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Forums » Sanctuary » Notice Board & Bounties

The City Notice Board

Near the center of town there's a large notice board utilized for all sorts of communications. Job postings, bounties, requests, and even warnings can be found here, and they are often just as colorful and varied as the population. This notice board is for you to utilize as well! All postings should be in character (you may include OOC in addition if needed, but be sure to mark it clearly). Look for jobs, deliver threats, or search for rare goods! Whatever your character may need.

When your request has been filled, please edit your post with a [Filled] or [Finished] note to let staff know you're done with it. We'll periodically sweep through and clear old messages. Staff will also clear any messages here that have been sitting longer than two months, but feel free to repost them again if you would like. Just remember to save your stuff!

Moderators: Jabberwookie