General Information
Name: Apothic
Slave ID: 1650893
Sex/Gender: Vagina, she/her
Age: Young adult, early 20s
Species: Hybrid; feyhund(mind) & kitsune(spirit)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 pounds
Physical Details
Complexion: Rich purple dappled with shades of a firey sunset, broken up by snowy white markings
Hair: Startling white, shaved on one side
Eyes: Olive green
Ears: Erect, dark purple; often decorated with feathers
Nose: black, leathery
Mouth: Two sets of canines
Body: Well toned with soft curves; signs of extensive manual labor
Scars/Deformities: None visible.
Voice: Strong, originating in her chest; speaks quietly
Posture: Straight backed but shoulders tucked in, head down
Scent: Earthy with smoky notes
Diet: Omnivore
Allergies: Shellfish
Other Notable Characteristics: 5 tails; unclear if more will grow
Psychological Details
Personality: A survivor if there ever was one. Apothic was not raised with the comforts and luxuries of any of her siblings and instead grew up the one true slave of the group. It's safe to say she resents them, along with her mother for being a slave and condemning her to this fate in the first place and her father for never taking responsibility. She's slow to trust, preferring to keep everyone at an arm's length. Despite all this she's a perfectionist who strives to do her very best at every possible opportunity.
Mental Disorders: Trauma
Phobias/Fears: Deep water
Culture: Scadian
Religious Preferences: The Fey
Hobbies: Enjoys climbing trees and taking long naps in the high branches.
Skill Details
Magic Capable?: Yes
Read/Write?: Faelish
Other Details
Sexuality: Bisexual
Any family?: Mother, unknown father, half sister of Heka, Einar, and Arianwen
Previous Status: Enslaved
Manner of Enslavement: Birth
Previous Owners: Alaunus
Current Owner: Unowned, in the custody of the Isle Olympias Slave Market
For sale?: Yes, 35
For rent?: 5 per day, considered owned after 7 days
Name: Apothic
Slave ID: 1650893
Sex/Gender: Vagina, she/her
Age: Young adult, early 20s
Species: Hybrid; feyhund(mind) & kitsune(spirit)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 pounds
Physical Details
Complexion: Rich purple dappled with shades of a firey sunset, broken up by snowy white markings
Hair: Startling white, shaved on one side
Eyes: Olive green
Ears: Erect, dark purple; often decorated with feathers
Nose: black, leathery
Mouth: Two sets of canines
Body: Well toned with soft curves; signs of extensive manual labor
Scars/Deformities: None visible.
Voice: Strong, originating in her chest; speaks quietly
Posture: Straight backed but shoulders tucked in, head down
Scent: Earthy with smoky notes
Diet: Omnivore
Allergies: Shellfish
Other Notable Characteristics: 5 tails; unclear if more will grow
Psychological Details
Personality: A survivor if there ever was one. Apothic was not raised with the comforts and luxuries of any of her siblings and instead grew up the one true slave of the group. It's safe to say she resents them, along with her mother for being a slave and condemning her to this fate in the first place and her father for never taking responsibility. She's slow to trust, preferring to keep everyone at an arm's length. Despite all this she's a perfectionist who strives to do her very best at every possible opportunity.
Mental Disorders: Trauma
Phobias/Fears: Deep water
Culture: Scadian
Religious Preferences: The Fey
Hobbies: Enjoys climbing trees and taking long naps in the high branches.
Skill Details
Magic Capable?: Yes
- Oneirokinesis; dream walking & manipulation
- Astralwalking; stepping into and traversing the Astral Plane
- Illusions; can create illusions that are almost indistinguishable from reality
- Foxfire; manifests as balls of purple and green light, can travel this way
Read/Write?: Faelish
- Animal Husbandry ◆◇◇◇ charcoal
- Cooking & Baking ◆◆◇◇ ochre
- Gardening & Farming ◆◆◇◇ ochre
- Fishing ◆◆◇◇ ochre
- Grooming ◆◆◆◇ jade
- Cleaning ◆◆◆◇ jade
- Scribe ◆◆◆◇ jade
- Combat ◆◇◇◇ charcoal
- Pleasure ◆◆◆◇ jade
Other Details
Sexuality: Bisexual
Any family?: Mother, unknown father, half sister of Heka, Einar, and Arianwen
Previous Status: Enslaved
Manner of Enslavement: Birth
Previous Owners: Alaunus
Current Owner: Unowned, in the custody of the Isle Olympias Slave Market
For sale?: Yes, 35
For rent?: 5 per day, considered owned after 7 days