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chico-79544-1489155663.pngKrepta Walker

Agents & Refugees
Let Krepta bring your character into the story the hard way! We'll start in their world and end up back at either Sanctuary or the Omphalos. Maybe they figure out just a little too much and decide they want to be part of the action, or maybe their world bites the big one and they're one of the few survivors. Either way, I'd be happy to play it out with you! There are a few jumping off points below, but feel free to suggest your own too!

Repo Detail
[Some Danger. World Ending Artifacts. PC Conflict Possible.]

The Corruption spreads through many ways, but its favorite way of creating rifts is through cursed artifacts it sews throughout the multiverse. Each has a different purpose. Some have terrible powers, and others are meant to set off events that destabilize an area enough that a tear in space and time forms, letting the seeds of that terrible nothingness through. Many remain asleep until the right (or wrong, as it may be) individual comes along.

A Walker's job is to track down these objects, nullify them, and lock them away in one of the protected Vaults where they can no longer do any harm. Sometimes that's as easy as purchasing an unusual looking tea kettle found on an antique shop shelf. Other times Krepta has to get more creative. She's not above bargaining for things, or stealing them if she needs them. Your character has something she needs... Or perhaps they're both after the same object.

Cage Match
[Some Danger. Friendly fighting, mostly. Option to escalate after, or to segue into other plots.]

Krepta enters a fighting tournament in order to win a dangerous artifact they're using as a prize. She climbs the ranks until she gets to the last fighter-- your character. If she wins, then its a fun little fight and she can nab the artifact without issue.

If she loses, then she'll have to find a way to get it from your character instead, either by force or favor, and perhaps they'll want to know a little bit more about why she wants it so bad in the first place. Either way, it's a fun little tussle, and a good way to transition into a more long term plot if we decide we want it.

I Was Queen of Thieves
[PC Conflict Likely, NPC Conflict, Spy Flavors, Pulp Flavors, Noir Flavors, Can be Modern or 1920s-1950s.]

Krepta must infiltrate the city's crime ring and rise to the top in order to procure a particularly dangerous artifact. It's a delicate operation, but surprisingly she's had some experience here and is fairly successful. Maybe more successful than she intended.

A delicate situation becomes even more so when she comes across a local hero looking to take down the 'Queen of Thieves'. Can Krepta keep her cover and hold them off at the same time? Will they wind up working together, or will it all go pear shaped?

[Eventual PC conflict likely, but plenty of hi-jinks available while Krepta tries to lose them until then!]

Krepta is in a bit of a pickle. A Corrupted Artifact is in the possession of the royal family of a foreign nation visiting the city she's found herself in. With the amount of security surrounding them, there's no way she has the skills to get close enough to nab it. However, she does see an unexpected in.

One of the daughters of the family is reckless, always giving her security detail the slip in order to go off and explore the town. Krepta swoops in on her and tucks her away somewhere safe until she can complete her goals, intending to use an image inducer to disguise herself and take the woman's place.

Unfortunately, the plan doesn't go off entirely without a hitch. One of the bodyguards catches her in the act and Krepta is shot in the process. She manages to knock him out and secure him as well, but she's forced to play it off like the bodyguard attacked her and then ran off into the night.

The royal family loses their collective minds as a result and demands better security from their host nation. In order to smooth things over, a few strings are pulled in the local hero community, and Krepta's new bodyguard is a lot more than she bargained for.

This is going to make her job a lot harder.

The Midnight Hour
[Post Apocalyptic, Survival, Potential Angst, NPC Deaths Likely, Lots of Danger]

This is it-- the end. The shadows have passed across the world, turning all to dust and death. Loved ones are no longer recognizable. Pockets of civilization shrink every day. Communications go silent without warning.

Your character is a lone survivor, or perhaps part of a group of survivors, doing their best to make it through the last of days. Perhaps the apocalypse has only just begun, or maybe it's been months of hardscrabble living. What will they do when a stranger arrives and gives them a way to fight back?


Red Right Hand
Myths and folklore and monsters galore! You got a monster that needs punching? You know where to look. I'd also love a few mutual monster hunters to join up with him to form a bit of a specialized mini team within the AotM!


The Workaholic
Bruce has become even more of a shut in since he lost his world. He really only leaves his work for official AotM business or missions, and without Alfred or any of his usual crowd around to balance him, he's become almost robotic in his work. I would love to see other DC heroes or Batfamily around to help drag him out of it and do some non-Bat stuff. He needs people who aren't afraid of him around.

10th Doctor

This is the multiverse! Bring the Doctor the consequences of his actions and flood him with companions, lol! Please note that I am not looking for romance for him currently, however, so just platonic plots for now.

