This is not an extensive list of the creatures and characters that you can play on Barbary Grove. We have a fairly relaxed stance on our lore so that there's a bit of wiggle room for people to get to play characters and concepts they wouldn't normally be able to elsewhere. As long as it generally fits the theme and vibe of our game, and it's being played fairly, chances are we'll allow it.
It's always a good idea to run more out there concepts by staff before you start on an app for them just in case, to save yourself some time in case it's not a good fit. Jabber's DMs are always open and she's always happy to help answer questions and brainstorm concepts with you, so don't be afraid to reach out.
The Suntouched
The Suntouched are the vampires that are directly under Ven's leadership. Some see him as a living (or living dead, rather) god, and others simply see him as a convenient power to fall in with. He's really not particular about either mentality, himself. Some live with Ven in the Grove on the Hill, while others have their own residences and merely visit. Either way, the Grove acts as home base for this vampire group.
The Suntouched are mainly comprised of two groups-- The Nightborn, which are those that were turned by other vampires of varying sub-types, and who are usually nocturnal or sun-avoidant, and the Drakon-Ka, most of which are vampires who Ven has turned directly, and who draw power from being in the sun, unlike their nocturnal cousins. Most of the original Drakon-Ka are very old, as Ven has turned very few since his people's original fall in Egypt, but there are plenty of those the Drakon-ka themselves have turned that are somewhat younger.
You can read more about the Suntouched
here, and the Drakon-Ka and their ilk
here. The Nightborn are freely open for creation without prior permission, but please run any characters you would like to app that are Drakon-Ka or Akhendrakon past Jabberwookie first so that she can help you hammer out the details.
The Sleeping
The human beings who are yet unawares of the stranger nature of their world are often referred to by the Suntouched as, "those asleep". They have not yet awakened to the truth, or they have purposely been put
back to sleep because they posed a threat to the greater supernatural community at large. They form the majority of the human population both within and outside of Barbary Grove, though many carry with them unconscious traditions passed on by those who do know, or through half buried memories.
One such tradition is an old Barbary Grove legend that says if you leave a handful of pomegranate seeds out on your doorstep at night, that local spirits will come and grant you a wish, or devour you if you displease them. For the most part this is done by giggly teenagers on Halloween, and the vampires who typically answer such summons ignore it, but once and a while, someone who is truly desperate and in need will call upon the Suntouched and will find their boon granted... for a price.
The Awakened
And then there are those rare souls who have been allowed to move freely through the world beneath the skin of the world and retain their memories of it. In Barbary Grove these are particularly trustworthy and steadfast individuals, or otherwise very slippery. Many such have developed abilities of their own, as interacting with the supernatural on a regular seems to bring out latent gifts buried within humanity.
Of course, should any of these individuals prove to be a threat, the local supernatural community has no problem erasing any memories of their world... or enacting more permanent measures of protection if it becomes necessary.
If you would like to play an Awakened with abilities, check out this thread