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The Switchback Forest Pack

Originally established by the Psi-wolves, The Switchback Forest Pack has since grown to include many individuals outside of these unique lycanthrope's immediate species. They have a tendency to take in stray canines of any type, and are drawn to other psychics as well, lycanthrope or otherwise. They tend to be wary of individuals outside of those two categories, however, and the psi-wolves remain a largely private group within Sanctuary.

The Burrow
The vast majority of the Switchback Pack share a home deep within the Switchback forest they call The Burrow. In the winter, it would be easy to mistake The Burrow as another snow covered hill. It's well hidden in the landscape, its bottom half dug into an actual hill, while its top half is made from earth colored cob. The winter snows hide it well, and in the summer, the pack allows grasses to grow over the roof, equally obscuring the house from sight.

The Burrow consists of one large mound, and is flanked on either side by two smaller mounds. Squat arches at the base of the mounds allow entrance, as well as pleasantly sheltered areas in nicer weather.

The inside of The Burrow's curving architecture is full of woods, cob, and stone, and feels almost cave-like in a cozy sort of way.

The largest of the three domes, which is the main part of the house, has a bottom floor and a loft-like area up a set of stone stairs. There's a wide mouthed fireplace on the bottom floor, around which a few battered couches and many large pillows are strewn. This tends to be where the pack gathers to relax, and they can be found in wolf form as often as human form here, thus the pillows. There's almost always a crackling fire going.

The loft above is built more for human bodies, though it could certainly take the weight of the smaller of the wolves too. Here is the kitchen and communal eating area, which is fairly mismatched in terms of furniture, an old wooden table here, a bench here-- but all in good condition. The space is lit by a fair amount of glowstones, suspended above in an old repurposed fishing net.

There are a few bedrooms tucked throughout the house. One or two small ones just off the Main Room, and another few near the greenhouse and workshop. But the majority of the bedrooms are within the left 'hill' of the house. There are two floors, but still more psi-wolves than bedrooms, so many opt to share with the wolves they are most comfortable with. The pack is slowly working on expanding their home, and another set of hills is being built up opposite of the first three-- though likely it won't be finished until next summer.

The upper floor of the right 'hill' is a greenhouse, its windows carefully obscured from view by a strategically planted cluster of trees. There is a small bathhouse in miniature just off of this, capable of fitting maybe one or two people at a time, or one of the larger wolves alone. The waters are heated over the course of the day by the sun coming through the glass, and a little extra warmth from a fire beneath.

The bottom floor of this area serves mostly as storage and workspaces for the various residents of The Burrow, whose activities vary.


Pack Members
Canine shapeshifters who many not otherwise have somewhere to go when they arrive in Sanctuary are often approached by the Pack and offered a place to stay temporarily at The Burrow, as are fellow psychics. They are given a trial period to see if they click well with the rest of the group, and if they do, they're offered a more permanent spot among the pack.

*Note that adoptables have working titles instead of names to allow those who adopt them to name them what they like. Most other aspects of adoptables are also up for negotiation.

The Watcher (Adoptable)


Playby - Reece King
Abilities: All General Psi-Wolf Gifts, Remote Viewing
Telepathy Details: Medium Will Strength, Long Range Abilities

Dimensional Origins
::Technology Level Modern:: Magic Level Mundane :: Earth or Earth-like ::

The Watcher was one of the few free psi-wolves that was found along with their pack and invited to Sanctuary from their own world. The Watcher's original pack comes from a world that they were also not native to. Captured with a group of others long ago and taken from their home universe, The Watcher's ancestors escaped into a new world that did not know magic and whose wilds were shrinking. These now long gone psi-wolves learned to adapt to their new home, in part because of the gift that has been passed down along The Watcher's family line for generations.

The Watcher uses their remote viewing and long range communication abilities to warn the pack of the devastating magical 'Crackle Storms' that ravage Sanctuary, among other dangers. When The Watcher's howl goes up, the rest know to retreat to safety.

duty, legacy, prophetic warnings, restless feet, lonely wilds, heavy burdens, bighearted, free, intelligent, standoffish, stealthy

tennis, card games, theatre, charity work, M&Ms, biscuits with jam

The Hunter (Adoptable)


Playby - Pooja Mor
Abilities: All General Psi-Wolf Gifts, Dowsing talents
Telepathy Details: High Will Strength

Dimensional Origins
::Technology Level Modern:: Magic Level Mundane :: Earth or Earth-like ::

The Hunter comes from the same pack as The Watcher and The Ghost. They were and still are an excellent tracker and hunter, aided by their dowsing talents. With The Hunter around, the pack is never without fresh meat or water to sustain them. The Hunter is younger than most, but they're quick and scrappy and they have an uncanny talent for determining the weak points of an opponent or prey.

