced from their own universes by the Corruption, but who aren't active operatives. It's a rather chilly city. IC 6 32 In: Once Upon a Slime [Open!]
By: Zhou Yanfeng
At: September 13, 2024 12:42pm
Harbor A secret, seaside city found by those in the know by following the tunnels beneath Sanctuary. A tropical paradise, but a rough crowd, and that's not even counting the dinosaurs. IC 1 1 In: A Quick Reminder!
By: Batman
At: August 22, 2024 11:14am
Gates Adventures and missions that take place through the Gates. IC 2 2 In: Thirsty Roots [Open!]
By: Ven Versonii
At: May 13, 2024 11:53am
Misc In Character In character journals, communications, whatever you'd like, as long as it's in character and doesn’t fit in one of the other spots. IC 1 1 In: A Quick Reminder!
By: Batman
At: February 8, 2024 7:56pm

Moderators: Jabberwookie