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Forums » Misc In Character » The Library - Resources & Fanfiction


Within The Library, you can find a list of fanfiction written by AotM's players, as well as a host of resources to help you better craft your world and characters. If you would like to submit a piece of fanfiction, a fancomic, or a resource, please contact Jabberwookie via private messages either here on RPR or through Discord.


Human Nature by Samiakki
While a new nesting colony of terns in Osprey Cove, Yanfeng ponders the nature of sapient creatures' roles in their respective ecosystems.

Wrent by Mandible and Fang by Samiakki
Two Exorcists decide to investigate a cave in an interdimensional nexus, for fear that one of their dimensions has started bleeding into this one.

Rock and Glowstone - Part (1) - (2) by Samiakki
Aluel and Yanfeng hunt for Glowstones during Sanctuary's winter Glowstone Festival!


Character Weight Calculator
Plug in a picture of a character that has the same general body shape as your character and it will help you estimate your character's weight for you using the click and drag and sliders. Better for humanoid characters.

Free map building software that you can use in browser. Paid upgrades.

Cool Symbols & Fonts
A handy list of text symbols! Useful for unique bullet points and general decorating.

An free icon generator with lots of options! Great for decoration.

Texture Ninja
A free texture library! Good for graphics and backgrounds and such!

Writing with Color
A great ask blog on tumblr that helps writers write more inclusively!

Cripple Characters Tumblr
A similar ask blog to Writing with Color but for disabilities.

Writing a Blind or Visually Impaired Character
What it says on the tin!

Writing Realistic Injuries
What it says on the tin!

Period FC Directory
A directory of face claims/playbys that are useful for more historical characters.

A Visual List of Silver Screen Actresses
Also useful for finding playbys from earlier eras!

Video Game Art Library
This site has a lot of uses, from art-based playbys to backgrounds. It's all sourced from commercial sources, so it's okay to use on AotM without having to hunt down the artists.

Fantasy Face Claims
A directory of medieval and high fantasy based face claims/playbys.

A Library of Magic the Gathering Art
Great for fantasy face claims and monsters!

RPHelper's Face Claim Directory
A more general real life face claim directory.

Height Comparison
A visual height comparison tool.

A pretty good grammar checker with some other tools available as well!

Lots of good writing and roleplay advice!

Emoji Kitchen
Fun, blended emojis.

Fonts Available to Most Computers

These fonts can be used on most, if not all webpages, and can be included to style your posts, character sheets, or other goodies. To get these fonts, enter as is into the following:

[font=full font name]Your text here[/font]

Arial Black
Bradley Hand
Franklin Gothic Medium
Lucida Console
Lucida Sans Unicode
Segoe Print

Moderators: Jabberwookie