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Location Native to: World #33221 - Sanctuary
A sturdy wood and stone building just towards the edge of Sanctuary's town limits, The Sparrow & Hare Tavern has been serving Sanctuary since near its beginning, when it was known as the Way Inn. Since then it has passed hands from the formidable Lady Grey of the Sunbirds to her granddaughter Sparrow and her mate Jack. It has expanded since its conception quite a bit, and now boasts several more rooms, a cozy stable, and its own small food garden behind the tavern. Sparrow and Jack live in a Sunbird bower just behind the building, and occasionally rent out its lower level to travelers for long term stays.

Miss Lady Grey has stayed on as head chef, though she claims to have 'retired', and continues to be a force of nature around the place that few dare cross.

The Inn avoids fire where it can, not just because of fire risk, but because the resources that would be used for light are much better utilized for precious heat. Fireplaces light some areas, but mostly as a bonus to the warmth they're meant to provide-- and they are enchanted to burn very slowly in order to conserve resources.

Most of the Inn is lit instead by magically charged quartz of various shades, hues, and sizes known as glowstones. They put off no heat, but plenty of light, and are relatively cheap to enchant. Most importantly, the quartz makes the spells stable, which means they don't explode or do other weird things during magi-storms.


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Changes to the menu are made seasonally, or when the Inn gets a large stock in from elsewhere. The regular menu is available almost all year round, but the starred items are seasonal or limited. The menu is not delivered to the table when an individual enters, but can be found posted on the board outside, as well as at the bar, or if requested. Paper is limited, so the Inn tends not to hand menus out at a whim.

Cold & Hot Drinks
*Drinks in the Inn are often served in clay fired, or metal cups rather than glassware.

Spruce Needle Tea - 1 copper
Young, green spruce tips give the tea a refreshing, lemony flavor, sweetened with a bit of maple. Full of vitamin C, and good for congestion.

Teaberry Tea - 1 copper
This pleasant tea tastes very similar to peppermint, and the Inn sells both a hot tea, mildly sweetened, as well as a much sweeter iced version.

Cloudberry Juice - 2 copper
Sweet, tart, and refreshing, this golden hued juice is very popular around Sanctuary and The Sparrow & Hare.

Cloudberry Wine - 3 copper
A bittersweet, aromatic drink with the aftertaste of berries, sweetened with honey and clove.

Chicory Coffee - 2 copper
Coffee is a little hard to find in the bitter cold, but Chicory does grow in and around the area, and is used as a coffee substitute.

Juniper Brandy - 4 copper
A milky golden drink with a strong juniper flavor. Tart, sharp, and piney.


Sea Cucumber Soup - 3 copper
Sea cucumber, sugar kelp, yellowfoot chanterelles, carrots, chickweed, and wild parsnips in a garlic-ginger broth.

Fried Freshwater Clams - 2 copper
Deep fried freshwater clams, served with potato wedges, malt vinegar, remoulade, and a lemon slice if available.

Salted Duck Egg - 2 copper
Served plain, or over hot rice porridge.

Flatbread & Spreads - 3 copper
Three pieces of duck potato flatbread, with cranberry relish, cloudberry jam, and candied chanterelle mushrooms for serving.

Mixed Nuts - 1 copper
A bowl of groundnuts & black walnuts, salted, plain, or maple roasted.

Tavern House Salad - 3 copper
Radicchio, Arugula, chickweed, and chicory flowers, served with a choice of an apple cider vinegar dressing, or a cloudberry dressing.

Main Fare

Braised Sea Cucumber - 5 copper
Sea cucumbers, cooked in a dark, spicy-sweet sauce, served with caramelized onions, ginger, turkey tail mushrooms, and cattail shoots over wild rice.

Elk Tenderloin with Mushroom Glaze - 3 Silver
Elk served over a bed of arugula, onions, wild parsnips, and carrots, with a mushroom-cloudberry glaze.

Grilled Octopus - 1 Silver
Grilled octopus, served with chickweed and drizzled in garlic-rosemary oil.

