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Forums » IOSM Slave Records » Cuin, owned by Har

General Information
Name: Cuin
Slave ID: 3194
Sex/Gender: Vagina, she/they
Age: 30 years
Species: Feyhund
Height: 5'5
Weight: 160 lbs
Physical Details
Complexion: A layer of dense, water-repellent fur sits atop a thick, plush undercoat. Iridescent bokeh style markings in shades of the ocean cover most of her body, broken up by pale ivory.
Hair: Long teal waves reach down to her waist, long bangs framing her face.
Eyes: Out of place among the stormy colors of her fur, her eyes are a warm molten gold in an inky sea with an unusually teal pupil.
Ears: Tall and upright with fluff around the base, her ears are a deep teal in color matching her hair.
Nose: A strange teal color, damp and velvety.
Body: Slimthick with a little cushion and curves in all the right places. Thick muscle and dense bones becomes evident during physical activity.
Voice: Strong and loud, originating from her chest and lingering in her throat. She's somewhere between a contralto and a tenor in range. Thickly accented, sounding like a cross between Scotch-Irish and Greek.
Posture: Straight backed and squared shoulders but otherwise relaxed. She's unsettlingly quiet when she moves on land or in water.
Scent: Wet-earth and leather with soft metallic undertones and notes of pineapple.

Other Notable Characteristics:

Psychological Details
Personality: Affable enough to be approachable, so long as you can get past the rbf. She'll be the first to tell someone she's not nice, but she's compassionate and kind beyond measure if she cares about them. Cuin is independent and strong-willed, being all too willing to resort to violence if a situation arises.
Mental Disorders: OCD Intrusive thoughts and perfectionist tendencies keep Cuin in a cycle of compulsive behaviors to manage the anxiety they cause. On particularly bad days she may be found muttering to herself, arguing with the thoughts.
PTSD Growing up beloved by Oberon was not the life one would imagine. A gilded pet to the King, she was heavily isolated her entire life and suffered greatly at the hands of her parents.
Culture: Arinian
Religious Preferences: The Fey

Skill Details
Magic Capable?: (if so, list abilities)
Spoken Languages: Faelish
Read/Write?: Faelish

Other Details
Sexuality: Pansexual, demiromantic
Any family?: 4 children: Heka, Einar, Arianwen, Apothic
Previous Status: Free
Manner of Enslavement: Capture
Previous Owners: None

Current Owner: Har
For sale?: N/A
For rent?: N/A

Moderators: Cami Har (played by Taigas)