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Forums » Faithful Campsite » A Wandering Frog Often Makes A Boy Curious


Now, seeing a small handful of boys staring at one specific spot on the ground, seemed a bit strange.

But the reason why they were staring at this one specific spot on the ground, was important.

.. At least it was to the boys.

They had found a frog, it seemed to have hopped into the campsite from the woods, and of course the boys were absolutely excited to see it.

Some of the boys attempted to pick it up, but it would hop out of their reach each time.

But Volitivo, or for short, Ollie, refused to try and pick it up, he didn't want to touch it. He was perfectly fine watching it from afar, but the moment it hopped a inch too close to him, he panicked and stumbled back, away from it.
((sorry for the inactivity, didn't have much time recently))

Manley at first, doesn't even notice the sudden commotion in the group, focusing on the book he is reading.
But after noticing the new silence around himself, he still got a little suspicious and stood up to see the boys standing around something.

At first, he does not pay much attention. But after he notices that they are focusing on something moving, rather than something like a unusual flower or rock like usual, he gets curious. He slowly closes the book and starts walking to the group of boys.

He arrives slowly but before reaching it, he notices Ollie stumbling back and is worried it may be something dangerous. That thought dissapears as he sees it is 'just' a frog.
Manley sees one of the boys going down, almost on his knees to seemingly try to pick up the frog. He goes taps on his shoulder and whispers "Try to put your hand in front of the frog, make your presence known first. Then maybe you can pick him up."
(( That's okay! I don't mind. /gen ))

One of the boys perked his head up when his shoulder was tapped, and he glanced up at Manley and listened to what he had whispered. The boy looked back at the frog and gently placed his hand down on the ground, in-front of the frog.

The frog stared at it for a moment, before hopping into Ollie's direction instead.

Ollie sharply gasped and let out a small shout, before tripping over his boots and falling down onto his bottom.

Ollie stared at the frog with horror, but thankfully the frog hopped off into another direction, when suddenly the boy that Manley had whispered to, managed to snatch the frog up and held it up in his one hand. "I got it!" He exclaimed, the frog wriggling around in his hand.

Ollie was too in shock to congratulate him, like the other boys were.
Unlike most of the other boys, Manley doesn't congratulate the boy when he catches the frog, not even a glance. Instead, Manley looks over at Ollie as he falls to the ground.

Manley walks slowly towards Ollie, ignoring the boys who are excited about their 'win'. When Manley reaches Ollie, he reaches out a hand to Ollie and asks in a quiet tone, "Are you alright, Vovo?"
Ollie looked up at Manley, "Oh.." He blinked, then gently grabbed Manley's hand to be helped up. "Yes, I.. just don't like frogs.. They hop around too quickly and I'm worried it might jump on me!" Ollie squeaked anxiously.

"The other boys don't seem to mind grabbing them or having them jump on them, but.. I just want to admire the frog from afar, or any insect or fish or.. just anything like that, from afar." Ollie shuddered, not liking the thought of bugs trying to get to him either. "I prefer.. flowers! Or butterflies, though I know those are insects, but they're alright I guess." Ollie added, but seemed to realized he was rambling and stopped talking and avoided eye contact out of embarrassment. Instead of continuing his ramble about the bugs and frogs, he spoke up. "Thank you for helping me up." Ollie said quietly.
Manley chuckles a little after Ollie finishes, then breaks out of it and says proudly; "Ah, no problem!", apparently not registering his 'rambling'.

"I wonder what Lillakille would think of the frog, would she let us keep it?" Manley asks, ignoring the conversation as he looks away in the direction of the group of boys, his face returning to a curious one. "I mean, it doesn't happen very often..." Manley stops talking for a second, seemingly thinking about something, before looking back at Ollie, "..what would you say, Vovo?"
Ollie blinked, realizing Manley was talking to him again. "Oh! Uhm, we'll just have to see, I guess."
"Lillakille is really nice, surely she'd let us keep it." Ollie pulled gently on his veil, subconsciously.