Fish Stew - 2 Silver
Catch of the day, octopus, freshwater clams, potatoes, onions, and bacon, served in a thick, savory broth and served with a slice of hot, crusty bread and a slice of lemon if available.

Hot Roasted Root Vegetables - 3 Copper
Pan roasted potatoes, carrots, and wild parsnips with rosemary and black walnuts. Stir fried cabbage with optional bacon and duck egg.


Boiled Sweets - 2 copper
Hard Candies in cloudberry, teaberry, spruce, and maple flavors.

Cloudberry Scones - 3 Copper
Three, piping hot scones, served with butter and cloudberry or teaberry jam. Served with a side of roasted black walnuts.

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Room One - 15 Silver, Plus 1 Additional Silver a Head
Sleeping room for three. Two Beds. Communal bathroom.

One of the rentable Inn rooms up the stairs on the second floor. This room sleeps three, technically, with one large bed and another smaller bed. There is a chest for belongings and an end table with a lamp on it. The lamp is not oil, but seems to be powered by a glowing crystal. There's a thick cloth to cover it when it's time to sleep.

There is a bathing room to wash up and relieve one's self, but it's communal, and shared with the other two rooms. The bathroom can be found at the end of the hall.

Room Two - 15 Silver, Plus 1 Additional Silver a Head
Sleeping room for four. Two Beds. Communal bathroom.

One of the rentable Inn rooms up the stairs on the second floor. This room sleeps four, technically, with two large beds. There is a chest for belongings and an end table with a lamp on it. The lamp is not oil, but seems to be powered by a glowing crystal. There's a thick cloth to cover it when it's time to sleep.

There is a bathing room to wash up and relieve one's self, but it's communal, and shared with the other two rooms. It can be found at the end of the hall.

Room Three - 20 Silver, Plus 1 Additional Silver a Head
Sleeping room for four. Four Beds. Communal bathroom.

One of the rentable Inn rooms up the stairs on the second floor. This room sleeps four, with four single sleeper beds. There is a chest for belongings and an end table with a lamp on it. The lamp is not oil, but seems to be powered by a glowing crystal. There's a thick cloth to cover it when it's time to sleep.

There is a bathing room to wash up and relieve one's self, but it's communal, and shared with the other two rooms. It can be found at the end of the hall.

Room Four - 5 Gold, Plus 1 Silver a Head
Sleeping room for five. Four Beds. Private bathroom.

This room is a little nicer than the other three. It sleeps five, with one large bed and two smaller beds on the first story, and another small bed up a loft above. There is a small common area curtained off from the sleeping area, with a couch, a reading chair, and a small fireplace. There are two wooden chests for belongings.

Like the other rooms, this room is not lit by firelight, but by glowing crystals. In this case, several of them have been set into ornamental bowls set around the room, complete with covers for lights out. There are also two crystal filled lanterns for more portable light sources, which come with heavy cloths to cover the light.

The room has a small washroom attached, for cleaning and relieving oneself, but it's not the most luxurious of spaces. At least you won't have to share it with strangers though.

Room Five - 15 Gold, Plus 1 Silver a Head
Sleeping room for two. One Bed. Private bathroom.

This suite is much more lively, done up in cheerful blue and purple foxglove flowers and bounding hares, whose wild, golden brown eyes stare out from the wallpaper as if they were alive. The bedspread of the room's large canopy bed is the same light and playful purple, and if one looks closely, one can even make out the ghosts of embroidered rabbits racing along the stitching. Gauzy white curtains let in light while keeping out prying eyes, as this suite is on the ground floor, nestled just next to the gardens. And it does in fact have its own private entrance out into them, as well as a small private patio.

The foxglove suite has a separate area for entertaining guests, with three or four overstuffed floor cushions, a comfortable looking high backed couch in a deep sage color, and two reading chairs tucked beside a small fireplace. The foxglove suite comes with several instruments to borrow, and often other hidden goodies, as this particular room is Jack's creation.

