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  • 1️⃣ // This group is meant to be written in 3rd Person, and can be Adjustable Length most of the time. Please do not do chatspeak or script format. We ask of you to try and match post lengths the best you can, but is okay if you can't.

    2️⃣ // Please inform the group of any triggers, subjects (not science experiment subjects ;)) you find uncomfortable, or anything similar to these things, before we roleplay. We don't want anyone to be uncomfortable while we are roleplaying, so it's better to inform us before the roleplay starts than during it.

    3️⃣ // Be patient, and we'll be patient back. We all have our own busy lifes, and we're sure you do too! If it seems like someone's ghosting you, don't worry, they might just have forgotten about the roleplay, or are having real life distract them from being able to reply. Don't be afraid to hit someone up and ask about them, and they will probably do it in return for you as well.

    4️⃣ // Please do not take any roles of anyone else.
    And by that we mean no one has asked these questions

    Is there a Dossier Template?
    Yes, right next to the FAQ!

    How do I access the resources page?
    By clicking here, you can access the resources page.

    How do I join?
    Apply to join by clicking the gear in the top-right corner of your screen and clicking "Join Group", then proceed to fill in the necessary information in order to send in an application. It may take time for us to review your application, so please be patient.

    Can I have more than one character?
    Yes, you may have as many as you'd like! Subjects, doctors, other staff members, just apply with them!

    Is this like SCP Foundation?
    This is inspired by SCP Foundation, you'd be correct!

    Can I apply canon characters?
    It depends, we'll see when you place your application.

    Help, I need a dossier/room/log/RP/etc, unlocked!
    Please send a request to the Unlock Requests forum section and a moderator will get to you when we can.

    What happened in "LOG #85-83-a"?
    A 'LOG #85-83-a' doesn't exist on our database.

    Do I have to fill in the application again if I want to add a new character?
    Not at all, you can just fill in the stuff with random gibberish, as long as we know its' your character! ;)

    Can we use Canon Characters from Fandoms?
    Within reason, yes you can! As a few of our subjects and doctors here are canons. (Dr. Laru, SE-2006, etc..)

    Will Dr. Iceberg x Dr. Falsone be canon?
    [REDACTED] :)

    Does the ranks from the previous Daslabor apply here?
    Not really! If a doctor has been around since the original Daslabor, such as Dr. Iceberg, they will however be noted to have previously had a rank.

    Basically Manygyr (the owner and boss of Daslabor) took the rank system away in the new, Daslabor Rebirth.

  • ⋅» Dossier Template

    [b]SE #:[/b] IF APPLICABLE [b]NAME:[/b] HERE [b]AGE:[/b] HERE [b]SPECIES:[/b] HERE [b]SUB-SPECIES:[/b] HERE [b]INFORMATION:[/b] HERE [center][img]image[/img][/center]

    You can see an example on how it was used, here