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Please note that this is a mirror of the information found on our Discord server. As a result, some of the links shared here will link to places on the server itself, particularly if you see a hashtag (#) in front of it. There is more extensive information relating to this topic on the Discord server, and we recommend visiting it after getting a feel for this community.

For many of us, everything is gone. For some, it happened overnight, a creeping shadow that grew like a cancer through the streets of our homes and cities. For others the death of their worlds came slower, more insidiously wrought, the way opened through corrupt politicians and greedy corporations eager to make just one more dollar, even if that meant sealing the designs to their own destruction. Either way, the results in the end were the same.

We are the survivors, no two of us alike, orphans all, fighting desperately to prevent others from falling to the same fate. You are a hope against a vast darkness, and you may be far from home, but you are also far from alone.

Welcome to the multiverse.

▴OCs & Canons Welcome ▴ 21+ Players Only ▴ Pan-Fandom/Pan-Genre ▴ Rapidfire Discord & Slow Game Forums ▴ Experienced Writers & Inclusive Community▴

Agents of the Multiverse is a panfandom game where characters from different fandoms, genres, and eras come together in a place known as The Omphalos, the Headquarters of the AotM. From there they strike out against the mysterious Corruption that infected and devoured their own home universes in a bid to protect others from a similar fate, and in the hopes that maybe, somehow, someday, they can all return home.

While AotM is primarily focused on the Agent side of things, offering away missions, training, and other challenges for characters, there is also plenty of room for civilian characters and slice of life games in our Sanctuary setting and other similar locations. There's a little something for everyone here, and we'd love for you to come and enrich our cast!


If you would like to read more in depth information about the setting, lore, and game mechanics, it would be a good idea to check out The Traveler's Handbook! It contains important and helpful information, both in character and out, and each new agent receives one of these upon arrival in their New Agent Supplies. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to DM Jabberwookie either on Discord or through RPR.

Agents of the Multiverse is a game that takes place primarily between their headquarters, The Omphalos, and the various worlds/universes the agents visit through portals known as Gates. For those who would like to play civilians, or enjoy more slice of life games, Sanctuary, the AotM's refugee town, is also available, though it certainly comes with its own challenges. Many agents come back and forth through both.

AotM has two main areas to write in-- our Discord, which is more focused on real-time/rapidfire games, and the forums located on RPR where you can pace your games as you'd like. Our Discord games are designed for quick response times (under an hour per post), so please keep this in mind when deciding where to set your game. Rooms that have not had a post in three hours may be utilized for a new scene. You do not have to ask to join public rooms in the Discord, but it is polite to check in before joining so everyone is on the same page scene-wise.

If you need some inspiration for how to enter your character into the game for the first time, be sure to check out our arrival prompts!


The Omphalos is a strange place. Its actual location within the Multiverse, and how Krepta obtained access to the space, is a tightly kept secret. It's a place between places, a nowhere tucked in between the pages of time, and protected from the prying eyes of the AotM's enemies. It's a city-sized slice of land floating in a vast, empty space, and yet in spite of this, it has gravity, weather, a sun, and a moon, though each of these things seem to very much follow their own whims and designs.

The Omphalos's atmosphere is temperate, and seems to linger in a perpetual mid-summer. The weather is usually pleasant, though it can be marred by the occasional thunderstorm, some of which can be severe, though the Omphalos is well equipped to handle them and worse.

The sun and moon rise and set as normal here, but interestingly, the moon never seems to wax or wane, always remaining bright and full. The Omphalos’s unusual moon does not seem to have any sort of noticeable effect on those whose lives and abilities are determined by the moon cycles. As well as this, the stars in the night sky aren't scattered, but form a neat pattern over the deep blue-black that falls every night.

The Omphalos complex itself sits at the foot of a small mountain, with a footpath up to the healer's retreat on the mountain itself, and another road leading to the small preserve used to house food animals, pets, and creatures rescued from infected worlds. There is a small amount of forest to explore on the mountain and around the preserve, and a river that comes down from the spring at the top of the mountain, but most of the land is taken up by the complex itself.

Headquarters is home to beings from all eras, places, and species, and is well equipped to meet their unique and varied needs. There is an entire residential wing dedicated to aquatic species, alien plants within the gardens, and a medical bay that is staffed with doctors both magical and mundane.

While those who call the Omphalos home may have been displaced from the places they've come from, the miraculous amalgamation of magic and science they've built together as a result is nothing short of a wonder.

Read more on the Omphalos here!


Not every survivor from the worlds that have been lost to the Corruption is cut out to be an agent. Some have skills that lay elsewhere, and others simply want a life of peace after losing everything they've ever known.

For those who cannot or do not wish to join the fight, the AotM directs to Sanctuary, a small city created and maintained by others who have similarly been displaced from their worlds. The land Sanctuary is built on can be harsh and unforgiving, a snowy place out of time, shared with wolves and mammoths, and wracked by mutating magical storms. In spite of this, it has an odd way of growing on its residents, and many choose to stay permanently instead of enrolling in the relocation program when it comes time.

The city itself is safe enough from both predator and storm, and its firelit streets and snowy rooftops can be almost charming. In fact, many of the Omphalos's agents also choose to make a home there, as it affords them both more space and more privacy than an apartment at HQ. And the fact that Sanctuary certainly has its own mysteries to explore, hot springs to visit, and markets to shop draw plenty more to visit on their off time.

Read more on Sanctuary here!

Moderators: Jabberwookie