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๐Ÿป Dr. Bloomsbury:
"What the fuck?" Dr. Bloomsbury spat, clear as day, earning a few gasps from some of the other staff members around. "Oh, knock it off, you act like you've never heard a profanity before!" Dr. Bloomsbury snapped and then looked at the computer more.

"Can anyone tell me why there's a locked file on this damned computer that's just named O?*" Dr. Bloomsbury spun around in his swivel chair to face the others, but they all looked around, murmuring, not knowing anything about the locked file, in-fact, it seemed no one did.

*(( I have plans for this in the future, just so you all know! ))
"Have you ever asked why there isn't one on every computer?" Laru asks. "Besides, what's the big deal? Someone probably just pressed enter too early."
๐Ÿป Dr. Bloomsbury:
Dr. Bloomsbury leaned back in the chair a bit. "Well, it's important to keep these things clean and sorted, and a locked file named O seems very out of order."
He spun back to look at the file, "You'd know that if you had worked here longer, Ponytail." He murmured.
๐ŸงŠ Dr. Iceberg:
Just then, Dr. Iceberg walked in, hearing Dr. Bloomsbury. "Bruce, please, can we not start this today.."
"What's the trouble?" He looked at the computer, leaning on the desk with his palms. "A locked file named O?"
"Maybe the password is... O? Can you even have 1 word passwords here?" He asks.
๐Ÿป Dr. Bloomsbury:
"I don't think you can." Dr. Bloomsbury said, as he tried anyway.

"Oh what the hell." Dr. Bloomsbury growled.
๐ŸงŠ Dr. Iceberg:
"Have you thought about doing meditation, Bruce?" Dr. Iceberg said half-jokingly, typing a few keys on the keyboard.


"Hm, this is strange. Can you see who created the file somehow?" Dr. Iceberg asked.
๐Ÿป Dr. Bloomsbury:
"I mean, you're the computer genius here, not me, can you?" Dr. Bloomsbury leaned back in his chair a little.
๐ŸงŠ Dr. Iceberg:
"Yes, thank you, but I'm not fitted with the knowledge to these types of files, it's not my line of work." Dr. Iceberg murmured, looking the computer screen up and down. "I do know someone that is, Dr. Falsone-"

The whole room, including Dr. Bloomsbury, sighed loudly at the name. "I know, I know, he's obnoxious, but he knows more about these files than we all do." Dr. Iceberg turned his heel to face everyone.
A whispering could heard throughout the hall before coming to a end. The owner of the whistle stood outside the door. "Is there something wrong?", Dr. Townley asked of curiosity. Her graying purple hair was styled into a bob.
๐ŸงŠ Dr. Iceberg:
He noticed Dr. Townley and adjusted his glasses, "We're having troubles with a locked file on the computer database, that's all."

"If they don't mind, could someone see if they can call Dr. Falsone on that phone over there?" Dr. Iceberg motioned to the phone hanging on the wall.
Laru sighs. "I will."

He walks over slowly to the wall and picks up the receiver, dialing the number, and listening to it ring.
๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ Dr. Falsone:
When the phone was picked up, Dr. Laru would be bombarded with the sound of a loud, techno song, which was soon turned down to only a soft noise in the background. "Hello, Dr. Falsone speaking, what can I help you with?" Dr. Falsone said on the other line. If someone had been there to see him, he had his legs propped up on his desk, headphones hung around his neck, a notepad and pen in his hands, and a bunch of various documents open on his computer.
"Yeah, there's a strange... File... Thing on one of the computers up here. Do you mind checking this out? Berg says you might know a thing or two about this kinda stuff."
๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ Dr. Falsone:
"Strange.. file?" Dr. Falsone raised a brow, he tapped his fingers on his desk for a moment, and was heard getting up out of his chair. "I'll see what I can do." He said with a warm voice before hanging up. Then he left to the office, and after a few minutes passed, the white-haired doctor had opened the door and peeped inside.

He heard a sigh from Dr. Bloomsbury, but didn't let it bother him. "Strange file, what kind of strange file?" He laughed, finding the fact that the other doctors needed him, funny.
๐ŸงŠ Dr. Iceberg:
"It's a file, one of the locked ones. It's named O." Dr. Iceberg told him, not even noticing Dr. Falsone's smile drop. "Bruce here found it." He pointed his finger over his shoulder at Dr. Bloomsbury.
๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ Dr. Falsone:
"A locked file named O.. That is very odd." Dr. Falsone said, approached Dr. Iceberg, gently pushing him aside, and then looked at the computer. He slightly pushed Dr. Bloomsbury's chair away and then began typing on the keyboard, opening up some kind of locked file, password, override system thing, or something, in-fact, it was too quick to really see what he was doing. "There appears to be no content inside it." He said, without looking at anyone. "I'll simply delete it, and boom, problem solved!" Dr. Falsone grabbed the mouse, clicked a few times, typed a few things and the O file had disappeared. Dr. Falsone walked off from the desk, heading to the door, then turned his heel to wave at the others. "If you need anything else, just call me." He winked and exited the office, leaving everyone in confusion over the now-deleted file.
"That was strange to say the least." Dr. Townley decided to break the small bit of silence. She grabbed her crossword puzzle book from the desk. "I was wondering where this was", she muttered to herself. Dr. Townley then returned back to her whistling as she left the room.

๐ŸงŠ Dr. Iceberg:
"Dr. Falsone's.. an odd one." He stated a bit flatly. He watched Dr. Townley grab her crossword puzzle book and then waved as she left the room.

Moderators: twistedvictorian