As a fun little extra, AotM has achievements that you can gain through various ways of interacting with our game! Some are only around for a limited time during events, and others stick around for much longer. If you think you've earned an achievement, apply for it (with proof) to the Points and Achievements room on the discord! Your achievement badges will be displayed here for you to admire, and you're welcome to display them on your character's pages as well!
Some achievement badges can be turned in for points to use in the Supply Store too! Badges marked with a (1) are worth 50 Points, badges marked with a (2) are worth 150 Points, and badges marked with a (3) are worth 500 Points. Badges with no numbers cannot be turned in for points.
Once you've turned in a badge, it will be removed from your name on the leader board here, but you're welcome to keep it on any character pages you may have it on if you'd like.
FOUND A BUG Find and report a typo or glitch found somewhere on AotM's official information pages or discord. Don't forget to grab some points for this from the supply store too! SIGNAL BOOSTER Make some art or write a short story and share what you've made somewhere outside of this community, like on DA or Tumblr, and link back to us to give the game a signal boost! Don't forget to grab some points for this from the supply store too! HATCHLINGS Have any character sign up for Chaperone duty and gain at least one kid under their care. Don't forget to grab some points for this from the supply store too! DOYOUTHINKHESAURUS Have your character run into a prehistoric creature in Harbor through roleplay, art, or a story! It can be a dinosaur or some other kind of animal, just as long as it doesn't belong in modern times. VILLAINOUS Play a character of the villainous variety. Work on your evil laugh. Daydream about plans of world domination... |
TEACHABLE MOMENT Have your character host a public class or training session. Don't forget to grab some points for this from the supply store too! THE NAME'S BOND Have any character reach Clearance Level 4/Special Operative Status. Don't forget to grab some points for this from the supply store too! MENTOR Have a character signed up for mentor status successfully mentor at least one character. These characters must interact in some way. Hand waves won't count for this achievement. Don't forget to grab some points for this from the supply store too! HEALTHY ATTITUDE Have a character who is a healer of either the mind or body in some official capacity. |
A WARM MUG Have your character enjoy a warm beverage off of any menu where cold weather is starting. Sanctuary and Barbary Grove are good places to start if you're stuck! Check out their stores and restaurants! Roleplays, art, or stories accepted for this achievement. |
TOASTY Have your character enjoy a nice toasty bonfire somewhere with at least one other character! Roleplays, art, or stories accepted for this achievement. |
FOUND A BUG Find and report a typo or glitch found somewhere on AotM's official information pages or discord. Don't forget to grab some points for this from the supply store too! |
MENTOR Have a character signed up for mentor status successfully mentor at least one character. These characters must interact in some way. Hand waves won't count for this achievement. Don't forget to grab some points for this from the supply store too! |
SANDS OF TIME They run out for all of us eventually... Luckily, I found the Hourglass in the Candy Hunt! DEAD MAN'S PARTY Complete three challenges during the Dead Man's Party in Cirque De Lune in 2024! A WARM MUG Have your character enjoy a warm beverage off of any menu where cold weather is starting. Sanctuary and Barbary Grove are good places to start if you're stuck! Check out their stores and restaurants! Roleplays, art, or stories accepted for this achievement. |
SCARE FACTOR Have your character answer the call for scare actors for hire by Cirque De Lune and have them do their job at least once. Scare somebody! Roleplays, art, or stories accepted for this achievement. PUMPKIN PATCH PLUNDERER Gain this achievement by winning the most points in AotM's 2024 Candy Hunt! Happy hunting! TOASTY Have your character enjoy a nice toasty bonfire somewhere with at least one other character! Roleplays, art, or stories accepted for this achievement. |
Nothing yet! Go and get some achievements! |
DEAD MAN'S PARTY Complete three challenges during the Dead Man's Party in Cirque De Lune in 2024! |
Nothing yet! Go and get some achievements! |
A WARM MUG Have your character enjoy a warm beverage off of any menu where cold weather is starting. Sanctuary and Barbary Grove are good places to start if you're stuck! Check out their stores and restaurants! Roleplays, art, or stories accepted for this achievement. |
TOASTY Have your character enjoy a nice toasty bonfire somewhere with at least one other character! Roleplays, art, or stories accepted for this achievement. |
Moderators: Jabberwookie