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Forums » How to Play » Content Warning Guide


DISCORD content is not so easy to add trigger warnings to, since the rooms are constantly scrolling and they are communally shared. As such, there is less mature content allowed on the discord side of our game than the forum side. In the future if it's desired, we may add special areas for more mature content on the server itself, but for now, please ensure that your discord content meets our guidelines.

FORUM SIDE there's a bit more wiggle room! If you'd like to write more mature topics, then this is your best bet, since threads can be more private and trigger warnings are easier to notice. Mature threads still require a content warning both in the title and the first post of the thread, however, so that people may choose whether they're in the right mind frame to read those topics or not. Please be considerate of your fellow roleplayers and tag all threads that need it.

OTHER TRIGGERS & LIMITS are hashed out between individual players. Please talk to your partners before writing with them to make sure that you're on the same page, and consider writing a Writer's Page for yourself! Writer's Pages are great places to easily include things like comfort zones and triggers, and they can be linked at the top of your character list in the #personnel-database if you send them to staff!

Outside of some outliers that we may have missed, chances are we will not be enforcing sever wide trigger warnings or content bans for personal squicks, triggers, or limits. Please make an effort to communicate your needs to your partners instead. If you think we missed a common trigger on here, however, feel free to suggest it!


Any amount of blood that keeps below the 'shock value' level. Injuries are fine. Horror movie/body horror blood needs to be taken to the forums.

Depictions of severely broken bones, limb removal, eye injuries, or organs/viscera as long as details stay mild. You can write the injury happening, but don't go into disgusting detail.

Any and all fight scenes are fine as long as they respect the other rules.

Depictions of torture as long as the violence is bloodless or mild. A beat down would be acceptable, for example. Cutting off fingers would need to be taken to the forums.

Animal death/pain is fine in terms of depictions like hunting. Anything that crosses into animal abuse must be taken to the forums.

Child death may only be depicted in passing mentions. If the event happens directly in the scene, it must be taken to the forums.

Gore that is cartoonish/unrealistic is acceptable for the Discord side of things. For example, a character gushes oil and wires instead of blood and gore, or ripping the limbs off a living puppet and stuffing comes out.

Any violence not allowed on the discord may be written on the forums, including extreme violence. Extreme violence may not include characters under the age of 18.

Depictions of animal abuse may be included on the forums.

The death of those under 18, but over 15 may be included on the forums. The deaths of those under 15 must happen 'off screen'. Bodies and aftermath are acceptable as long as the gore/violence wasn't too extreme. Please specify the age of the child in your trigger warning.

Graphic depictions of corpses may be written as long as the individual is over 18.

Depictions and thoughts or talk of character suicide and self harm are acceptable to be written on the forums.

Depictions of domestic abuse may be written on the forums.

Extreme violence directed towards any character that is or looks to be under the age of 18 is not allowed on either the discord or the forums.


Coarse Language/Swears are fine on the discord as long as they aren't slurs and aren't being used in a sexual manner. You can say, "Fuck you" in one context, but not the other. Take the steamy stuff to the forums where you can slap a content warning label on it.

Fictional slurs are acceptable, as long as they are entirely fictional and not directed towards a real world minority.

AotM does not accept real world slurs anywhere on our Discord or Forum, including in profiles, names, and status messages.


Suggestive language is acceptable for the discord as long as it doesn't cross over into crude. Keep it classy or move things to the forums!

Nudity is fine, but avoid detailed descriptions of genitalia.

Heavy petting & kissing are both acceptable. Actual sex must be taken to the forums. If you would be arrested for touching a specific body part in a public place in real life, then don't include it on the Discord.

Sexually crude dialogue is fine on the forums. You can say, 'fuck' in any capacity.

Sexual content between consenting adults is acceptable as long as they pass the Harkness Test.

Mentions of past sexual abuse are acceptable, as long as it's something not actively happening in the moment.

Active scenes of sexual abuse or scenes of non-consent, including consenting non-consent.

Characters that don't pass the Harkness Test

Incest, adopted or otherwise.

Sexual content involving characters who are under 18, or who look under 18.

Sexual content involving Poke'mon or talking animals with real world equivalents whether they pass the Harkness Test or not. A talking dragon is fine. A talking dog is not. Furries and were-creatures are acceptable as long as they are humanoid and can consent.

Bathroom or filth kinks.


Characters using drugs that are legal and widely used in most places are acceptable. For example, alcohol, cigarettes, or pot.

Fictional drugs that mimic/are based on these same legal drugs are also acceptable.

Characters no younger than 16 may be depicted using legal drugs, but don't go overboard.

Passing mentions of serious addiction or alcohol abuse may be mentioned, but this is a sore subject for many, so take anything more detailed to the forums, please.

Detailed depictions of addiction or alcohol abuse may be written on the forums.

Depictions of hard drugs may be written on the forums as long as they are only being used by characters older than 18 in age and appearance.

Fictional drugs that mimic hard drugs must also follow this rule.

No character under the age of 16, age or appearance wise, may be written as using hard or legal drugs.

Characters under the age of 18 may not be written using hard drugs.


Racism towards fictional species, such as elves or dwarves are acceptable. Real life racism must be taken to the forums. Real life slurs are not allowed anywhere.

Sexism may be depicted on the Discord.

Classism may be depicted on the Discord.

Slavery may be mentioned as part of conversation or a character's past, but active depictions must be written on the forum.

Gross out topics such as shit, piss, puss, or vomit may be written, but not in detail.

Detailed scenes of childbirth.

Miscarriages, active or in detailed conversation.

Realistic parasites fictional or otherwise, maggots.

Detailed descriptions of flesh eating insects doing what they do - (for example, the beetles in The Mummy)

Depictions or detailed discussions of eating disorders.

Real life racism may be written about on the forums, barring slurs, as long as you the author are not fetishizing people's real life pain or writing about it with a positive tilt.

Detailed homophobia/transphobia may be written about on the forums, barring slurs.

Ableism may be written about on the forums, barring slurs.

Depictions of active slavery as long as you the author are not fetishizing people's real life pain or writing about it with a positive tilt. To be clear, this means actual slavery, not a kink scene between consenting adult characters.

Detailed descriptions of gross out topics may be depicted, such as shit, piss, puss, or vomit.

Moderators: Jabberwookie