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Forums » The Interdimensional Database » World File Template


World Files tell us about the various universes that can be visited through the Gates. They can be submitted by anyone, but they are usually crafted by those who wish to offer up a mission to that particular world. All player run, non-DMed missions require a World File before they will be accepted so that players have something to work off of. If you are DMing your mission, then a World File is not required, but it is certainly helpful.

When crafting your world file, please note that all information outside of things in the OOC Notes area or information specifically stated not to be accessible to all parties is considered in character information that can be pulled up on character's databooks or key gauntlets. If you are including information that might affect another character, please talk to their player first.

All World files must be submitted to staff and given the seal of approval before they will be considered canon.

Please note that once a world file has been approved, it will be locked. If you would like to make changes or additions after this, please contact staff.

In order to submit a World File for approval, you need to first make a new post in the Interdimensional Database forum. Title the post with World (Your World Number) - (Your World Name), using the other entries in the database as an example. You can give the file any world number and name you'd like as long as it hasn't already been taken and it makes sense. If you would like to set the world as 'Ask First' or 'Creator Missions Only', please include [Restricted] next to the name in the title.

In order to complete the file, you can fill out one of the World File templates listed here for you, or you can submit your own. Either is acceptable as long as your file includes the same information. You may also feel free to remove parts of the provided template that don’t apply to your world. Once done, link the file to staff.

If your submission is accepted, you'll get the Research Division Seal of Approval on your post. If your file needs revisions before it can be accepted, we'll let you know in DMs what needs to be changed before we can accept it.

In order to be accepted, world files need to meet the following requirements:

If you chose to use your own design rather than a template, it still needs to be neat and well detailed. A single paragraph with no formatting isn't going to cut it. Make things look nice and put a little effort into your information. Your custom template must also include the information included in the example template, but additional information or unique formatting is acceptable.

World Files don't have to be written in your character's 'voice', but if you decide to, then let staff know and earn yourself and additional 100 points!

You cannot create two World Files for a single world, so make sure there's not already a file for the world you want to write. You are, however, welcome to add onto already existing world files as long as you get permission from the original author (or staff if that writer is no longer with us) first. Add ons can’t claim full file points, but may claim 25 points per every 400 words.

Make sure you're checking out this page as well to ensure that the information about your world (like danger/security levels) lines up with your missions. You can find the information about mission creation towards the bottom.

Before you submit original content to AotM with the intent of sharing it with others, please consider if this is something that can be handled maturely. By nature, there will come occasional misunderstandings between players and content creators. We as staff always try to assume ignorance over malice and ask that you do the same. When actual problems arise, we will always strive to protect content creators in a fair manner. However, on the other foot, if you cannot in your heart of hearts cede some control over your creations to other people, as this is the nature of collaborative creation, we would strongly urge you to reconsider sharing your content for open use.

Ask First status on your creations may be a better option, or in the case of World Files, 'Creator Missions Only', which allow you greater control of how other players interact with your works. Consider what is best for you.

Submitting content also opens you up to questions about that content from other players. If this is something that may annoy you, or something you feel you cannot field kindly, then please refrain from submitting content to these spaces. There are plenty of other aspects of AotM to enjoy, and this part of it isn't for everyone.

Hit the dropdown beneath this to snag free graphics to use for your files (or even your AotM character sheets if you'd like!)

Click for free for use graphics!

Level Counters for Magic/Tech Levels or Similar

k739co2nx37.png my8xcwjlnj4.png wye3cj9p2g4.png 345xcgrkvl7.png g4z9cn68vk7.png e4gdcl6vxj4.png


World File Templates
(Select to Learn More)

If you would like to submit a template that you made, feel free to contact staff!

General Use World File

Moderators: Jabberwookie