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Missions are how AotM furthers many of its plotlines, and they're a great way to get your characters out there exploring other worlds! You can check which missions are currently available for your characters to join in on by checking out the 'Missions Terminal' in our Discord. If you see one you'd like to join, then send staff a private message and your character will be added to that mission's roster!

Please take a good look at the information available on each Mission Briefing before applying, however. There are a few factors to consider:

Do you have time for this game? Some games are run in rapidfire style, which means you have to be present and ready to post when it's your turn. Other games are slow poster style, usually held on our forums here. Are you prepared to commit to a longer story line? Either way, it's important that you're honest about what kind of time and energy you have. Ghosting other people's games can prove to be a detriment to your team, and may have in character consequences for your mission. Don't sign up for something you're not willing to play out.

Is there enough room for your character to join? Each Mission Briefing will have listed a maximum character count, as well as the characters who have already signed up. If it's full up, then you'll be asked to try for another listing.

Are you willing to pull your weight story wise, or do you prefer to just ride along and see what happens? Team led games require cooperation from the entire roster to move the plot forward. If you prefer to just experience the story, it might be better to look for DM led games, during which there is usually one person who controls the majority of the setting and NPCs.

Is the open slot you'd like to fill reserved for a character of a certain specialization or security level? If your character doesn't match or exceed that specialization or clearance level, then you'll have to select another mission. Sometimes these are requested, but not required, meaning that you may still claim the spot without that clearance level or specialization. Those instances will be marked with an (o) next to them. You can find out more about clearance levels and specializations here.

Once a mission has at least two players in it, a three day countdown will begin. Your team can choose to wait until the roster has been fully filled, or once those three days have passed, you may contact a staff member and request to begin with who you already have.

If your mission's roster fills up, you will also all be sent a DM alerting you that your team may disembark. Once your team has been approved to disembark, your team will be given a week to submit their first roleplay post. Failure to do so will result in the mission being returned to the terminal for new players, and the previous roster will be barred from applying to it again until at least one other team has had a go at that particular mission. You are more than welcome to apply for others in the meantime or rejoin with another character.

Once your roleplay has begun, please DM staff with either a link to the thread, or a note declaring which channel on the Discord it's taking place in.


How does one ensure their team succeeds in its mission?

The mission must be finished within its required time frame, starting from the first post. Rapidfire missions must be completed within two weeks. Slow poster missions must be completed within two months.

You can always check on the date posted next to your mission in the missions-terminal on the Discord to see how much time you have, but it's up to you and your team to remind each other to finish before time is up. Staff will not remind you.

All characters within the mission's roster must either stay active until the end of the mission, or be written out with the team's discretion in order to continue the mission. Characters whose players have ghosted a mission may not be killed or seriously injured without their permission, but they may be knocked unconscious or written out of the scene by other players in a way that makes sense and is fair for the situation at hand.

We understand that stuff happens. If for some reason, all of the players within a scene suddenly can no longer play, or there is only one character left in a team led mission, as long as staff is contacted and the reason is fair, your mission will not be considered a failure.

However, there must be at least two posts from each player within a roleplay to be marked as a success, and the other qualifications must still be met. If there are less than two posts each within the thread, the mission will simply be made available again without consequences.

Single writers may still choose to finish out the mission as a solo story if they would like. Only players who have had at least two posts within a mission will receive points for it.

Your mission must be completed in a way that honors the spirit of the game. Applying an overpowered character to a situation that clearly does not challenge them in order to 'win' your missions entirely misses the point of good storytelling, which is what we're here for. If staff catch you doing this, you will be asked to remove your character from the mission, and you will receive a warning. Continued use of your characters to 'cheat the system' may result in you no longer being able to have them participate in missions.

Someone on your character's team, be it you or another player, must have their character fill out a Mission Report at the end of the mission and submit it here. Link it to staff when you are done. If you would like to do so without signing up with RPR, you may also DM it to staff on Discord and they will put it up for you after looking it over.

What happens if your team succeeds?

