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Forums » Mission Logs & Research Files » Research File: Gojanala

Largest Populations: #0931R-2 - The Dream Realm, #33221 - Sanctuary

Apparently, these things are the first creatures to come through the nexus from the Dream Realm, much to everyone's dismay (especially mine). They're not very good ambassadors of their world, but these repulsive bugs manage to find their wretched place in their ecosystems by maintaining a status as predators. Luckily, they tend to prefer the flesh of other arthropods. . . but that can also be a problem for arthropod sapients.

They're notable for being pests to the trolls who live within unguarded, underground settlements and being a general hazard to anyone and anything around them. Their size makes them very easy to underestimate, with their biggest weapons being their ability to swarm and use Hexes. I'm sure the healers will be delighted by these facts.

They're interesting creatures overall, partially in how incredibly strong the magna-crystals of their homeworld have made them. They're part of a class of monsters known as "Magna Beasts" due to their origins. There are worse Magna Beasts to deal with, but Gojanala are a part of this class nonetheless.

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They're usually compared in size to either large American pit bulls or average-sized domestic goats. Their bodies are layered with a dense amount of hairs that almost makes them look furry. Want a fun fact? Those can be shot off their bodies in self-defense. It's a blessing Gojanala don't regrow them once they're gone.

They're usually dark or bright green in color - not that this matters for their environment, which is usually dark caves. These are thought to be intended as warning colors for their ability to use Earth Arts, but not all species under the Art of Earth are green, so it would be useless in that regard. And no, they're not poisonous, but getting their meat is a hassle that many give up on anyway.

Their claws are largely for burrowing into the ground, provided they're not digging into your flesh. They also possess a 'false mouth' on their tail that acts as a pincer, because of course they needed more weapons on them. It's a defense mechanism to confuse predators with hopes that they mistake it for their ugly head, which is equipped with two sets of mandibles. The outer pair is used for hunting and bringing food to their true mouth.

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These creatures prefer a bite of other large arthropods often found within their cave systems, but will also delight in scavenging off of the carcasses of deceased miners, spelunkers, or anything else that happens to be large, dead, and emitting a smell that tells that it is made of meat.

They will also feed on waste left behind from other cave creatures. Younger Gojanala feed on their parents' droppings before they are prepared to leave to form their own colonies - which doesn't take long at all, considering they're usually ready to leave some time extremely shortly after hatching.

Gojanala Abilities
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Defense Pheromones
Gojanala already smell. . . interestingly bad, but luckily, their defense pheromones don't add to it. However, they do encourage aggressive behavior in nearby Gojanala, alerting the whole colony to swarm. Their pheromones are released from the sides of their bodies, though it's not exactly confirmed how they receive the pheromones in the first place.

Earth Hex
Hexes are a bit tricky, especially the Earth Hex. Hexes are essentially afflictions upon the attacker that can only be removed by purifying oneself of it with an element that dominates it (and it HAS to be this element) or by using items designed to combat what is considered a 'hex' in the multiverse. These can be charms, holy water, special symbols, what have you. However, the major problem with Hexes lies in the Hexed, not the Hexed person's opponents. The Hex affects the person it is afflicted upon, so this problem is prevalent until the Hex is removed. Hexes do not 'wear off.'

The Earth Hex is difficult in that it is not inherently dangerous by itself, but causes a significant problem in that it makes attacks by the Hexed not only weaker, but they might even bounce off of their opponents. It does not matter if the attacks are physical or magical in nature. By dampening the Hexed's offensive abilities, Gojanala can move in and swarm with less fear of getting hurt themselves.

Gojanala Drawbacks
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Elemental Weakness
Water erodes Earth, as goes the saying. Though this doesn't necessarily weaken their Earth Hex, attacking them with water-aspected weapons and abilities does weaken them physically. Also, they can always just be drowned. . .

Carapace Weakness
Well, they're bugs, after all. Their shells taken slashing and piercing from weapons pretty well, but their shells can be broken or cracked if faced with enough pressure.

Gojanala should be attacked on their underside, should they be unable to be crushed outright. Their shells can deal with more of a beating than their soft under-bellies can, so they might occasionally curl up as a defense mechanism. They can be pried open if exposed to enough heat, despite their strength against the Wind Arts.

Predators & Prey

Giant cave salamanders, false-dragon millipedes.

Crickets, giant beetles, (apparently) giant cave spiders, troglophilic snails.

Questions & Answers
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None, currently!
Have a question about this species? Ask Samiakki for an answer! (IC questions can be directed to Agent Zhou.)

OOC Info & Rules of Play
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This species was created by Samiakki! Please contact them for questions, concerns, and permissions.


Moderators: Jabberwookie