Unlike many in the rest of the pack, The Hunter enjoys hanging out and socializing in Sanctuary, and doesn't seem as standoffish as other psi-wolves from the rest of society. This is less because they are more trusting, and more because The Hunter knows that they can take care of themselves.

sharp teeth and sharp knives, warrior, early bird, respecting one's opponent, thrill of the chase, banter and bruises, brutal honesty, tireless

has a weakness for sitcoms, escape rooms, hiking, good food, photobombing, jigsaw puzzles, soup, fancy ice pops

The Ghost (Adoptable)


Playby - Calin Sitar
Abilities: All General Psi-Wolf Gifts, Heightened Telepathic Abilities
Telepathy Details: High Will Strength

Dimensional Origins
::Technology Level Modern:: Magic Level Mundane :: Earth or Earth-like ::

The Ghost comes from the same pack as The Hunter and The Watcher. While The Watcher kept an eye out for danger and The Hunter supplied what the pack needed physically, The Ghost was present for when everything went south. It was The Ghost's job to erase or alter the memories of those who stumbled upon too many of the pack's secrets. It was also their job to lead the charge in taking down any psi-wolves who went wrong.

But when The Ghost wasn't practicing their grimmer duties, they also acted as a sort of unofficial pack parent, a shoulder to cry on or someone older and wiser to go to for advice. They are the oldest surviving member of their origin pack, though they are not quite the eldest in Sanctuary. Their wolf form is about 5'6" at the shoulder, which makes them fairly large.

secrets, doing what must be done, hard choices, parental figure, speak softly and carry a big stick, kind hearted, shrewd, thoughtful

sailing, rubix cubes, camping, cycling, horseback riding, steamed puddings, chocolate cake

The King Killer (Adoptable)


Playby - Theresa Fractale
Abilities: All General Psi-Wolf Gifts
Telepathy Details: High Will Strength

Dimensional Origins
::Technology Level Medieval:: Magic Level Semi-Common :: Earth or Earth-like ::

Once there was a wolf who was held captive by a monstrous king. The wolf and their like were forced to work, hunt, and fight for his entertainment. But the clever wolf slowly learned the ways of the court, and through silvered words and careful dances eventually worked their way to a position at the king's side, where one day when they were alone, the wolf reared up and bit the king's throat out, freeing themselves and their fellow captives from the tyrannical lord's hand. From then on out the wolf was known as The King Killer.

The King Killer led the other wolves away from the kingdom of their birth, into the wilds where they hoped they could be safe. But to take another sapient life, particularly in such an intimate way tends to leave scars on a psi-wolf, and some say the King Killer has never quite been the same since. The King Killer is aloof and not one for mincing words, but they've killed for their pack and despite the great price paid for it, and they'd do it again in a heartbeat. They're nothing if not loyal to their family.

The King Killer's wolf form is about 5'7" at the shoulder. They have a skill for moving unusually quietly. It's rumored that they did some assassin work to earn coin for their pack before coming to Sanctuary, but if this is true, The King Killer hasn't said anything on the matter. It would be a harrowing career, particularly for a psi-wolf, but perhaps once one has one terrible scar, it becomes easier to tolerate others.

Or perhaps the rumor is just that: a rumor.

The weight of words, haunted pasts, regrets, strength in family, the taste of blood, court life, know your enemy, the rise and fall of kingdoms, secret soft spots, skin of ice but heart of the sun

Gardens, quiet walks in the moonlit snow, weapons practice, roast peafowl, making her own oils and perfumes, the sea

The Fool (Adoptable)


Playby - Colin Morgan
Abilities: All General Psi-Wolf Gifts, Beginner to Mid Magic Skills
Telepathy Details: Medium Will Strength

Dimensional Origins
::Technology Level Medieval:: Magic Level Semi-Common :: Earth or Earth-like ::

This wolf was The Fool for a tyrant king, taught sleight of hand by the king’s retiring court magician and perhaps a little more than that as well. The court magician had been captured as a young man and forced into the king’s service. Once the apprentice of a real magician, the court’s magician longed for vengeance for his slain master, and all those long years he honed his craft in secret, though he was never able to exact his justice.

