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Forums » How to Play » Read Me First


Please note that this is a mirror of the information found on our Discord server. As a result, some of the links shared here will link to places on the server itself, particularly if you see a hashtag (#) in front of it.

Read about our premise here! - ⁠⁠Setting & Lore
Make sure to read our rules and the room pins before posting. - Rules
Check out the locals! - #⁠character-links


Do I have to read everything in order to join/roleplay?
❗ Nope! We've got a lot of lore, and that can seem overwhelming to some people, but all you really need to get started is our rules, this page here, and our setting and lore guide! The rest is supplemental and meant to be picked up when and if you need it, some of which you may not need until you decide to play a certain kind of character or until you decide to visit a certain area in roleplay, so please don't be intimidated by it! It's meant to help, not make you nervous, promise, and no one's going to bite your head off for asking questions.

Do you have a place to put an ad for my server or site? Do you accept affiliates?
❗ RPR doesn't have a guest space for posting ads, but we have a separate jcink site that we use for ads and affiliates for those who would like to utilize it. We also have our Gate Keys, which can be gained through the Supply Store by AotM members, which allow a triple threat of a spot on the RPR site, on the ad site, and one on the Discord in the #⁠gate-keys room for both an IC connection to AotM's lore (your world gains an IC Gate) and an OOC one.

Do I have to roleplay? Can I just hang out?
❗ We do have a, "Reader Role" that you can request if you just want to watch people write their stories. That being said, we are a roleplaying group for roleplaying, so it's a silent role. Only individuals who have passed our sample post check will receive a role with chatting permissions. We're pretty lenient on our activity requirements after that, so if you just want to write on occasion, that's fine, just don't misuse the privilege.

If you would like the observer role, you are welcome to ping Jabber in the #⁠guest-lobby or request it through DMs if you're more comfortable with that. You must still confirm your age before you do so.

Is there a character limit?
❗ Nope! Play as many characters as you think you can handle, but please be considerate and respectful to your partners and be honest with the time and energy that you have available.

Do you have tupper?
❗ Yes, and you are welcome to use it, but it is not a requirement to play, nor should you try to force it on others. Respect boundaries.

Is there a posting order?
❗ To keep things moving, there is not a required posting order unless stated otherwise within a specific game or special event, but keeping that in mind, please also be courteous to your fellow roleplayers.

Do I have to play on the Discord/the RPR forum?
❗ Nope! You can play where you like. Just keep in mind that our Discord side is solely meant for rapidfire roleplay unless specifically mentioned otherwise. You can go as fast or as slow as you'd like on the forums, though. We do ask that you at least join our server to keep up with news and events.

If my character changes areas in character, like leaving the gym for the lobby, do I have to change where I'm roleplaying on the server too?
❗ Not if staying where you are won't disrupt or make things confusing for others. Roleplays don't have to be setting perfect-- just stay conscious of how you may be affecting the experiences of those around you, please.

I play a certain canon (Batman, Bilbo, The T-Rex from Jurassic Park, ect.) But it looks like someone is already playing them here. What should I do?
❗ Play them too! No one has a monopoly on any one character here. That being said, if you see someone currently playing the canon you wish to play, please communicate with them and introduce your own version of the canon in a way that's respectful of their space and comfort and doesn't derail the current scene. Your canons can always come from different universes-- that's part of the fun of a panfandom setting like this. Introduce us to a cool new AU or a version of that character that we don't have yet!

What kind of setting is this?
The Omphalos, the home base of the Agents of the Multiverse, is a nexus, which means your characters can come from anywhere. They will have either volunteered or have been recruited to help fight the rifts and Corruption spreading across the Multiverse, or they are a refugee whose world has been either corrupted or destroyed, leaving them no safe way to return, in which case they will likely be living in Sanctuary. Gate/Freespace rooms can be any setting. Characters themselves can be from any setting or era, including AUs. Check out ⁠setting and lore for more info.

Does my character have to come from a fandom?
❗ Nope! We welcome original creations from original worlds as well!

I play a bad guy! Where can I rain down destruction upon these poor mortals?
❗ Where people are comfortable with it and consenting to that kind of thing, and in settings where it's appropriate. Read the pins, read the room, and communicate with your roleplay partners. Please also be aware that any in character actions will also have in character consequences. Depending on what your character does and where, those consequences may not be pleasant for them. If you're looking to just play a villain somewhere, consider running a plot in one of the Gate rooms. We're even looking for reoccurring baddies to challenge the AotM! Check out the requirements at the bottom of the page here!

There's more about this subject at the bottom of this page if you'd like a more in depth explanation.

What if I don't want to play an agent and go on missions?
❗ That's fine! If you'd like something more slice of life-ish, your character can live in Sanctuary! Or you may wish to consider our Stewardship role on the Omphalos, which encompasses the home side of things, like cooking, cleaning, taking care of animals, gardening, and supply gathering. It's a little less harrowing and a little more social leaning.

How does time work here?
❗ We work loosely with real world time, so each new day is a new day in roleplay. However, if you'd like to continue a previous scene, and the room you would like to use is currently unoccupied, you are welcome to do so, but only if it won't be disruptive to other players or the setting. You can set your forum roleplays at any point in time that you'd like.

