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Mammothjaw Hotsprings & Bathhouse

Location Native to: World #33221 - Sanctuary
Once likely an old barn or storehouse, the bathhouse is wood and stone, and favors the natural curve of the landscape. There are three pools, each hotter than the other, and stairs up to a balcony above each for those who would rather just enjoy the steam. The pools, to their credit, are each fairly large, and can fit seven or eight human sized beings comfortably with room to swim.

Never one to waste space, the Sunbirds, who were the prime force in repairing the space, have woven greenery all throughout it to take advantage of the warmth and humidity, and have opened up some of the walls of the space into light and airy windows. Watching the snow drift by in the comfort of the hot springs is certainly a surreal experience.

This is also one of the few places in Sanctuary where you'll find enterprising individuals peddling cool or frozen snacks.

It's free to get into the bathhouse, and the first two larger indoor pools and the outdoor pools are free to all who wish to use them. As such, they can get fairly crowded fairly quickly. If you want privacy, it's best to come early in the morning or late at night.

The third, smaller pool has been claimed by the enterprising Sunbirds in exchange for repairing and maintaining the building to begin with. While it is often used by the warmth loving avians, they also rent it out to parties looking for more privacy than the main two pools can offer. The price differs depending on how much the Sunbirds like you, but they have been known to trade both labor and goods for its use. Coin likely won't get you far.

Outside there are several more hot springs, each situated around a truly massive mammoth skeleton discovered on the property two years ago, and it is at least twice the size of a natural born mammoth, suggesting that it was likely mutated by one of the crackle storms while it was alive. Either nature or the storms have opalized the bones, giving them a truly beautiful prismatic sheen. Strategically placed boulders and wooden fencing separate the outdoor pools from the prying eyes of the rest of Sanctuary.


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The differing vendors wandering the bathhouses sell a variety of things from towels to ice cream. Sunbird vendors can often be told apart from normal bathers by the colorfully dyed strings and beads they weave into their feathers and drape over their wings. Some of the goods you can find in the bathhouse are:

Sanctuary's Kulfi is more like a close approximation of Kulfi, considering the need for adapted ingredients and the Sunbird's own spin on things. The custardy, slow melting ice cream pops sold in the bathhouse are often flavored with cloudberries, teaberries, honey, and maple, and are often topped with either chopped walnuts or groundnuts. Sometimes more exotic flavors can be found if there's been a fresh shipment of ingredients from off world.

Smoked Eggs
Boiled and smoked, these eggs are firmer than normal boiled eggs and have a woody, smoky after-taste. The eggs sometimes vary in size, depending on what bird species they were gathered from. Duck eggs are the most common.

Fruit Juice or Iced Tea
Fruit Juice, freshly squeezed. Usually cloudberry, and for an exorbitant upcharge, mango (it's rumored that one of the Sunbirds has a tree growing somewhere in one of their bowers) over ice. There is also iced spruce needle or teaberry tea, sweetened with honey.

Cold or Warm Elk Milk
On its own, it's a bit salty and bitter, with strong notes of pine. You can order this thick milk sweetened with maple as well, which makes it somewhat more bearable. The health benefits are supposedly numerous. Don't ask where they get it.

Bathing Supplies
Dry, fluffy towels, steamed cloths to cover faces, robes, and packets of fragrant, relaxing herbs to place in bowls full of steaming water.

Odd Jobs
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The following are the sort of jobs your characters can hope to find at the bathhouse, as well as the more temporary tasks that the Sunbirds need done on an occasional basis. If your character is working at the Bathhouse, they will likely be working with many Sunbirds, or will be one themselves.

Guests are greeted at the Bathhouse's doors usually, and offered the bathing supplies the house has for sale, like towels. New guests are guided to the pools personally, and the rules of the house are explained. Hosts also tend to keep an eye on activities on the lower levels, to ensure that those rules are being followed.

Those in this job are skilled with the grooming and beautification of many beings. They may work with dyes for feathers, skin, and fur, or they may know the art of weaving beads and other treasures into hair or head crests. They may also have skills as a masseuse or know remedies for little skin problems. Each attendant tends to have different skills and approaches to the matter, but the point is to offer a little extra pampering to guests-- for an additional price of course.

These people are in charge of ferrying food and supplies from the various kitchens and storehouses near the Bathhouse back to the bathhouse, as well as selling them to those enjoying the bathhouse. Food and physical goods such as towels are sold by two separate teams currently, and there tends to be a little friendly competition between them.

The baths are open almost all of the time, but there is an hour or so each day where they are all drained and scoured by a mob of the bathhouse's cleaning staff. The rest of the time the cleaners focus on tidying up the floors and ensuring that things like old towels aren't left around for long.

Resident Healers
The Bathhouse is a place where people come to relax, but some also visit it to get healed up. The house does not deal in grievous wounds or sickness, but they do have some healers on staff who can tend to pulled muscles and other similar aches and pains, as well as offer physical therapy if needed.

OOC Information
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Your character is welcome to pick up a job or to do labor within the bathhouse without needing to run it by anyone. Check out the 'Odd Jobs' tab for inspiration!

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