If your team succeeds in their mission, then your team's Mission Report will get an 'Accepted' stamp on it, and you may use that mission to fulfill any requirements for any specialties or security levels you would like to earn for your character. Successful missions also further the plot overall, and the information for the world your team visited will be updated in its database entry. Your characters may also gain resources and other goodies to bring back home, depending on the context of the mission itself.

Successful missions also earn supply store points that can be spent on a variety of OOC goodies. These points are tracked in the 'personnel database' room on the Discord server, and will be added to your till automatically when your team's Mission Report has been accepted. Each successful mission is worth 100 points.


Mission Failure happens when one of the requirements mentioned above are not met. The biggest way to fail a mission is to let it sit inactive until its time requirements are up without alerting staff that you've gotten unexpectedly busy.

You can also choose to actively fail a mission if this is something that you think would be fun. All players involved in the mission in question must vote to do this however, including the DM if the mission in question is DM led. Since failed missions can have consequences for other players as well, each player is limited to one Fail Run a month. If you have an (X) and a date next to your name in the personnel database room on the Discord, then you must wait until past that date to do so again.

You are welcome to write out whatever chaos ensues during that failure, or let it be something that happens off screen. It's up to you and your team.

What happens if we fail?

OOCly? Nothing. In character however, your characters will have failed their mission in-universe. This may come with social repercussions when they come back, depending on how bad the mission was botched, such as rumors or a sense of personal failure. Equipment may have been lost, or perhaps Corruption has spread. Peace talks breaking down, allies lost, encroaching dangers...

The consequences will depend entirely on the context of the mission at hand, but whatever occurs, it will likely make things much harder for the next team to take on that mission. This may not win your character friends, depending on if the failure occurred due to in character incompetence or not-- though that's something we prefer to leave up to individuals to decide.

Characters can also become injured, but this is an opt-in consequence, so if that's not your cup of tea, feel free to just say, 'no thanks' when it's offered.

The consequences of a Mission Failure will be DMed to each member of your team. They will also show up in the updated mission parameters of the mission's information when it is returned to the Mission Terminal for new players.


Would you like to submit a mission of your own for others to play? Fill out this form and submit it to Staff via DMs either on the discord or here on RPR, and if everything checks out it will be added to the Mission Terminal on the Discord. Keep in mind if your mission is player led instead of DMed by you, then it may be helpful to fill out a World File for it first, so that your players have something to work from, unless the prompt is open ended and you're comfortable with the players taking full creative reigns.

Universal Number:
DMed or Team Led:
Requested Agents:

Danger Level:
Mission Parameters:

OOC Notes:


The Universal Number
This is the official, in character designation for your universe. It can be anything you want, but choose wisely, because it can't be changed again later. It begins with a hashtag, and then a series of numbers and/or letters, such as #31994, #PSI05, or #00WHO. You are welcome to make references in your designation, or jokes, but keep things tasteful and in the spirit of the game.

Beside your universal number, please include an OOC name for your world that makes sense, such as #007 - James Bond, or #00166 - AU Star Wars so people know what they're getting into at a glance.

A universal number can only be used once for a single world, so make sure to check out the other worlds in the world database's index here on the forums, and the personnel-database room on the Discord to ensure the number you're requesting isn't already taken.

You may also use an existing world from the Interdimensional Database, so long as there isn't a [Restricted] tag next to its name. Restricted tags declare that the original creator of that world would like to have extra creative control over it, and that it may only be used with permission. If your Gotham AU or Headworld is extra special to you, feel free to add this tag to your world number when applying for it. Please speak to the creators of any world before setting up a mission that may seriously alter their creation or its lore.

DMed or Team Led
Will you be acting as the storyteller for this mission, or will it be led by the players joining? DM led games are controlled by the original creator of the mission, who will control environments, NPCs, and bad guys for the players to fight. Please ensure that you have the time and the energy to do this if you select this option. DMs who frequently ghost their missions will not be allowed to DM anymore.

