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The Barbary Enclave
An old, run down looking hunting cabin at the edge of town. Sleeps 8 comfortably, 10 if agents are willing to squish on couches. Deliveries by Moxie Co. twice a week when agents are active.
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The Barbary Enclave is a seemingly old, run down hunting cabin some ways from the outskirts of town.

Despite looking quite dilapidated on the outside, the inside of the cabin is exactly as it was when the place was first built, with some more recent additions from the AotM. It can be a little jarring, in fact, seeing the differences between the outside and inside of the place, particularly since any visitors entering through the main door without a key would only find dust and animal droppings there.

The actual enclave is very ‘cozy’, which means to say, while well kept, is somewhat cramped, depending on the company. Downstairs is a small living space with a few couches and a stone fireplace, a modest kitchen, typically stocked with the usual local provisions, and a bathroom with a shower. Upstairs is two bedrooms, each with two sets of bunk beds, and a workspace for documenting and equipment repair.

As one of the AotM’s smaller enclaves, it has no outdoor space within the space-time bubble that protects it, so agents must be careful while venturing beyond its walls.

As Barbary Grove’s world is fairly mundane outside of what happens in the shadows, agents are expected to preserve that balance when visiting, and to wear their image inducers at all times if they possess inhuman appearances. Information breaches are to be reported immediately to HQ.

Twice a week a representative from the Moxie Company drops off several crates of donated provisions outside the cabin. Inside you should find:

x 8 Moxie Brand Sodas; Whizz Bang Pop or Rocket Fizz - Six Packs
x 2 cases of Moxie Bars
x 7 boxes of MREs (Various)
x 2 boxes of toiletries (Various)

The representative has been instructed not to talk to agents, and this should be upheld to prevent information leakage. Further provisions can be purchased within town.

Robinson Park Enclave
(#51992 - DC Fallen)

A sizable concrete bunker hidden beneath the World's Fair Obelisk in Robinson Park, Gotham City.
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The Enclave located through a hidden door in the obelisk is located underground. The steps are steep, but are wide enough to fit most individuals. They lead down to a concrete bunker with one central chamber that's currently being used as mission command and the gate room, and four branching chambers. The first and second are living quarters, which are fairly simple and meant for temporary use, most shared with doubled up beds or several sets of bunk beds and several shared bathrooms. Each residential wing has a single small common room to share between everyone, each with some couches, books, and board games.

The third chamber is being utilized for food prep and the dining area, which is again, fairly spartan. It's a simple mess hall that often doubles as storage. The third chamber is more storage, with an area set aside and kept clean for more serious medical emergencies. The whole bunker has beds enough for about 55 individuals if the medical beds are also used, which sounds impressive until one remembers that there's the population of an entire city to rescue and beyond. Bed space also doesn't mean that the rest of the bunker and space beyond wouldn't find itself cramped and overtaxed for resources.

Back when the Walkers were more prominent across the multiverse, it was common practice for a Walker to create a home base in whatever land they found themselves working in. It was a place where they could rest and keep supplies, or retreat to if they were in danger. Each of these places were specially created to be slightly offset with the reality of that universe, so that they existed in a sort of pocket space that could only be accessed by other Walkers.

These safe houses became known as Enclaves, and though the Walkers who built them are long gone, there are still many of these spaces scattered across the multiverse, hidden and forgotten. They cannot be detected or entered by the Corrupted, and they mask all energy signatures of those within.

However, creating a new Enclave was an endeavor often taken on by multiple Walkers. Krepta is capable of creating new enclaves-- her home is one such place-- but the last time she did so it took a full year and left her exhausted for many months after. As such, until an easier way to make enclaves is found, abandoned enclaves must be rediscovered and reclaimed. Often there was a reason they were abandoned to begin with, and once they are cleared out of any traps or vicious critters that may be lurking within them, they still must be stabilized and cleaned up before they can be used.

Needless to say, it's a team effort by necessity each time.

If you would like to have an enclave discovered in your world, then DM staff! Only non-restricted worlds may have enclaves. A mission will have to be taken to recover it, and then several other missions to repair and make it habitable again. The location and threats, or damage within the rediscovered enclave will be decided by staff, but what is done with the space after will be up to the characters that visit.

Finished Enclaves will always be accessible to those with high enough security clearance to visit that world and will receive a permanent room in the discord.

Moderators: Jabberwookie