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Have a shiny, brand new character to play, but not sure where to begin with them? Take a look through our Arrival Prompts for some inspiration! You can follow them to the letter if you'd like, or put your own spin on things. They're just meant to be a starting point for those who might need a little help getting started.

Checking out our Wanted Ads on the Discord or our Open Thread List are also great ways to get ideas on where to start.

You'll want to start with this guide here to better understand what your character will be doing and where they will be living.

A Refugee in a New World
Your world is gone and the wound is still fresh. Maybe it happened only days ago, or even hours. You were one of the few survivors, perhaps even the only one. Now you find yourself on an alien, frozen world. Things seem like they can't get much more bleak. How do they expect you to survive here?

But you are given new, warm clothes, hot food, and a place to sleep, and others who have lost their own worlds assure you that you won't have to do this on your own. There's no going back, at least, not yet, so until then, you suppose you'll have to do your best to make a home for yourself here and try to heal...

We've Made a Home
You've been here for a few months, maybe even a couple of years, or maybe your parents came here when you were younger and you grew up in Sanctuary. It's been around long enough now for the first generation of arrivals to have had children who would be well into their teens by now. Either way, this is home. If you're a refugee, you haven't given up on getting back to where you came from (or maybe where you came from wasn't that great to begin with), but you're here to live, not wait forever, and so that's what you're busy doing. There are crops to harvest, places to explore, monsters to hunt, and festivals to be planned... And there are always new arrivals who are just as lost as you once were that could use a friendly face.

Slipped Through the Cracks
Sanctuary is a Nexus, a connector between many worlds. Though it's not as common as it once was, people still do fall into this world from their own dimensions. Patrols habitually comb the woods daily just in case, and others are rescued by the mysterious Psi-Wolves that haunt the pines around the city. Perhaps you are one of these unfortunate rarities and must struggle your way to the city in the distance or otherwise hope a patrol finds you before something else does...

OOC Note: This is an event that can be popular among new arrivals. As such, sometimes existing members tend to get burnt out on 'rescue me' games. If you'd like to introduce your character through this route, it may be best to plot with someone to be your character’s rescuer first rather than making it an open thread to ensure that your plot gets picked up. If your thread doesn't get answered, feel free to assume an NPC rescued them. It's nothing personal if this happens; this is just something that is often in danger of being overplayed in games like this and sometimes folks just don’t have the spoons.

The Inter-dimensional Traveler
Sanctuary is rich with dimensional and arcane anomalies. Between that and its status as a Nexus, it tends to attract a variety of interdimensional travelers, from scientists to sorcerers. Some are just passing through, or are curious tourists, while others visit to lend a hand, or to take advantage of the area's unique properties and resources for their own projects. As Sanctuary is still quite new, the wilderness that surrounds it tends to be a little bit of the wild, wild west still.

A Hitch-hiker's Guide to Sanctuary
With all those interdimensional travelers coming through, there's bound to be hitch-hikers too. This isn't super common, but it's a good way for those who have heard of Sanctuary through the grapevine, and who would rather not go through official systems, to settle within or around the city relatively unnoticed. Unfortunately, this is certainly where some of Sanctuary's criminal element comes from. A word to those who intend to make trouble, however: if you're caught, you may find yourself banished from the city and wandering unprotected through the wastes... Many of Sanctuary's citizens still very much believe in frontier justice.

If you do though, there's always a chance you'll find your way to Harbor...

You'll want to start with this guide here to better understand what your character will be doing and where they will be living.

The Green Agent
Your world is gone, and you want revenge-- or to at least play an active part in trying to get it back. Maybe you're a sole survivor, or one of many, but you've got the skills and the guts to sign up with the Agents of the Multiverse instead of being shuffled off to Sanctuary, whatever your circumstances may be. But despite your skills (or perhaps because of your lack of skills), you, like everyone else, have to start at square one and prove you've got what it takes.

You've just finished processing. You've been given your medical and psyche evaluations, your gear, and your room, and you've been assigned to a mentor. Training will begin in a few days. For now, you've got a little bit of time to look around and get to know your new home.

OOC Note: Please note that your character cannot begin actual training until they've reached Clearance Level One. To find out how to do that, please check out our ranking system.

Taking up the Cause
Your world is just fine, but when the AotM came to battle Corruption there, you saw first hand how fast that can change. You weren't supposed to see but you did, or maybe you're a local hero who got involved, and you want to help. After some debate, you were allowed to accompany the team back to your new home, The Omphalos. You'll miss home, but you'll go back someday when you know it's truly safe. Until then, you fight.

The Veteran
Veteran Slots Open: 8/10 Remaining.