Do you do activity checks?
❗ We'll do an interest check at the start of each new season. As long as you have been given a role, you don't have to be posting all the time, but if you don't let us know when we do the interest checks that you still want to remain on the server, we'll assume you've forgotten about the game and we will boot your account to clear dead names. Missions have their own activity requirements that depend on which sort you pick up. You can read more about them here.

If you are lurking as a guest, please submit your sample within three days time or we will remove your account. If you'd like to stay and read instead, let Jabber know and you'll be given an observer role. You are welcome to ping her in the ⁠#guest-lobby or request it through DMs if you're more comfortable with that. You must still confirm your age before you do so.

Do you have a word count requirement?
❗ No, but we are a community that believes in good quality story telling, and we expect that those playing here give their partners enough to work with, and that if one liners occur, that there's a good reason for them.

How do I get the Special Operative, or Agent Role, or Shop Dragon Role?
❗ The agent, operative, and guardian roles all follow the highest security clearance level of all of your characters. Roles like Shop Dragon can be earned as Superlatives in the Supply Store.

Where do I apply for characters?
❗ You don't. Once you've had your sample post approved, you can just start playing them. If you'd like to share a character sheet you can do so in ⁠#character-links, but we ask that you host them off the server, such as a place like Google Docs or RPR. For the original species being offered up for play, which you can find here, it's always polite to touch base first with their creators before putting a new member of that species into play, but it's not required unless stated on their page.

What kind of characters can I play here?
❗ Nearly anything you'd like! We have few restrictions outside of common courtesy and common sense. You can find more detailed information in ⁠rules. Be kind, be responsible, be sensible. Obviously things like problematic characters aren't welcome. Immersion breaking, cartoon physics characters or world ending monsters should stay in their own worlds where they aren't disruptive to the main setting. We dislike having to police what you play, but if you are disruptive or make it hard for others to enjoy themselves, we will step in with whatever consequences are necessary. Trash your own house, please.

Are you active? Why aren't things more active?
❗ Our game is run more like a backyard BBQ than a busy restaurant. You can come and go, and some events will be more dressed up than others, but there will always be something to eat here. We have an anti-ghost rule, but nobody's going to chase you around demanding activity. If you want to be here, we're so happy to have your company. If you don't want to be here, then you can go home, or elsewhere. We'll be here if you change your mind.

Can I make a suggestion?
❗ You are welcome to DM Jabberwookie either here on RPR or through Discord if you have questions, suggestions, or concerns.

So I can join with a villain?
❗ Real talk, let's chat about bad guys:

Villains can be fun to play and play against. They are also commonly abused in player power-trips, and a poorly played baddie really can ruin everyone's good time. We absolutely do allow bad guys to be played here, but with a little understanding on how and where that's acceptable:

The Omphalos
You are welcome to play a less than heroic character as an agent in the AotM, however, we ask that you be realistic with this if you do. If your character is a big name in their world, and known for their evil deeds, particularly if they're from a world based out of a fandom, the AotM is going to know that they're bad news. Someone like Batman is going to have qualms about letting The Joker just run around willy nilly, and that probably isn't a good choice for an agent character.

But someone who might have a horse in the race and is a little less indiscriminately destructive like Lex Luthor or Darth Maul might be accepted as an agent under a sort of 'Desperate Times' and 'Enemy of My Enemy' rule. They would likely have eyes on them at all times, however, and certainly would not be allowed free reign until they had proven themselves trustworthy. That's something that takes time, so be prepared for that. Agents with a background of violent crime are placed on the Leash Protocol until they prove themselves trustworthy. Non-violent crimes such as theft may get side-eye from other agents, but are not generally enough to trigger the Leash Protocol.

More obscure bad guys are a little easier to work in, but should still be played responsibly. A major villain/betrayal arc within the Omphalos would be a big deal, and is something that should be run by staff first, as it would impact many different characters beyond your own.

Sanctuary is a bit more of a realistic option for villains. The city takes in refugees from all over the multiverse, and those individuals are usually vetted by the AotM, but the city is also a functioning Nexus, which means that it gets plenty of interdimensional visitors that come and go on their own, and who knows who might happen to hitch-hike in with them...

Like the Omphalos, villain characters need to still be played responsibly here. Any action that would widely impact the city of Sanctuary as a whole needs to be discussed with staff first, but smaller or more discrete crimes are fine. By all means, introduce a mob boss and run a protection racket-- just don't blow up city hall without asking first, and be ready to accept realistic consequences if your character gets caught/captured. Somewhat crazier stuff can be worked outside of city limits than within it, as the wilds of Sanctuary are largely considered no-man's land.

Other Worlds/Missions
This is honestly the best option for playing villains to your heart's content (as long as its your sandbox you're playing in, not someone else's. If that's the case, please ask the mission creator/DM permission first.) You can play villains in their original settings, or in worlds where they have entirely taken over if you'd like. Just make sure everyone involved is having a good time!

Responsible Roleplay
You've got a heck of a lot of freedom to play just about anything you'd like on AotM, so we expect that you do so fairly and responsibly, particularly when it comes to bad guys. In the case where someone can't seem to do that, however, we reserve the right to ask you to pick another character to play. Nobody is allowed to have fun at the expense of someone else’s fun. If you're stomping on people's toes, rudely power-tripping, or generally making everyone around you miserable, we have a responsibility to step in as staff. Repeat cases may be asked to stop playing villain aligned characters altogether. Please don't make us do that; it's no fun for anybody.

Moderators: Jabberwookie