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"that's called code swapping. That's fairly common and it even happens with small friend groups," Heretic stated simply, he had noticed it fairly commonly when observing humans. Strange little beasts that they were, he would never fully understand them. though when Yanfeng began to speak of ghosts? Heretic's hair began to rise and a full-body shudder ran over his spine. He had never been fond of the subject of death and what came after, and for good reason, not that he became aggressive because of it. the titan let out a short grumble. " We have something like that where I'm from. It's not a good thing," he remarked. Heretic admittedly sounded colder than he wanted to. "A wraith is the last thing you want to see as a living creature. Means the veil is too thin or you're on the edge of the line," he remarked. Of course, where he was from the folklore of the dead could be immensely different from Yanfengs views.

The cacoon bulged, and Heretic's jagged helm snapped to face it, a low growl coming from his throat. The immense machine sniffed the air heavily to catch any new scents from the pupating cacoon. Yanfeng sounded excited. Heretic very clearly did not. Any researchers that had been near his feet backed away generously at the thunderous growl. they didn't want to step on his toes when he seemed agitated at the birth of the kaiju.
From what Yanfeng understood, Heretic's world seemed exceedingly cutthroat, especially if a machine like him existed. It wasn't just because wraiths sounded like a dangerous omen, but every time he'd seen Heretic - which was, to be fair, only twice - he'd seemed on edge. He seemed to trust living things less than his own environment, but maybe it's safer that way, Yanfeng supposed.

Maybe he also shouldn't jump to assumptions, he also thought.

"So that's what it's called in English," he replied, his head tilting upward some. "I'm familiar with the concept. It's interesting to see how it interacts with human emergence. When you think of it, could one human alone, with zero interaction with other humans their entire life, find the way to build the first plane without any assistance? Maybe so. Humans are great tool users. But I don't think they'd have the language to call it an 'airplane' in any tongue, if they didn't learn any from anyone else."

How does one think without a language? This puzzled him, though he was certain it still occurred. Deaf-blind people think without auditory or visual languages all the time. Just because a concept couldn't be spoken didn't mean it didn't exist. It just meant it didn't have a name.

'Heretic' was not a very kind name, he decided right then and there. It only added to what he'd thought previously.

And so, the cocoon continued to squirm unless the seam split apart, but not to gaping. The back of the thorax could be seen, pulsating along the split. Hurriedly, Yanfeng jot down some notes.

1X:XX - Thorax visible from cocoon.

". . . This is my fault, you know."

His lips pressed into a thin line, this time seeming neither excited nor placid in particular. Even so, he didn't sound sullen. Just contemplative.

"I made the decision to bring it here. Krepta and I agreed that it didn't seem right to kill something without a good reason, but I was the one who made the final decision not to destroy it. Before it was even born, no less."

A slow exhale escaped him. It would be inherently wrong for him to think nothing was born evil, especially in the multiverse. He knew this well.

"I just didn't think it'd be fair to make assumptions about something that never got the chance to exist. Being a kaiju doesn't sound like it makes it detrimental by default. It's a really big monster, often with destructive tendencies, and abilities like firing lasers from their mouths, yes. But lots of regular animals are like that, too. On both Earth - though minus the laser part - and in the other dimension that exists where I'm from. Though, the latter are a lot more. . . fantastical, I suppose."

Moderators: Jabberwookie