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Forums » Subject's Rooms » BloodFang's Room

BloodFang paces around his containment room, growling at nothing through his muzzle cage, although he must admit it makes him look 10 times more bad ass. Nonetheless, he wishes he can bite these dumb nerd's necks off. He flips his emo haircut and lays down, waiting for something interesting to happen to quench his boredom.
He starts banging his body against the door of his room.

"G3T M3 THE FUCK 0UT 0F H3R3!!!!!!11111111!!!!!" He screams. "1 H4VE TH1NGS T0 D0!!!!!!11!!!"
"L3MM3 00000UUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!!1!"
๐Ÿป Dr. Bloomsbury:
Suddenly, a loud bang from the other side of the door was heard. Followed by what sounded like Dr. Bloomsbury.
"Will you shut the FUCK up already?!" He shouted through the door.
"C0M3 1N 4ND M4K3 M3 B1TCH!!!!1!!111!!" He shouts back. "1 M4Y H4V3 TH1S MUZZL3 BUT 1 C4N ST1LL F1GHT Y0U"
๐Ÿป Dr. Bloomsbury:
"If I was allowed to, I would, you piece of 'elite' shit!" Dr. Bloomsbury snapped at him.

A few of the staff walked by, looking at Dr. Bloomsbury with odd looks.
"1 W1LL R1P Y0UR THR04T 0UT W1TH MY B4R3 P4WZ 4ND DR1NK Y0UR BL00D!!1!11!!!" He snaps back before throwing himself at the door again.
"Y34h th4ts r1ght, st4y qu1et. U w0nt d0 4nyth1ng. Ur t00 sc4r3d. 1 b3t U p1ss3d urself U b4by. LUL" BloodFang says from behind the door. "Ur g0nn4 l3t 4 d0g m4k3 fun 0f U cuz U sc4r3d lulz."
๐Ÿป Dr. Bloomsbury:
It turned out, BL00DF4NG, was talking to himself.

Because Dr. Bloomsbury had already walked off.
As BloodFang realizes this, he just starts yelling more curses and barking, using his wind control to make the sound even louder, causing ear pain to any and all who walk by.

"G3T B4CK H3R3 PUSSYBURG!!!11!1!!"

Moderators: twistedvictorian