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Forums » How to Play » Active Agent List


*Please note that this is only a list of active AotM agents, which means unregistered agents or civilians in Sanctuary will not be listed here. You can find a more detailed list of characters being played with us on the Discord.

Jabberwookie is playing:

Krepta Eve Walker
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Razputin Aquato
The Doctor (10)

Ivyking is playing:

Dr. Daisaku Fukurō
Ezra Osgoode

Samiakki is playing:

Guildmaster Connor Hunt
Zhou Yanfeng
Somjit Vipavakit
Aluel Deng

Pichu is playing:
Dexter Douglas

Ono is playing:

Kyortu is playing:
Madeline Stone
Rocket Racoon

Ocilas is playing:
Sap Kapier

Moderators: Jabberwookie