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  • Isle Olympias is an island on Terra located in the southwestern hemisphere between Europa and Anspora. The strange land resembles something of a bygone Earth-ly Greece, where magic struggles to manifest and immortals are rendered mortal.
  • Geography

    Long beaches can be found along the southern coast of Isle Olympias, though most lack fine sand and instead consist of small pebbles and rocks. The rest of the coastline largely consists of jagged rocks and tall cliffs that tower over the water. Further inland, much of the island is comprised of highlands and fertile plains, with freshwater streams being common from the more mountainous regions in the north.

    On the southern coast of the isle is the merchant city of ⁠Port Olympias. It functions as the isle's primary harbor and trade epicenter, and is managed by the harbormaster and the Isle Olympias Port Authority (IOPA). The city itself is sprawling and busy with a small market just off the docks that leads to a number of other buildings.
  • Culture

  • Ms8VkSH.png
    Isle Olympias

    15,000 sq/mi
    Olympic City
  • Government

    Isle Olympias is governed by an oligarchy known as the Assembly whose members are known as Magistrates; the Assembly itself is led by four Archai and an Oracle, each of whom oversee a division of Magistrates.

    Archai of the Olympias Military: Lucas
    This Archai leads the military as the Supreme Commander and handles all matters related to the isle's security and defense.

    Archai of Business & Trade: Har
    This Archai oversees all matters related to the operation of business and the conducting of trade in Olympias. Various merchants and businesses are sponsored by the state through this office.
    Archai of National & International Relations:
    This Archai handles all diplomatic matters on a national and international scale. They're in charge of the embassies and Olympias' foreign diplomats.

    Archai of Information Handling & Storage: Kavah
    This Archai is responsible for all the information systems within Olympias, from managing the libraries to the handling of the courier system.

    Oracle: Pythia (NPC)
    The head of the Olympias Temple is the Oracle. She is the supreme authority on all religious matters and can be assumed to speak for the gods.

    Most of the citizens live in or around the capitol of ⁠Olympic City which is located near to the center of the isle. The central citadel serves as the primary political building, with multiple public spaces resembling ancient Greek agoras surrounding it. Residential districts are dotted throughout, becoming sparse as one nears the ⁠Olympic Wilds.
  • Economy

    The national currency of Olympias is the drachma. It is minted in bronze, silver, or gold. It's value is based on it's weight, with 1 silver drachma equaling roughly 5 grams. On average the daily wage for a skilled laborer is 1 silver drachma.
    - 1 1WSxH22.png is equal to 10 poanMfg.png
    - 1 poanMfg.png is equal to 10 p1WzUJS.png
  • Slavery in Olympias

    Slavery is a widely accepted practice in Olympias, with the primary market being located in the port. Only exotic and well trained slaves are ever sent to the capital. There is no state-sponsored slave market, and the flesh market operates privately through the Isle Olympias Port Authority (IOPA).

    Reasons for enslavement include:
    • Debt: People who were unable to pay off their debts can sell themselves into slavery, along with their children and spouse.
    • Punishment: A form of punishment for committing a crime.
    • War: Prisoners of war are often enslaved or sold to other countries.
    • Economic hardship: Peasants might sell themselves into slavery for food or shelter.
    • Piracy or Banditry: Those captured during raids are often sold into slavery.
    • International Trade: other countries who engage in slavery may sell their stock to other countries.
    Free-persons are allowed to utilize the abilities of their slaves by employing them in different manners including domestic services (cooks, maids, brewers, nannies, etc.) and labor services (gardeners, stable hands, field hands, etc.). They also have the right to force the slave to learn a trade or craft to make the slave more valuable. They cannot, however, force child slaves to perform harsh physical labor. Slave familial relationships are not recognized by the state. Slaves have fewer judicial rights than citizens and are represented by their masters in all judicial proceedings. A misdemeanor that would result in a fine for the free man will result in a flogging for the slave at a ratio of one lash for one silver drachma.

    Demosios are slaves bought and owned by the state.
    Pornai are a type of slave owned by a brothel or pimp.