Arthur "Rusty" Donaughue

Help me expand the pack!

chico-81609-1715626132.pngVen Versonii

Blood Pacts
Ven is always looking for more vampires, monsters, and sometimes even humans in order to expand his influence. His Acolytes literally act as his eyes and ears in the world-- if he so chooses he can see what they see at any given time. They also boost his power in other ways, such as allowing him to use them as energy nodes to travel through. He is working on building a temple in the wilds of Sanctuary, though it is slow going.

Razputin Aquato

Sofia Gladstone

Help me expand the pack!

Conner Kent

Young Justice
I haven't started playing Conner here. I'm kind of waiting on more Young Justice Folks. I would love to see some of Conner's team here, either from his world or from others. I'm leaving it on the table still if M'gann made it out with him or if he has to go back and rescue her, so we can plot that out if you're interested in playing his M'gann!


Help me expand the pack!

Thread Tracker/Timeline

Krepta Walker

Conversation with Flynn Bishop - [05/26] - Discord
Answering questions for newcomers, Krepta ran into Flynn in the Omphalos's lobby. Flynn told Krepta that she was a hunter in Sanctuary, and Krepta took a moment to thank her for her services and check in. Flynn expressed interest in working for the AotM in some capacity.

Liminal Spaces - [05/27] - Tag Yanfeng
Krepta is once more on orientation duty, this time at night. - FINISHED!

Conversation with Alpha's Max - [05/30] - Discord
After receiving strange reports of a swarm of bugs eating the plants in the garden and a sudden cloud of bats following, Krepta goes to investigate, only to witness the cloud of bats coalesce into a terrifying and lanky creature under the restraint of the AotM's leash protocol. Max spits at Krepta and demands 'fresh meat', going so far as to attempt to bargain for any prisoners the AotM may have handy. Krepta makes her thoughts on the matter very physically known.

Slime Time - [06/05] - Open Thread - FINISHED!
Krepta is checking out a disturbance that has dried the local river up! Unfortunately it's horrible and disgusting and fire won't kill it.

Encounter with Meeko's Heretic - [07/17] - Discord
Flynn alerts Krepta to a giant robot rampaging in Sanctuary. She takes Flynn and her trainee, Yanfeng, to go investigate. Some rocks and insults are thrown, and dragons nearly squished, but everything turns out okay in the end. Heretic has been invited to reside at the Omphalos for the time being, because no one wants to see a giant robot turned mad by a Crackler.

Conversation with Dream - [06/20] - Discord
A strange sorcerer of 'sleep magic' shows up looking for Krepta during a Summer Solstice Festival in Sanctuary. Krepta does her best to answer the wanderer's questions before a distant shockwave from the forest diverts her attention.

Encounter with Yanfeng - [07/03] - Discord
Krepta gets a case of the late night dragon zoomies and chases poor Yanfeng all around the Omphalos's woods, thoroughly traumatizing him. RIP Yanfeng.

Tooth & Claw - [07/10] - Tag Temenos
Krepta finds a psi-wolf caught in a trap in the woods. Things get hairy.

Encounter with Heretic - Discord
Krepta has a thoughtful conversation with Heretic on a nice summer day in Sanctuary's cemetery. She offers Heretic a job, and he gives her a beacon to call him in emergencies in return.

Encounter with Heretic, Jared, and General Grievous - [07/17] - Discord
Heretic picks the wrong angry lizard cyborg to chase and accidentally squashes him, making a ruckus. Jared, one of the Omphalos's janitors, helps to fend the giant off and calls for help, and Krepta answers the call, just at the tail end of the incident. It's all very awkward. Heretic is assigned therapy and timeout.

Ven Versonii

Thirsty Roots - [02/27] - Open Thread
Set in Barbary Grove, Ven contemplates troubles to come as he tends to the pomegranate grove beneath the moon.

Conversation with Carter - [05/16] - Discord
Ven does a little light flirting with Carter in Sanctuary's bathhouse.

Conversation with Aluel - [05/16] - Discord
Ven is doing something mysterious with sunflower seedlings in Switchback forest when Aluel comes across him. They have a quick meeting before Aluel gets annoyed with him and leaves again.


Conversation with Ezra - [05/15] - Discord
Met Ezra in the Omphalos's dining hall. Ate some pancakes, talked about home.


Rats in the Tunnels - [06/22] - Thread with Aluel - FINISHED OFF SCREEN.
Batman and his trainee investigate and try to recapture an escaped, Corrupted specimen.

Razputin Aquato

Welcome to the Circus - [07/05] - Thread with Rocket Racoon
Raz heads to the Tech Hangar to greet his new trainee!

Psycho-Pschychiastrist - [07/23] - Heretic
Raz has a therapy session with a twitchy killer robot.

Moderators: Jabberwookie