It also costs a pretty penny.

Unlike the other rooms, the foxglove suite comes with a bell pull near the door to summon room service. It also comes with its own bathroom, which is done up in black and lavender, with a large white tub and several glowing lanterns.

Tavern Staff
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Lady Grey
Miss Grey is one of the avian aliens that Krepta rescued some years back, known locally as the Sunbirds. Miss Gray isn't her real name, but it's what people have taken to calling her, and she seems to like the title well enough. She acts as the Head Chef of The Sparrow & Hare, but she is the unspoken matriarch of the place with little doubt. She's large and in charge and she'll let you know it too.

Quite tall and well built, she has steel gray feathers, silver eyes, and a dark beak, sharp and clearly hooked for killing. Grey has no wings, like most of her kind, but an extra set of powerful arms beneath her first two, covered in fine down. The feathers of the expressive, mobile crest atop her head are often dyed a cheerful blue, as are the tips of the feathers of her tail, but other than that, she's a practical woman who tends not to lean towards over-decorating herself. It wouldn't do to lose a pretty bauble in the batter, no?

Grey is a stern and driven individual, who is fairly no-nonsense. She's a hard worker and a harder teacher, but she's fair and kind, and never turns away someone who truly needs help, as long as they are willing to work hard and earn their keep. She and her granddaughter Sparrow make a formidable team.

Known as Treebea in her youth, Sparrow transitioned into her adult name along with a gender that suited her better when she finally lost her downy hatchling fluff and grew a sleek new set of sparrow-brown adult feathers. She never did develop the metallic sheen to her feathers that most of her kind are known for, but she seems content with this, and like her grandmother, enjoys dying the tips of her feathers in various hues of blue.

Sparrow owns the tavern along with her mate, Jack, and is a far friendlier force when measured against her surly grandmother. But make no mistake, Sparrow's silver tongue and bubbly energy can be wielded just as easily as a weapon as Lady Grey's ferocity.

Jack is human by all appearances, or humanoid, at least-- he may be some sort of nature spirit, or maybe one of the hidden folk-- no one's really sure and he doesn't readily volunteer the information. He appears as a shortish man in his mid-twenties with a messy mop of dun brown hair and a pair of cheerful, amber-brown eyes. Seeing as he's a shapeshifter though, who knows if this was the shape he was born into or just one he happens to fancy at the moment.

Either way, he's a fairly friendly fellow, a talented bard, and a good match to Sparrow's equally social personality. He's also got habit of going way over the top with whatever project he sets his mind to-- case in point, the Foxglove Suite.

OOC Information
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The NPCs of the Sparrow & Hare are Jabber's creations, but feel free to borrow them when she's not around to play! Please remember to treat them with respect-- they're still someone else's brain babies.

Your character is also welcome to pick up a job or to do labor within the tavern without needing to run it by anyone. The tavern hires bartenders, servers, cleaning staff/housekeepers, stable hands, and cooks (though keep in mind that Lady Grey runs a tight ship!)

The Sparrow & Hare is also willing to trade, especially for wool, cotton, salt or spices, paper, ink, dyes, alcohol, wood cured for burning, soaps, perfumes, and incense.

Odd jobs for rooms might include dish washing, routing the mice from the stables, furniture repair, wood chopping, stable mucking, trash removal, sweeping, and entertaining (music and other such talents for the main room).

Questions & Answers
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Goods and rooms at The Sparrow & Hare can be purchased through bartering, either for items or for labor. Coin, to a degree, is also accepted, but the inn does not take coins that are not also of practical value, or capable of being traded for local currencies on other worlds. The Inn will take precious metals, gemstones, humanely sourced arcane ingredients for spell-casting, spices, textiles, non-sentient furs and pelts, and technology that doesn't require an electrical grid or batteries. Other goods or animals may be considered for barter.

Work is available for room and board on occasion, but cannot be guaranteed. Copper, Silver, and Gold coins have been used here as a unit of comparable measurement, but the inn will take the equivalent in any of these things.

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