Now too old, the court magician saw promise in the young psi-wolf instead, and taught them everything he could before he passed.

The Fool played their part as entertainer and social scapegoat, and when it came time, The Fool helped The King Killer rise to their position by the king’s side, and fed them the information they needed to get him alone. After all, when you’re a nobody, no one pays much mind to what they say around you.

In more peaceful times, when the pack finally found itself free, The Fool took to earning coin for them by performing their magic tricks in the streets of cities, and occasionally by winning bets and competitions.

As The Fool is a younger wolf, their wolf form isn’t much bigger than your average wolf.

Deflection through humor, real magic disguised by fake magic, the advantage of being nobody, showmanship, conspiracies, court life, masks

Performing, Studying magic, a good red wine, bright costumes, lively music, playful competition, outsmarting the wealthy, prank wars, archery

The Falconer (Adoptable)


Playby - Tony Thornburg
Abilities: All General Psi-Wolf Gifts, Animal Speech (Birds Only)
Telepathy Details: Medium Will Strength

Dimensional Origins
::Technology Level Medieval:: Magic Level Semi-Common :: Earth or Earth-like ::

The Falconer is a soft spoken individual who prefers to be left out of noisome congregations or busy celebrations. Like the King Killer and The Fool, the Falconer was forced to serve under a wretched king, but learned early on that the best way to avoid bad days was to learn how to conveniently vanish when company arrived.

The Falconer enjoys the company of their birds mostly, but also can be persuaded to enjoy a quiet conversation with those who know how precious silence can be. Despite their reputation for keeping to themselves, they’re one of the more active of the psi-wolves when it comes to rescuing newcomers from the teeth of the wilds.

The Falconer is working in tandem with the Sunbirds on breeding and training several of the native birds found in Sanctuary, but also has a breeding pair of firebirds they smuggled with them when the king was slain. They are gifted with foxfire plumage and glow a ghostly green when alight.

The Falconer is also one of the few Psi-wolves to have a house in town, which the pack tends to use as a home base during Crackle Storms. It’s an old bower that was gifted to The Falconer by the Sunbirds, who enjoy The Falconer's company quite a bit. It's located at the far end of the Fireside Market.

Quiet company, crackling fires, the smell of feathers, the one who carries the backpacks when everyone else wants to ride the rollercoaster

Their birds, Sunbirds, more birds, the crisp feeling of freshly frozen snow, the way the sun falls in the early morning, quiet meals with friends, meaningful work, hunting

Crackle Storms
The Pack has been petitioning for a while now for Hearthstones of their own. Unfortunately, no one knows how to make new ones and the ones protecting Sanctuary that already exist are very much needed in full. The area of the forest that The Burrow is in seems to be naturally protected from smaller Crackle Storms, but the Pack must still retreat to town during the larger ones, and mutated fauna and flora still remain a problem afterwards.

Luckily, many of the older psi-wolves seem to be able to sense the storms before they hit, describing it like a feeling of heavy static within their bodies, and some can even warn of the storms as far as several days ahead, though several hours is more common. When a storm is detected, the wolves set up a howl, and the psychics reach out telepathically to warn the other members of the pack. These howls also often serve to warn the people of Sanctuary of oncoming storms too.

Questions & Answers
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Joining Up
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You're more than welcome to declare your character a member of the Switchback Forest Pack if they are a psychic or a canine of any kind. Characters outside of this must be adopted in character by an existing member of the pack, or you can talk to Jabber and we can hash things out. It's very rare that the Switchback Pack takes in individuals outside of these two groups.

The Switchback Pack is full of psychics. Characters who act willfully evil, are highly unstable, or are overly aggressive are likely to be driven out of the pack. Psi-wolves are a highly empathic species who value balance in their group. If they aren't driven out, they may find themselves with the will of the entire pack bearing down on them. The Psi-wolves are a little more loose than most about their ethics surrounding telepathy and privacy, and they're not above altering dangerous individuals forcefully.

OOC Info & Rules of Play
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This group was created by Jabberwookie! Please contact them for questions, concerns, and permissions.

Please acquire permission before playing any psi-wolves outside of the Agents of the Multiverse canon. Credit/a link back on character sheets and similar are not required, but appreciated.

Moderators: Jabberwookie