You've been here a while now, and you know what you're doing. You've seen some crazy stuff at this point. Maybe you're a field agent, or a medic, or you work on one of the science or magic teams, but you're always ready to go, no matter the challenge-- and in this crazy mess, there's always something new to tackle. There are also new agents all the time. Maybe you'll take part in the mentorship program or sign up as a Chaperone for some of the Minor Agents and show them the ropes, at least when you're not on mission.

OOC Note: Though most new characters will have to work their way up the Ranking System, we also occasionally have veteran spots open in order to ensure that there's a population of more experienced characters for the newbies to work with. If you would like to claim one of these veteran spots, you may do so by contacting Jabberwookie.

You may select any clearance level for your character and any role for them beneath Clearance Level Five. To ensure that everyone gets a chance at these slots, you are limited to one character claim every two weeks. Please note that some of the highest level roles do have special requirements such as character sheets. If there are such requirements listed, then you must still supply those before claiming that ranking for your character.

These slots only apply to characters taking part in the Research & Development or Field Specialization branches. Additionally, if you would like to have your character in either a mentorship or chaperone role, please make sure to let staff know via private messages. Players with a character in either role get an extra Vet or Janitor of Justice Slot.

Janitor of Justice
Janitor of Justice Slots Open: 5/5 Remaining.

Not everyone who joins up with the AotM is suited to the battlefield or the rigors of the research labs. There's a lot of upkeep to be done around the Omphalos too, from vet and farm work, to cooking, to psychology. Some who take on these roles feel they'll be able to help better here, or they're taking a break from the field. Others dual-wield, so to speak, supplying both domestic and field talents where they're needed.

Perhaps your character is a newcomer to their role, just beginning to learn the ropes, or perhaps they're a Janitor of Justice, so to speak-- a force to be reckoned with within the Omphalos's hallowed halls. Either way, they know their skills are just as important as those who wield laser guns or superpowers.

OOC: Like the Veterans, our Janitors of Justice can become chaperones or mentors by letting staff know their interest, as long as they possess a ranking above Clearance Level One. If there are slots available to fast track your character's ranking (see above), then you may select any Rank and Role in the 'Home Team' category below Clearance Level Five. Otherwise your character will have to climb their skill tree the old fashioned way.

Please visit the rules in 'The Veteran' prompt above to learn more, as this role shares its requirements if you are claiming a slot.

Young but Fierce
The AotM learned pretty early that there was no point in trying to exclude children from the program. Those who had the means-- tiny geniuses, super powered teens, determined children of witches and werewolves-- would often find ways to get involved with or without permission to do so. It was quickly determined that having them do so while supervised was preferable to not.

And so the Chaperone program was born. Any child who shows sufficient skill, mental capability, and judgement to join up as an agent is allowed to do so, providing that they agree to follow their assigned Chaperone's rules and instructions. Children in the Minor Agent program are housed in dorm clusters with their Chaperone, who acts as both team leader and surrogate parent to them during their time with the AotM. There are usually about four or five children to a Chaperone. It is up to the Chaperone to ensure their needs are met, that they are allowed only on missions they are ready for, and that their training is upkept.

Consistent failure to listen to one's Chaperone is taken very seriously, and though it's considered a last resort, doing so may result in that child being placed on a fast track to a home in a new world via Sanctuary's Relocation Program for their own safety and the safety of those around them. This usually includes a new set of memories and a new identity.

But none of that matters to you. You've got what it takes!

Enemy of My Enemy
In your world, you were trouble, a rogue element, the top junkyard dog. Here, you're just another survivor. The Corruption took everything from you, and you plan to return the favor, even if that means working with a bunch of goodie-goodies. You can play nice... for now. At least until you're back home. In the meantime, you suppose you'll have to get on the AotM's good side somehow if you don't want eyes on you 24/7. You'll have to start by getting yourself off the Leash Protocol.
What now?

So your character has arrived, gotten settled in, and now you're wondering what sort of direction to take them in. Some people have plots in mind before they even get started-- in which case, go get 'em! Consider tossing a plotter up on our forums or your character's page if they have one to help people find those awesome plots of yours!

If you need a little more help though, we're happy to get you started with some ideas:

The Adventurous Type
⋄ Join up with the Agents of the Multiverse if you haven't already! Become an agent, see new worlds, fight traumatizing shadows monsters!

⋄ Sanctuary's woods are full of monsters, predators, and those expelled from the city for their crimes (who often become the first option on this list if they're caught out in a Crackler). The city needs supplies-- meat and hides from game, fish from the shores and rivers, wood for keeping warm during the long winters and for building new houses... They need souls brave enough to venture out into the elements and tough enough to face the dangers, or individuals who are skilled enough to protect those who are at the very least. Become a hunter, or perhaps set your sights on more dangerous game...

⋄ You came through a Rift unlike the many refugees that call Sanctuary home. Despite people telling you that it's an impossibility, you want to find a way home. There are theories that the Crackle storms are tied to the Rifts somehow. There are always more arrivals coming through the Rifts directly after a storm. You intend to study them, and maybe someday, use them to cross back the way you came.

