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  • Notice

    All rules are subject to change, and new rules may be added as necessary
  • IC Rules

    The rules of the castle
    • All guests and royalty must not fraternize with servants
    • Servants, unless serving a guest or royalty, are strictly forbidden from entering areas meant solely for their superiors
    • All guests must come without conflict or strife, less they face ousting or in extreme cases, imprisonment and punishment
    • Unruly servants are more likely to face harsher imprisonment and punishment for lesser crimes

  • OOC Rules

    OOC guidelines for all visiting Wrenrose Castle
    • Keep OOC chatter in IC areas to a minimum. Some OOC communication is perfectly fine. IC areas are reserved for RP.
    • Please be courteous and respectful of the people around you - things like bigotry, racism, and discrimination will NOT be tolerated
    • Keep all adult scenarios behind closed doors, and for more extreme cases, within the privacy of whispers
    • Do not harass, stalk, grief, or treat anyone poorly regardless of their IC status (be nice OOC!)
    • All questions, complaints, ideas, and suggestions can be directed to staff

  • Q & A

    Q: I want to play a servant. What can I get away with?
    A: This is entirely up to your own discretion. Servants can fraternize with guests and royalty at their own risks. Servants may also enter off-limit areas of their own accord, but be wary of potential consequences. There are places that servants can sneak away to for a break and to relax, but are at the beck and call of their superiors.

    Q: I want to play royalty. Is this possible?
    A: There will be very limited spots for royalty. If there is a player that I feel I can trust, I will allow them a position as first-line of royalty (ex: the role of another prince or princess). Royal extended family (aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc.) are permissible but should obtain permission to play.

    Q: What type of character can I play?
    A: Anything you want as long as they fit the medieval fantasy theme!

