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Agents of the Multiverse Size Guide



Sanctuary & Harbor
No one knows who built Sanctuary, but many of the original buildings are average human sized, and a good deal of, but not all, of the newer buildings also tend to follow this trend. Taller characters may have to duck, and very small characters may need help getting into some places, or will have to find other workarounds. Harbor is much the same.

4' 0" or Under - Your character will need a step stool to access most things, or other assistance. Door knobs may be above their heads.

4' 5" - 6' 8" - Your character will be comfortable in most buildings and accessing most spaces. The taller end of this range may have to duck a little.

6'9 - 8'4" - It's a tight squeeze. There will be a lot of ducking.

8'5" - 15' 0" - You're an outside dog, but the streets can still accommodate you if you're careful not to step on any toes or tails. Sanctuary's streets are narrow and cobbled-- built for smaller foot traffic. Be careful in those crowds!

16' 0" and Up - You're not going to fit in the city without potentially causing damage, and you'll be hard pressed to get anyone to allow you past the gates, but there's a little bit of open space within the hearthstones that should be able to accommodate you, out where a lot of the farms are, and the rest of the wilderness to explore, as long as you're careful to avoid Crackle Storms.

Truly Humongous Characters - Please check with staff before introducing your character if they're on the extreme side, or consider playing them through a gate in your own world. Characters on the extreme side of large can be disruptive.

The Omphalos
Built expecting a wide range of body shapes, sizes, and needs, the Omphalos is set up to accommodate far greater sizes than Sanctuary. The doors are all fairly tall, and so are the Gates, and with automated systems, smaller beings can use them just as easily as the taller crowd they were built for. If the power goes out, there are manual hatches available-- still large, but with pulley systems available to allow small beings to work them if necessary.

4' 0" or Under - You can use all of the doors, but some of the furniture is a little big on you. There are special spaces set aside for smaller beings in places like the lounge and the dining hall.

4' 5" - 5' 9" - You can use all of the doors, and most of the furniture is comfortable for you, if sometimes a tiny bit on the big side.

6' 0" - 11' 8" - You are perfectly comfortable here.

11' 9" - 16' 0" - You can still fit places just fine, but the taller end of this scale may have to seriously duck through doorways and it may be a bit of a squeeze in certain areas.

16' 1" and Up - You're an outside dog. You're not going to fit in the Omphalos. You either got here through the big Gate in the tech hangar or other means. But the floating island that the Omphalos is built on thankfully has plenty of space to stretch. The weather is usually balmy.

Some of those on the smaller scale of this category may be able to fit in high ceiling areas like the gardens, the tech hangar, or the lobby, but they'll have to be able to squeeze through doors and hallways somehow to get to those places.

There are also barns out near the stables meant to house larger animals, some of which are still empty that they may be able to use for shelter.

Truly Humongous Characters - Please check with staff before introducing your character if they're on the extreme side, or consider playing them through a gate in your own world. Characters on the extreme side of large can be disruptive.

Moderators: Jabberwookie