⋄ The citizens of Sanctuary all must endure a bitter winter, but many of the animals migrate, following furtive pathways to lands unknown just before the first snows hit. No one has been able to track them before now. They can't have gone by sea-- the Leviathans would make short work of any poor creature who tried, and there's no way over the mountains either. They are high and cold and treacherous, and the Crackle storms nearly constant. The prevailing theory is that they travel somehow through the cave systems, but no one has been able to track them before now. You intend to be the first.

The Peaceful Type
⋄ Combat isn't really your strength, but you still want to help, so you decide to join up with the Agents of the Multiverse in a support capacity as a chef, or a gardener, a veterinarian, or even a healer... There's never a shortage of work to be done.

Sanctuary also needs healers, teachers, merchants, mail runners, bartenders-- it's a whole city, and with more people coming in each day, there are plenty of jobs to be had.

⋄ Sanctuary is also in need of organizers, builders and architects, those with the skills and willpower to help the city succeed, particularly with limited space and resources. You come up with a project to better the city and begin to do what needs to be done to see it through. A better mail system? Hospitals? Schools?

Pet Project Suggestions (Click to Expand)

Mail System
Sanctuary's mail is currently delivered by a host of self employed mail runners. The system is somewhat unorganized, and the quality of delivery varies vastly depending on who is delivering your mail or packages.

A Second Inn
The Sparrow & Hare has been a longtime fixture of Sanctuary, and is undoubtedly one of its most popular gathering spots. Several other taverns and inns have attempted to gain footholds here and there, but they've never been much competition. Maybe your Inn could change that though...

A Wildlife Rehab Center or a Zoo
Sanctuary has some interesting wildlife, both fantastic and mundane, and new creatures are always slipping through the Rifts. It's an ever shifting ecosystem that still somehow manages to stay balanced in spite of everything. Wouldn't it be useful to have somewhere to study the species found here?
Colossus Shelter
While Sanctuary doesn't have very many giants, they have enough that figuring out where to put them can be a problem. Normally if they're friendly, they're allowed to stay in the fields outside of the gates where the farms are. This allows for them to remain safe within the boundaries of the hearthstones, and therefore safe from Crackle Storms, but it doesn't provide much comfort or protection from the elements.

An Established Healer's Center
At the moment, Sanctuary relies on a somewhat disconnected network of healers to treat their ills. Some charge, some don't-- some you have to go visit, while others will pay house calls. A single building and an established network of resources on call would really do Sanctuary some good.

An Official School
It isn't only adults who find themselves refugees in Sanctuary. There are children of all species and walks of life. There are some unofficial groups who volunteer to mentor and guide these young souls, but one has to be connected enough to the individuals running them to involve their children, or otherwise find the time to teach oneself. Sanctuary could use not just a school, but more resources to help its displaced youth in general.

⋄ Sanctuary and the Omphalos both are home to many people who have lost much. There is always a need for those who have the skills to help new souls find their way.

⋄ Become an entertainer! The winters can be long and dark in Sanctuary, but with your boisterous song or enthralling tales, they might just become a little lighter.

The Villainous Type
⋄ Sanctuary doesn't have a set police force or many strict laws. As long as everyone gets along, then everyone gets along. They're a tight knit group though, survivors and orphans and wounded souls spoiling for a fight. Causing trouble in the wrong part of town can get you fed to the next Crackle Storm, but what if there were a local organization of the more reputable variety? Someone should keep Trouble in line on a more formal basis, shouldn't they? And if a few of that number learn to kiss your ring in the process, all the better. There's a lot less competition in Sanctuary than there is in Harbor, after all...

⋄ There are things that hunt the woods outside of Sanctuary at night, waiting for foolish souls to venture out unprotected and unawares... perhaps you are one of them.

⋄ You've joined up with the Agents of the Multiverse out of the age old principle of, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend', but these goodie goodies are never going to get your home back, and your hands are tied while you're a bad dog on the Leash Protocol. You should be running this show, but you can't do that from here. If you climb the ranks though, win their trust...

⋄ It's no secret what Sanctuary does to those who disturb the peace, but you don't intend to stop being what you are just because you're no longer home. You'll just have to be more... secretive about your activities. Dead men tell no tales.

⋄ Sanctuary doesn't really have a seedy underbelly. It's a small city, which makes it hard for trouble makers to hide, but there are rumors that some of the mountain's cave tunnels extend all the way under Sanctuary itself. Following those rumors, you find that Sanctuary's criminal element has literally gone underground. Why not carve yourself up a little cave and set up shop? Or if you talk to the right person, you could find your way all the way to Harbor and operate much more freely!

Moderators: Jabberwookie