If you elect to DM your mission, please also state whether the mission will be done rapidfire style on the Discord, or if it will be run as a slow poster on the forum here on RPR instead. You may also opt to let your players decide.

If the mission is Team Led, then the players involved in the story all work together to control its NPCs, bad guys, and environments. It's up to them to further the story in a timely manner and to make it fun for everyone. The players will decide as a group whether a game will be run rapidfire style or as a slow poster.

Requested Agents
This is the place to put the maximum amount of characters you would like to see in your thread.

It is also the place to state any requirements there might be for said characters, such as specializations. The requirements should make sense for the environment and plot at hand, and players abusing this system to gate-keep will be barred from submitting any new missions in the future. You can also request specializations that you would like to have present, but make them optional to make the mission more accessible to newer players, or in case characters with those traits aren't available. Simply add an (o) next to each that you would like to have this status.

You can see what characters have what in the personnel database room on the discord. You can also read more about specializations in general here.

Danger Level
There are six danger levels, from 0-5, which correspond with agent Clearance Levels. These danger levels are considered in character information. If you would like to have unexpected dangers during lower level missions, you may, but please make that a known fact on your mission info so players know what they’re getting into.

[Zero] is designated for known, peaceful areas that have a well established connection with the Omphalos, like supply runs to Sanctuary. Any registered agent may partake in these missions.

These locations also usually have recreational connections, meaning that agents can visit them freely on their time off.

[Level One] is typically reserved for areas where Omphalos Agents are unknown, but the area is known to be relatively safe and the missions low stakes, like securing a contact in New York, or mapping territory around a new enclave. There may already be an established enclave, outpost, or safe house present.

Any registered agent may partake in these missions.

Recreational visitations may also be allowed for agents with the proper clearance and training.

[Level Two] means that the territory may be completely unknown, or that there may be some imminent danger, but nothing that trained agents working together can't deal with, ideally.

Level Two agents and up may partake in these missions. Level One agents may partake if there is also a higher ranking agent present.

[Level Three] is where things start to get hairy. Particularly dangerous artifacts and enemies not so run of the mill may be encountered. Risk of injury is high, or particular care may need to be taken with a goal. There's a reason why agents returning from level three missions are expected to visit the med bay for a checkup afterwards.

Level Three agents and up may partake in these missions. Level One and Two agents may partake if there is also a higher ranking agent present.

[Level Four] means danger. Corruption is likely present within the world, environments are extremely hostile, or the area may be under tyrannical rule. Make the wrong step and something terrible might happen to you. Not everyone comes back from these, or if they do, they may not come back whole.

Level Four agents and up may partake in these missions. Level Two and Three agents may partake if there is also a higher ranking agent present. Level One agents may not partake in these missions.

[Level Five] is the highest danger level on the scale. This is reserved for fully corrupted worlds, or places where similar threats to the Corruption are present. Risk of death or worse is very high.

Level Four agents and up may partake in these missions. Level Two and Three agents may partake if there is also a higher ranking agent present. Level One agents may not partake in these missions.

Mission Parameters
This information is also considered IC knowledge. It's what the characters joining this mission have to do in order to complete it successfully. Do they have to root out an artifact? Stop an infection of Corruption? Is it just an expeditionary mission where they have to survey the area? What has to happen for this mission to be considered 'done'? Are there any things the characters should beware of or avoid? Keep in mind that any information written here should make sense in character. Threats and environments are often unknown in unexplored universes.

OOC Notes
This spot is for any additional information you would like to include, like things the characters might encounter that the players should know as storytellers, but wouldn't necessarily be in character knowledge, or perhaps the kind of tone you would like the mission to take. It's up to you! It's your baby!

This area contains mission specific questions. If you're looking for general AotM questions and answers, please check out this section either here or on the Discord!

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Can I join a mission with more than one of my characters?
❗ Yes, but please wait at least 2 days after the prompt is posted to include a second character so that everyone has a chance to join if they'd like. Second helpings after everyone has had a chance to get their first rule applies here. If there are still slots open after that time, then you can submit a second character.

Moderators: Jabberwookie